≈ The DriveTrain Challenge - Come Join us Fridays for some relaxed racingOpen 

  • Thread starter jobyone

Hey guys. Sorry I have not posted the results but I am traveling and been busy than I expected. Consider this a plea for a dedicated scorer;)

edit - Just to be clear we will be runnings the 80's layout of Monza!
Hey guys. I am back on the west coast so will try and get things updated soon.

Also things are in motion that could allow me to start racing with you all soon. Nothing definite yet but things could happen quickly if they do.
I'll host again

EDIT--Well, I guess Mothers Day put a damper on tonights race as only 4 showed. Me, AJKVail, Ken and DrGreen. We ran a mock 40 min race just for kicks. We need to postpone this weeks race for next Sunday.

Come on people! Get yer butts in next Sun.--
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Hi guys I'll be there next Sunday, I'm going to race here every other week and spec snail every other week so I can get the best of both worlds.
I'll host again

EDIT--Well, I guess Mothers Day put a damper on tonights race as only 4 showed. Me, AJKVail, Ken and DrGreen. We ran a mock 40 min race just for kicks. We need to postpone this weeks race for next Sunday.

Come on people! Get yer butts in next Sun.--
I will get the calendar updated
So I added a few more cars for the Spec B idea. Right now I would just love for people to say that they will buy one car and build it to spec so if we bump into each other online we can have some track time testing.

Full mods allowed (no forced induction/nitro). Then adjust weight to 890kg and then reduce power to get 400pp.

1. @tezgm99


1. @Kgffy

1. @WhiterunGuard

1. @88GTA

1. @jobyone


And two Potentials
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So has anyone thought about getting pCars? I have been trying to figure out if it is worth it. Based on what I have seen/read this is how I would rate it vs GT6 out of 10

Car Selection. The only negative to the GT car list is the lack of some classic models and very few recent real cars.
PC - 3
GT - 8

Tracks. Pretty even in this one although there are some tracks in PC that would be great to try. And then there are the two tracks based on real roads. One of which I actually drive on a nearly weekly basis:) so it definitely gets the edge here.
PC - 8
GT - 7

Physics. I feel like pCars has this one but probably not hugely
PC - 9
GT - 8

Sound. GT6 is lacking here for sure
PC - 9
GT - 6

Visuals. Pretty close here
PC - 8
GT - 8

So the totals are
PC - 37
GT - 37

It sorta boils down to Does it DTC? The car selection is just way to narrow and race car focused for me. Although if had the street version of the E30 M3 that might just be enough to sway me;) PC may be incrementally better everywhere (and by a big margin in sound) but with only 60 some cars (half that do not interest me) and the fact that GT is effectively free means I just do not see me switching.

But I would love to know what you all are thinking
My G27 not working for my PS4 is the reason I haven't bought it yet...

Oh and the fact that I get maybe one chance a week if I'm lucky to turn any game on. :(

Any particular track where I can test this car's performance at 890kg and 400pp?
I have been trying them on a ton of tracks. Went to Indy Road course last night;) I think tracks with long straights will be fun and really bring drafting into the equation. But I need to be on track with some other cars to see for sure.

Been running Racing Hard Tires but am not 100% set on that being the tire although I think it could create some seriously close side by side racing.

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