Typical barrett answer. And that's my point. And I keep saying that if you want people to join, you have to give them a reason. You winning every race is not a good enough reason barrett. You know I love ya, but I'm just talking business here. We all want to win, some of us more than others,
and I respect that, but everybody wants a chance, and when the see that they really don't, they're not going to stick around. The only real reason I do, is because I like you guys. Beyond that, I don't see winning anytime soon. But that's different. It's personal. Not everybody else on GT6/PSN sees it that way. I'm 48. Camaraderie and friendships are more important to me now. But even that doesn't mean I want to be last all the time.
20 years ago, I would have either worked out the formula and would be woopin your butt every week, or I'd be gone. Like I was when those 2Js came out the other night. Or I would have broken out my ZZII and told you to kiss it until you kicked me from the room.
ER is right. You saw that I couldn't even break your lap at Autumn Ring, ZZII vs Ka? And I was driving that car barrett. I didn't make any mistakes that should have prevented my from beating that record. Not that I'm that bad. You guys are the only people on PSN who actually think that. Ask around. I'm good and well respected everywhere else I go. With the exception of Phatdundada (kz, lol), everybody will tell you that. And even HE sent me a Friend Request on Wednesday. So even he has some kind of respect for me.
What does this all mean barrett? What it means is that YOU are that good. And as any professional will tell you, when you are that good, things are going to be changed to level the playing field. Ask Sebastian Vettel, or the guy who built the 2J for that matter. You are an example of any team out there. When you are that good, the last thing you want is people running around changing things. That's our nature as humans. But if you want to be recognized as the true driver that you are, you might want to step up and be an advocate for changes, and show everyone that, no matter what is thrown your way, you will win anyway. Am I telling you stuff you already know?
I don't like to compare people because I don't like to be compared, but that is one thing that I have to give JK over you. He doesn't seem to care what changes are made. He just wants to throw the green and get to work. And he makes it work where he can. ER and kz, the same, and none of them ever indicates that giving someone else a greater chance is a bad thing. Hey... if it doesn't work, we can go the opposite way and do all short tracks right? And as I said before, I'm not saying we should get rid of them all together. Just less emphasis. GT Arena twice? London would have been better, and I think I saw you vote that one once last night. If I had seen it before, I would have voted with you on it. Short enough to demand some skill, but not so short as to be a clust-f if you know what I mean. If we continue to work the teams as we do, you will still stand as great a chance as you always do. cards is one heck of a blocker everywhere. He was the only person I hated to see in front of me all night!
kz, you were very competitive, but that Shelby is a bit light. It was too easy for me to nail you in that thing. Fast enough, but no match for my Avant. (What a effin beast that thing is!) A little friendly note for you bro.
But I'm done with that. And I will close that lecture by asking you how much fun can it be for you when it's not close b? Isn't it a bit like racing the computer sometimes? I think you will enjoy your victories more if you have to fight more for them, but that's just me.
The biggest point I'm trying to make is that we have to put out the Welcome mat and give people reasons to want to hang out with us. Otherwise, why are any of us doing any of this? That's the point I have been trying to make in the XFEL for so long now. It's fun enough. But if it is just set up for a few people to win all the time, nobody is going to stick around for that. Maybe in your minds it isn't set up that way, but looking in from the outside, the pattern has been set and anyone who races with us can see it after a very short time. I don't know about track voting. I prefer scheduling like the pros do. Random F1 and NASCAR? Can you imagine what a joke that would be?
Dale Jr. "I don't know what track we're runnin' this week, but I know we're gonna win it." A little food for thought. And I'm through.