FWIW, I ran some of the vintage rally cars on the W trail and they were within a second or two.
1966 R8 Gordini
1948 Hudson
1969 Isuzu Bellet 1600 GT-R
1969 Datsun Bluebird Rally Car
1974 Mitsubishi Lancer 1600 GSR Rally Car
I want to check the
1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint
As for cars on tracks, One idea that @
watermelonpunch has used very effectively, is to get a group of drivers to test a list of cars (or smaller lists, say below 360, below 410, below 450, before 1980, etc) and have different folks run a fast lap with all the cars on the list. Someone can hit tarmac, someone dirt, someone snow, etc. Just choose either a short track, or one you think highlights the differences. Put in all your times for the cars, then we compare the times across different drivers. For example, I love me some 4WD and apparently can do decent with the FF cars, but I don't get anywhere near all that others can out of some of the FRs. We can seed the cars worst to best.
I would keep our lists small - 4-8 cars. Run race 1 in one make. Then based on position, first place gets the 'worst' of the closely grouped list for the next race, and work downward. If there is much difference in the cars we could keep fastest (first place) first on the grid, albeit in a slower car; or we can also use reverse grid if we need to bump up the last place guys further than just a second or two a lap faster in the better car.
If we end up with more drivers than cars on the list just double up the place values of the cars - so first and second place get worst car, third and fourth get second worst, and so on. The system takes a little getting used to, but it can add some variety as well. 👍 Since we race with microphones, it should be pretty easy, really.
If we have several small lists, say 3-5 cars, then maybe last place chooses the list for the next race and then first place chooses the track? 💡
I don't know how formal you want to make this @
Rallywagon - check out the Makeshift Mixer Shuffle thread if you want more details or ideas on tracks, car lists, etc. there is also a lot of good info on some bad/quirky cars already, and they are seeded as well. Just giving credit where it is due. Some of these ideas may work with your idea, use what ya want, ignore what ya want, hakuna matata.
Looking forward to hitting the snow or gravel soon, hopefully if my wife's party ever ends today.