Your Colorgenics

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States

From the beginning of recorded time -man has been influenced by color. Newborns are nurtured by them, calmed those by baby blues & baby pinks.

Even our use of colorised language categorises our nature. We talk about having "Blue moods". .being "Green with envy" or "Red with embarrassment"
... or even "Seeing the World through Rose Colored Glasses"…

In this respect our lives are contingent on colour. We are all products of our past and colour plays a dominant role.

By choosing various colors, in order of preference, from a color spectrum, it
is possible to ascertain various characteristics of a person at a specific time.
It has been found that people with similar traits have predilections for specific colors. And according to ones moods at a particular time, one's outlook on life will change…These color preferences compound a profile which is amazingly accurate..

Try it…….You'll be fascinated and above all amazed

I'd like to see what everyone thinks of this, how accurate it is to you. In addition to posting your reaction to Colorgenics in this thread, please fill out their survey that is linked at the bottom of your results page. I know what it's like to offer a service and request some feedback. The system will be much better if everyone comments.

I scored my results 9 out of 10 on accuracy. It's pretty cool.

Originally posted by StevieMo
it wasnt tooo acurate except when it said that i wanted a little peace or something along those lines

An artist friend of mine said his wasn't even close. I pointed out that he is an artist and sees colors with a different meaning than most people. He also took a class in college about the use of color in art. He said that his 'favorite color' changed a few times in the color selection process while running the Colorgenics test. DUH ... it's not going to be accurate for you if you don't even know what colors you like and don't like.

Purple, Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, Gray, Green, Orange - 53147026

You want to be regarded as an exiting and interesting personality able to persuade others to comply with your beliefs and ideas. You are charming and able to influence other people who come into your sphere of influence. You like mental stimulation and you are the sort of person who is prepared to "try anything once". Your confidence is so much so that others are often swept away by your enthusiasm.

This is true. Read my responces and interjections here: . Also, I am a member of a weekly Bible study group. I do not wholey agree with what everyone there believes, and I slowly interject my opinions and thoughts to the group for them to process and derive their own conclusions. I do not necissarily want to pursuade people to 'my way of thinking', but I do enjoy sharing my opinion, thoughts, and ideas and I would like for people to hear me out. I just always thought that was human nature (:

You are willing to try anything once. You "need to be needed" and what is perhaps more important .. you "need to need." You can only feel close to a person or persons when you feel you can trust them ... but this trust needs to be proven to you..

My mom used to say that I played very well by myself - that doesn't mean that I didn't have friends, just that when I was alone I didn't complain of being 'bored' all the time ... like many of my friends were notorious for. After about age 14 this stopped being true. Since then I've always been more happy/content when -someone- was nearby. It also helps if the -someone- is somewhat dependant on my presence. At work, there are 55+ people who rely on my technical expertice in-order to get their job done. They depend on me to be available 24 hours a day, and in the office they -expect- me to be available within a 5 minute window. This all makes me very happy. I don't know that I "need to need" ... I'm not sure I know what that means ... exactly.

"Don't trust anyone" ... used to be my personal mantra. Recently I've taken up 'learning to trust' as a goal in my life. "Hey, Bryan is a pretty good guy. Maybe he deserves a little more trust from me." Maybe I got burned pretty bad when I was younger. More than a couple of my friends 'found new friends' in school, and later decided to commit suicide. That kind of tore me up. I've been on my guard ever since. And I can reflect that trust inversly. When I joined the working force, it gave me great pride to be trusted with things at work. I was working two jobs at the same time, one was a newspaper, the other was one of the World's largest data warehouses. I essentially had full access to both. That's a lot of trust ...

"Compromise" is the name of the game at this time...and it is the only way by means of which you can avoid being deprived of the love and affection you so rightly soften up a little.. be flexible.

I bend, I flex, I nearly break in two. I GET NO LOVE! WHERE'S THE LOVE!?! She's busy with school and won't return my phone calls (both of them actually ... high school crush and friend's sister).

You are trying to prove yourself .. not only to yourself.. but also to everyone around you...There is much that you would like to say and do .. but the situation warrants self-restraint .. and that is the last thing that you have on your mind..It would seem that you have an unsatisfied need to ally yourself with others whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to stand out from the crowd. This is subjecting you to considerable stress but you tend to stick to your attitudes despite lack of appreciation. Of course, you are finding the situation uncomfortable and would like nothing better but to break away from it. But you don't like the idea of compromise. Your main problem is that you are unable to resolve the situation because you continually postpone making the necessary decisions ... You feel that if you make the wrong choice this would lead to such opposition that you would not be able to command the esteem of others. It is essential that those around you are prepared to comply with your wishes and respect your opinions. Only when this compliance is established, will you feel at ease and secure.

I wouldn't necissarily say that I am trying to 'prove' myself, just that I am trying to improve my appearance to others, and improve my personal satisfaction with myself. I don't believe that other people's impression of me is the most important thing, but making a good impression is always better than making a bad one. And if I can improve upon the appearance, all the better. After all, my appearance (both physical and adituidinal) are my best witness.

There is always something I am bursting to say ... a point I'd like to prove ... an opinion I'd love to share. However, "Think before you speak" restrains me from blurting out nonsense at the drop of a hat. But ... there is the occation where I put my foot in my mouth. We've all been there I suppose. Getting that yucky rubber sole taste off your tongue is the hardest part.

I have such high standards that I have on occation allienated even my family, for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration. I desire to be with people who's standards are near mine, and can not stand to be with people who's standards are much lower than mine. The company I currently work for has some of the highest standards of anyone I've met. "The BEST people doing the BEST work for the BEST clients" - our slogan, and they mean it.

I like to be noticed, and the best way to be noticed is to be different in a possitive way. I love the rotary engine because it's different. There are only a very few production cars in the world that have rotary engines. I wish to own one for that sole purpose. Also, none of my friends or family (or family's friends ...) work in my industry. They think it is 'neat' that I do what I do, and want to know more about it anytime they're near me. Yet, work is my biggest headache right now (litterally - I've had a headache fairly consistantly for the past two years). It drives me nuts, and I love not being there. So much, in fact, that I went to part time and attempted to go back to school. I was successful for one semester ... then procrastination kicked in and I was late signing up for the next semester. Back to work. How did I get here? That's right, I can't tell these people goodbye because I enjoy being needed, and no one has ever given me that level of 'need' before. Scary how true it is ... now I need to confront my boss with these findings (:

Just a week ago I came to the conclusion that I was doing so many things in my life because other people wanted me doing them. There were so few things that I was doing for myself, and it was driving me nuts. I hessitated to tell my boss that I could not continue working at the university (I was a student worker while in school the last semester) because I was not enrolled in classes for the following semester - he was a friend and I did not want to dissapoint him. If I am not working with him, he does not hold me in as high of regards. If I am not in school, my family thinks a little less of me. If I am not working at S&W (current job) the rest of my friends question my actions. At least, that's the way I see it ...

When everyone decides to be happy with the life I am creating, I will be happy with them. Until then, they can kiss my hairy ass! (: Not currently true, but that is where I am headed. I am done making 'life choices' that for the most part are to appease the wishes of my family and friends. If I do not wish to do something, it will not be done.

You are greatly impressed by individuality and have interest in people who have outstanding qualities. You try to imitate those people that you admire and their characteristics, hoping that you will be able to display similar qualities in your own personality.

Jesus Christ. Christian - to be Christ-like. I think that speaks volumes in a very contained space. Ghandi, Budah, Mohamad ... the many phillosiphers ... Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Benjamin Franklin, Felix Wankel, Einstine (he couldn't spell either), LeVar Burton, 'Mr Wizard', Bill Nye, Dick VanDyke. Some women ... Cindy Crawford, Mary Tyler Moore, my grandmother. My grandfather - he desired to be the best, do the best, and have the best. There was no challenge to great, and yet no task to simple. Nothing could stand in his way. And yet, when the love of his life passed away, he cried for two years. He was strong, yet soft hearted. The best way to honor these people is to imitate them. To share in their ideals and morals and to share them with others is the highest praise.

This was almost disturbingly accurate for me. There were only a couple things that were a little off-beam, but it had all my main character traits down pat.

Very strange. Very impressive.

I got: 66666666, YOU LIKE BEER! 😈

Only tuggin' yer tackle! ;) It's pretty good, I'll give it a 9/10 for accuracy as well. :)

I've mailed the address to people around the world to get their responses... :thumbsup:
Wow i was amazed at how it told be all about myself just by clicking some colours , great stuff! :thumbsup:
You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfilment and happiness. You are capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realise the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others...and it is this need that sometimes will hold you back ... so let go - trust and you may pleasantly surprised at what happens ...

In actual fact you are not willing to exert yourself in any way. You have that truly "laid back" attitude, and unwilling to extend yourself or exert undue effort. You feel that to move forward - be it in your life style or in business relationships - it would require more energy output than you are prepared to give at this time. You want to take life easy and your attitude is such that Enough is Enough

You feel truly deprived ... not getting your fair share, but you have accepted the fact that that is the way things are at this time, and that it is prudent to let matters slide and not hit your head against the wall conform and agree for a while..accept the situation...nothing can last forever..

Whatever you strive to do, something always seems to be holding you back. There is no subterfuge in you. You are a clear thinker and all you demand from life, in a relationship, is a partner whom you can trust and with whom you can, together, develop a foundation of trust based on understanding. You are your own person... and you demand freedom of thought follow your own convictions. You have no interest in "two-timing" and all you seek is sincerity and "straight-dealing".

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion ... In fact you just don't want to be involved in any arguments of any shape or form ... All you want is for "them" to get on with it - and to leave you alone..
Very cool.
9 out of 10. It was kinda spooky. Man, i've done numerology(sp?)
my zodiac sign and now this. I always get the "Your a perfectionist" thing. Heh, dead on.
Originally posted by Stealth Viper
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion ... In fact you just don't want to be involved in any arguments of any shape or form ... All you want is for "them" to get on with it - and to leave you alone..
mmmm.... identical to my last paragraph, as was the opening line! :rolleyes:

My numbers: 13564207.
Mine was really accurate, so I'd give it two thumbs up to be sure. One of the things I noticed (As someone else I know took the test) is that unless a person is in touch with who they really are, they are going to claim it isn't accurate. (This person was exactly as the test described)

Numbers: 10372564

Blue? I like blue...

At this particular time you are feeling the results of extreme stress and you are seeking a "way out"...but you are pushing too hard.. Obviously you need peace, tranquillity and contentment. Your temperament is such that you are hoping ,unrealistically perhaps, that your desires will shortly be fulfilled (even if at this time you are not quite sure what those true aspirations may be!).

Now there are many things in life that you require as being essential to your well-being ... but try as you may - something always seems to be getting in your way .... a word of advice .... "keep trying" and you may be pleasantly surprised to see just how matters turn out - .

You feel that you should be appreciated far more than you are.. but no-one seems to care! You feel that you are receiving less than your share... and the main problem is that there is no-one to whom you can turn to for sympathy and understanding. The Inner stress that you are experiencing makes you quick to take offence .... but you realise that at this particular moment in time there is little that you can do to relieve the situation.

You pretend that you are a carefree individual and that nothing really bothers you .. that you are so self-sufficient that whatever problems beset you - they simply flow off you as water flows of a ducks back... You are experiencing considerable stress, trying to conceal yourself from the rest of the world. In actual fact - deep down, you are not at all happy. You feel lonely and you need someone with whom you can "Let your hair down" and share your hopes, dreams and high standards... You are imposing unnecessary self restraint on yourself. You would like to demonstrate the unique quality of your character to all and sundry.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations gave been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety... so therefore... "why bother?" You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh..

Well now, ...... it sounds like a pretty good place to be, it paints a pretty bright picture doesn't it. Trying to escape!!! Stuck in a situation I can't get out of. Alone, and in the dark. Nothing to look forward to. Just looking for peace from this mundane existence.

Well thanks alot LoudMusic, I told myself I was going to have a good day today, but after reading this, I feel rather hopeless and depressed. ;)

I need to find a rope now....



Decided to retake this once.

At this time you are feeling "Up tight" and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation. But perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been "hard done by" and treated with a complete lack of consideration. Maybe you have, but whatever may have been the cause of your inherent anxiety, you regard the situation as intolerable. But you are sufficiently competent to turn that situation around. You have indeed overcome similar problems in the past - and really - this one isn't too different.

You are looking for excitement and stimulation and you are ready to try anything .... but be careful not to take too many risks.

All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high. But even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst... this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities ... like running.. swimming, whatever.There must be some favourite past time, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.

Stresses resulting from a recent disappointment have led to considerable trepidation. It would seem that there seems to be so much left undone...Everything surrounds you with that air of uncertainty. You badly need to feel a sense of security and whatever it takes to protect you against further disappointment. At this particular time you doubt that things could be any better in the future. But you are sticking to your guns and refusing to take advice from any source..

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations gave been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety... so therefore... "why bother?" You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh..

Advertising firms and marketing folks use color extensively...several colors have been found to attract certain demographics. Think the new deeper blue color in Pepsi ads, or that yellow you see on ABC all the time. Plus Mountain Dew green!

Also building designers use color quite a bit. Cooler, more neutral colors in hospitals and all that.

Originally posted by Macka
Advertising firms and marketing folks use color extensively...several colors have been found to attract certain demographics. Think the new deeper blue color in Pepsi ads, or that yellow you see on ABC all the time. Plus Mountain Dew green!

Also building designers use color quite a bit. Cooler, more neutral colors in hospitals and all that.


Yeah, I work for an advertising firm (Stone & Ward) and color is very important. We have a lot of hostpital accounts, and it is rather impressive to see how the ads vary from some of our other clients, such as TCBY, where the colors are bright and flashy.

I've taken this before and I'd also give mine a 9 out of 10 on accuracy. However, I'm not gonna post my results.. I don't like people knowing too much about the way I think and such.. hehe. Call it another way of distancing myself.. I don't know. Ooops.. I just gave some of it away. :tapedshut hehe
You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realisation of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that "True love is just around the corner"...and maybe... if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.

For some time now you have been feeling rather insecure. You are looking for - and needing - an environment that can offer you roots, stability and a position that will relieve you of excess tension and stress.

You feel that you should be appreciated far more than you are.. but no-one seems to care! You feel that you are receiving less than your share... and the main problem is that there is no-one to whom you can turn to for sympathy and understanding. The Inner stress that you are experiencing makes you quick to take offence .... but you realise that at this particular moment in time there is little that you can do to relieve the situation.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion ... In fact you just don't want to be involved in any arguments of any shape or form ... All you want is for "them" to get on with it - and to leave you alone..

Pretty close, I'd say. I took it a second time, and got pretty much the same thing, except that time it said I had an extremely "Laid Back" attitude. Strange.
Weird ... I fired up this website again (it's changed by the way) and ran the test again. They've changed up the whole layout, but the responces are from the same database. So after I did a new one (which was less accurate) I used my same color code from my post waaaaaaaay up above. It was quite similar with minor gramatical changes.

But what they did add to my profile was this one paragraph:

You are worn out - suffering from what has been described as 'burnout' and nothing seems to stimulate you to break away from this state of lethargy. This situation is causing an acute distress situation and not being able immediately to resolve the problems is exposing you to excess stress and tension. You are endeavoring to break away from this situation by withdrawing into a state of 'Never Never Land' - an illusory substitute world in which things could be as you would like them to be. Now is the time to take time-out - to relax. A short break is all that you need and you will find that matters will resolve themselves.

That's about all that was missing the first time around. However, I've come to the conclution that this state of mind is just how my life is. I don't think it will ever change, and neither do my friends. It is who I am.

Anybody else care to run the test again (or for the first time) and share your results?

colors: Blue, Black, Yellow, Grey, Black, Red, Purple, Brown
numbers: 12407356


You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

You are full of stress at this time. It would seem that you are having more than your fair share of trials and tribulations and you are looking for a way out. You are not quite sure which way to go but the advice is - 'Stop trying so hard'.

Circumstances are holding you back, forcing you to back off and to forgo all the pleasures, fun and games for the time being. But this is only a temporary situation and before you even know it the situation could change.

Whatever has caused the situation, you just don't seem to be able to sustain or maintain relationships as you would wish to. What you really seek is to be able to develop a relationship with someone with whom you can truly share: Love, Serenity, Peace and Quiet. But you are a very demanding person and it is your nature that leads to disquiet and discord: you are like the tide, flotsam and jetsam... One minute you experience 'highs' and a few moments later 'lows'. This obviously will introduce discord into any relationship and with this demanding attitude - the ideal state you desire is unable to develop. Despite the urge to gratify your natural desires, you impose a considerable self-restraint on your instincts in the belief that this demonstrates your superiority and raises you above the common herd. You are extremely critical of everything that is presently going on around you and you find it difficult to listen to or to take advice from anyone. You enjoy the original, the ingenious and the subtle.

You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from within a close and harmonious relationship.

The tensions and stresses that you have experienced of late have been the result of trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond your capabilities. You feel completely inadequate to cope with the situation and you would like nothing better to escape from it all and to be able to relax in a problem and pressure free environment where you can do your thing.

I think about 80% of this is accurate.
I ran the test, and the stuff they say is considerably general. It was about half-wrong for me, and I think that the things that were right could be said for nearly anyone at any time.
Well you're only giving it an ordering of eight colors - what do you expect?

Have you seen "The Game"? Wonderful movie where they take a guy and question him and physically test him for about ... a day. So now they know just about everything about him. They spend the rest of the moving using this information against him in a little game that seriously screws with your head.

It's all about how much information you collect on a person. Colors do mean something, and to a degree you can tell someone about themself by the colors they like.

This was an interesting test. My results were exactly how i've been feeling for a while. Mostly i've been avoiding confrontation/having a weak mental shield for the past year at least. I give it a 10/10 for the accuracy.'s my results...

You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.

You are a leader and possibly at this time in a position of authority, but you are experiencing problems. You are not quite sure how to handle the present situation.

You are prepared to establish a particular relationship that is being made available to you at this time. It could be a satisfactory liaison but there could be a certain amount of conflict involved -try to avoid direct confrontation at all costs.

Matters have not gone well for you. You are experiencing severe stress trying to guard yourself from further disappointments. It would seem that all of your hopes and dreams have not been realised and you are now beginning to doubt yourself. You no longer wish to be further advised by anyone and you insist on going it alone - to control your own destiny. Even though deep down you doubt whether things will get better in the future you have one consolation - and that is that they couldn't possibly get worse. Unwilling to give up anything that you possess, you are looking for some sort of security as a protection against any further setback or loss of position and prestige. You are so negative that you tend to exaggerate your problems and refuse to accept any advice from so called well-meaning friends.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.

You are inclined to be too trusting and you feel that you need to be on your guard against the possibility that your endeavors and actions may be misunderstood. Too often you have been taken advantage of and you have been mentally abused. Now you are seeking a relationship which can provide peace of mind, where you can be yourself and not have the need to put on a false front.

It's a decent rundown of me...although I think it's painted a touch too dramatically. I am not in a position of authority and I do not have any relationships in the :reallyodd

I had trouble choosing colors. I wonder if that's factored in....
This is what I got


You have a vivid imagination and this is good. Great inventors, explorers all had inventive, imaginative minds. Your friends and acquaintances may consider you over-imaginative and given to fantasy or day-dreaming. So what? This is a part of your character and charm.

Always anxious to accept the role of the leader, as indeed you often work well with people - but try to stay out of the limelight. You'd like a life of ease with no one to rock the boat and someone who understands you is so important in your life."

That is NOTHING like me. I am infact colorblind so i guess these kind of tests are wasted on people like me. Interesting theory though.....

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