► Turtle Racing League : Endurance Series : Saturday's at 10pm ESTOpen 

  • Thread starter jay*doc
Remember Tomorrow Turtle Racing League is Racing tomorrow Night! Looks like @BionicDerp will be hosting for us! The Rocket '07 at Brands Hatch '80s!

Also if you want some more Racing action with Turtle Racing League, The FLEX series will be running tonight Hosted by myself, Ph1sher. The FLEX Series will doing a bunch of quick 10 Minute Races at random tracks based off the votes followed by the last race of the night being a 30 minute race! All with the same car which is the Lotus Elise 111R '04 RM.
@BionicDerp We have weather now on Enduro! 👍 (% can only be in increments of 10) I know with a changeability of 1 it won't really matter but will tomorrow's race have a 20 or 30% chance of rain? Also, could you please post on the Event Schedule what penalty's will be set at. Thanks in advance for hosting tomorrow night I'm looking forward to it. I can be available for host/steward on a limited or as needed basis, possibly 1-2X's/mo. Are we going to have some sort of rotation again :) @Ph1sher Are you going to start a new steward convo or should we keep all post's on the thread to keep it hot?💡

P.S. Great job on the OP @jay*doc
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@BionicDerp We have weather now on Enduro! 👍 (% can only be in increments of 10) I know with a changeability of 1 it won't really matter but will tomorrow's race have a 20 or 30% chance of rain? Also, could you please post on the Event Schedule what penalty's will be set at. Thanks in advance for hosting tomorrow night I'm looking forward to it. I can be available for host/steward on a limited or as needed basis, possibly 1-2X's/mo. Are we going to have some sort of rotation again :) @Ph1sher Are you going to start a new steward convo or should we keep all post's on the thread to keep it hot?💡
It will be 20%

I'll figure something out in the next few days. Once we get more people joining the Enduro Series then we will start talking about rotations and stuff but for now since pretty much no one is around and only a few stuck around, we will have to try to recruit them back as well for new drivers.

Thanks Busted!
PSN ID: skil777
Car Color: Jetstream Blue Metallic Tincoat
Wheel Color: Black
Racing Number: 7
Requested Division: 2 or 3

Car color: yellow
wheel color: black
Car number: 3
Requested Division: 2 or 3
Welcome To Turtle Racing League @skil777 and @Xavierzapata I will add you to the drivers List right now! Looking forward to seeing you tonight! Going to be a great night of racing! 👍
TRL Enduro Header.png

Brands Hatch Indy Circuit '80s.jpg

Race 1: September 20th, 2014
Track: Brands Hatch GP 1980's
# of Laps: 30
Time: 15:30 with 3x Progression
Weather: 20% with 1x Changability
Car: 2007 Light Car Company Rocket
Tires: Sport Soft Compound
Hosted by: @BionicDerp


First and Foremost: The "Golden Rule" of Motorsports

"It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free."

The reason The "Golden Rule" of Motorsports is the first rule of the Turtle Racing League is simple: if you do not believe this rule applies to you, then you do not need to read any further because this league is not for you.

The First Turn Rule

Hold your position on lap 1 through turn 1 and do not try to improve your position unless the following situations occur: 1) The driver directly in front of you is asleep on the start. 2) The driver directly in front of you runs off course with at least 2 wheels off the track. 3) Obvious race incidents that must be avoided. 4) If you are able to fully draft past someone without incident or disruption to the other driver(s) with a reasonable distance before approaching the first turn.

Holding your position in the first turn is limited to the first turn on the first lap. This rule is in place for 2 reasons: (1) To effectively avoid incidents in the first turn, and (2) So that drivers who are being careful and doing their part to avoid incidents in the 1st turn of are not taken advantage of. There is no sense in causing an incident in the congestion of the first turn. You can not win the race on the 1st turn or even the 1st lap. If a complaint is filed, the decision we make will be one that promotes an incident free first turn.

Dive Bombing

Dive bombing is unacceptable, and only results in incidents. It is not the same as passing under braking. Dive-bombing is when a trailing car intentionally brakes late to dive underneath the car in front of them as they are turning into a corner. The trailing driver must move to the low groove for at least 3-4 seconds prior to corner entry so that the leading driver can see the trailing drivers intentions in his mirror. However, running the low groove is not a guarantee that he will allow you to pass, it is only an indication that you wish to pass on the low side. The trailing driver must also have gained at least a half a car length lead before braking begins so the leading driver can see his position and avoid contact.

Mics During Racing

From the beginning of the race, until the last driver crosses the finish line, your mic should be on mute. This allows all racers to concentrate on their driving to the fullest. You may unmute to tell a driver your track position if racing in close proximity. If a racer's mic is on by mistake, please feel free to say "Mic Check" to remind all racers to check.

Gentleman Rule

In two situations the Gentleman Rule can apply: (1) When racing with a group of racers around you, and hitting someone off track, you are at fault. Give the other racer involved their position back in front of you, even if it requires losing additional positions. (2) If you find yourself going off track, remember that the on track cars have the right of way, and cautiously return to track when it's safe to, even if it requires to brake or let off the gas pedal to allow the on track racers past you.

Failing to follow the Gentleman Rule, and getting a race complaint against you may lead to Stewards penalizing you for not following the rules. The basic saying is, "When you make a mistake, you are at fault and be a Gentleman about it." To apply the Gentleman Rule towards yourself, simply let off the gas pedal for roughly 3-5 Seconds. This way no ground is gained due to an illegal action.

Definition of "Track Boundaries"

The "track boundaries" are defined as the area in between the designated white lines painted on the asphalt, or when no white lines are painted on asphalt, the meeting place of asphalt and grass or curbing. Curbing is NOT part of the track. At least two wheels of your vehicle must be in contact with the track within the "track boundaries" at all times during racing and qualifying.

Race Incidents

Legitimate complaints are encouraged, they insure a better racing environment for everyone. Complaints should be addressed by "Private Message" to a race steward of the race in which the incident occurred. Please include race number, lap number, and time of incident. A ruling will be announced after a video review by an independent steward. All racing incidents or racing related issues shall be dealt with privately and under no circumstance mentioned publicly.


If a penalty must be given, it will be in the form of "time added" to the total race time, in increments of 30 seconds per offense. If these penalties amend your finish time to a later time than a racer who finished after you, your finishing position will be moved back to reflect the penalty. Repeat and deliberate offenses may result in further penalty.

A Note About Rules and Penalties

It is our responsibility to respect every Turtle on the track, and even though we are competing against each other on the track, we all must remain clean and respectful at all times. If you know you made a mistake on the track by pushing a turtle off track, please let them gain their position back. We are the Turtle Racing League, and we want to be remembered as respectful & clean racers towards any racer out there. Please know that Turtle Racing League does not take penalty's very serious. We are all here to have a blast racing together. For the most part, the first couple of times we will talk to you about what happened and make sure it does not happen again. We all make mistakes on and off track, and we want to turn your mistakes into successful racing by knowing how to avoid that situation again.

In addition to the rules listed above, you are encouraged to read and adhere to the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and exercise Good Racecraft at all times.

Thank You Turtles! Hope to see you guys Tonight! 👍​
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Welcome racers! Glad to have you with us. Hope to see you all tonight!
Just a note for tonight: Saturdays are the busiest days for the restaurant I work at, and my estimated time to leave is 8 EST. If the room is not open by 8:30 EST, then I won't be able to make the first race, and @jay*doc will be opening the room instead. Send us friend requests, because the rooms will be friends only.
PSN: gears1000
Car colour: Bayside Blue Metallic
Wheel colour: Black
Car number: 36
Requested Division: N/A
Thanks For Joining Gears! I will add you to the Drivers List once I get back home later today! 👍

@jay*doc If you get something that pops up tonight and need a host, I can always fill in. But let me know what happens

Hope to see you Turtles Tonight!
PSN id:chocochocochip5
Car Color Choice: Le Mans Blue
Wheel Color Choice: Matte Black
Racing Number:20

I've been busy the last few weeks with some not-so-fun stuff. Look forward to racing again.👍
PSN ID: Diggs392
Car Color: Sublime Green
Wheel Color: White
Car #: 69
Requested Division: Lowest Possible, LOL.....
Oh boy!! Welcome Back To Turtle Racing League Turtles!! Glad to have you back! I'll add you to the Drivers List later today 👍
You guys have fun tonight. I'm headed in to the plant now so I won't be there.
Hopefully see y'all next saturday night.
You guys have fun tonight. I'm headed in to the plant now so I won't be there.
Hopefully see y'all next saturday night.
Sounds Good Randy! Hope to see you Soon! 👍

Drivers List is updated! Just a few Hours until the racing Begins!! :sly:
not sure if i can finish downloading the entire internet before tonight, but put me back on the roster,

PSN: lightningdf22b1, #85, white paint, gold wheels.

racing season is over for me now, so i may be able to get back in a little bit. although i may have to rebuild a motor over the winter :(
not sure if i can finish downloading the entire internet before tonight, but put me back on the roster,

PSN: lightningdf22b1, #85, white paint, gold wheels.

racing season is over for me now, so i may be able to get back in a little bit. although i may have to rebuild a motor over the winter :(
Welcome To Turtle Racing League Lighten! good to have you back 👍
12 ready for Race 1! Its under way!

what a qualy, went from choco to derp to fish to dolph to fish back to dolph

1'28.479 beat fish by 0.016 in qualy

race 1 under way
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