►TURTLE RACING LEAGUE l Saturday Night Enduro Series l Accepting New Members Everyday!Open 

  • Thread starter Ph1sh
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Breaking the silence here with my usual FLEX plug. Join us as we take our Super GT's for a spin around some iconic European courses. Details of the event are posted on page 33 of the FLEX thread. Hope to see you there. (And hopefully my connection isn't utter crap) 👍
Going to take a break from TRL. I'm going to try other things happening in the GT community.
Good luck tonight.... Hope you get to race:nervous:
Weather you do or not how about running a few laps and let me know what you think about the car... Its a car we've never used, but i liked it on toyko 246.... opions good and bad please... :gtpflag:
I've opened a room anyway. If no one shows up, I'll probably get on GTA V, or watch YouTube.

As usual, I can't see the room number because of my poopy SD TV. Bought a new one today, but won't be here for another week or so.

E: Room Closed
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Hey turtles,

So I've been thinking..maybe we need to shut down the enduro series for a small break..and I've been having those thoughts..maybe have a return on September 6th why that day? Well that's the day when I will 110% make a full return and be back on a basis of promoting and making big and fancy posts.

Please private message me if you have any thoughts on this decision or comments on it, as well feel free to continue to communicate. What can turtle do better or more or new to have you join us on a basis?

Sorry if this news isn't what you didn't want to here. But with summer starting to wrap up its best for Turtle to get a little break and. Reorganize the league and promote the league to get back to its prime where it deserves to be.

However through the week don't be afraid to ask any of your turtle brothers for some pickup races.

On the plus side, I have 5 wins on the season in my first season of racing (last year didn't count since started late) 3 straight wins the last weekend. Won the track championship at my home track and moving up 3 positions in the standings since last race after a early struggle in the year, moved up from 9th to 6th at I-94 Speedway

Again, sorry for this decision but I can garentee you that starting the week of September 6th Turtle is going to be one of the most successful leagues on GTP and will be attracting new turtles in no time (hopefully)

Thanks Everyone this decision is not not not the easiest to make considered all the work and time I have put into the league from months ago. We all have busy summer's and best for us to prepare for a great fall/winter/spring of online racing!!

Thanks again
Reorganization sounds like the best option. I even found myself lazy on the Facebook page when it comes to updating it. This will go on the Facebook page to alert people on there too. With the summer winding down and college starting back up this is the time for a break.
I thought the league was already on hiatus? Your message is quite confusing and pointless physher, considering you haven't done crap for the league all summer and yet refuse to hand over anything to the rest of us who tried to keep it current and ongoing.

The group was still somewhat vibrant, but without the ability to keep the first few posts updated and bring in new and interested members, it was a losing battle as time moved forward.

The Drivers List Has been Cleared,

If you wish to Sign up For Turtle Racing League Enduro Series, Please Post in the thread!

Racing will Resume on August 23rd Now!

Schedule Updated! Will be all FULLY Updated Tomorrow when i get off work around 6ish pm Central Time!

I WILL BE running all of the stuff for Turtle Full Time now on, Banners, Results, pics, and much more! Its all Back!!
Er... You could've just left names up of who was still making an effort to be active...

Ah well, BionicDerp for PsN/GTP still. #19, Chrome Green/Tangerine Scream
Er... You could've just left names up of who was still making an effort to be active...

Ah well, BionicDerp for PsN/GTP still. #19, Chrome Green/Tangerine Scream
Thanks Derp!

I just figured its best to see who wants to race Turtle Racing League and who doesnt, makes my job easier when new guys sign up so its easy to tell if the combo is taken or not,

Thanks For Joining Derp! Ill add you to the list!
Thanks Derp!

I just figured its best to see who wants to race Turtle Racing League and who doesnt, makes my job easier when new guys sign up so its easy to tell if the combo is taken or not,

Thanks For Joining Derp! Ill add you to the list!
...I was already here. :lol:
Me too!! I've been going through some very rough times and haven't been able to race Enduro all that much but I haven't stop watching the thread and hopefully will be able to race more in the near future.

I WILL BE running all of the stuff for Turtle Full Time now on, Banners, Results, pics, and much more! Its all Back!!
Will you be racing as well?
I thought the league was already on hiatus? Your message is quite confusing and pointless physher, considering you haven't done crap for the league all summer and yet refuse to hand over anything to the rest of us who tried to keep it current and ongoing.
The group was still somewhat vibrant, but without the ability to keep the first few posts updated and bring in new and interested members, it was a losing battle as time moved forward.
I agree with the first part as I too thought the league was already on hiatus and his message is very confusing but only due to his remedial composition skills. However, he hadn't "done crap for the league all summer" because he was busy pursuing a REAL LIFE RACING CAREER! Which he profusely apologized for weekly. Additionally, in case you've forgotten he reorganized the league once already and then went through a lot of bull$hit fending off a returning psycho plus zero's little political campaign. I'd be a little hesitant to hand over the keys after all that as well. TRL would be nothing but a fond memory if it weren't for him so please lets all show a little faith in the young man and see what develops.
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In other news, TRL TV will be a definite thing on Ps4/GT7 because of the streaming feature. I'm really excited for it, and fingers crossed, hopefully this massive August update will add most of the stuff people have been waiting for.
Thanks @BustedFoSho

Will add you @randy1122

Yes I will be racing as well with you guys now!

Banner and more stuff will be posted when I get off work later today!

Thanks everyone!
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