So has anyone thought about getting pCars? I have been trying to figure out if it is worth it. Based on what I have seen/read this is how I would rate it vs GT6 out of 10
Car Selection. The only negative to the GT car list is the lack of some classic models and very few recent real cars.
PC - 3
GT - 8
Tracks. Pretty even in this one although there are some tracks in PC that would be great to try. And then there are the two tracks based on real roads. One of which I actually drive on a nearly weekly basis

so it definitely gets the edge here.
PC - 8
GT - 7
Physics. I feel like pCars has this one but probably not hugely
PC - 9
GT - 8
Sound. GT6 is lacking here for sure
PC - 9
GT - 6
Visuals. Pretty close here
PC - 8
GT - 8
So the totals are
PC - 37
GT - 37
It sorta boils down to Does it DTC? The car selection is just way to narrow and race car focused for me. Although if had the street version of the E30 M3 that might just be enough to sway me

PC may be incrementally better everywhere (and by a big margin in sound) but with only 60 some cars (half that do not interest me) and the fact that GT is effectively free means I just do not see me switching.
But I would love to know what you all are thinking