◆ S.N.A.I.L. Weekly Kart Races (everyone welcome)

  • Thread starter kcheeb
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I'm going to try hard to make it this week. If not then I should be there next week (if only for a couple of the races). Are you running Shifter or 125 Karts next week?
Was going to be the Red Bull Jr. but can't race them online :(

It'll be the Shifter Karts next week.
Sweet. I look forward to Tuesday. Hopefully I'll make it to at least the first two races. Maybe ill practice some today.
Grand Turismo Arena - Layout A - Reverse = Practice, Practice, Practice, etc., etc., etc.;
Looks like i'll be on the grid tonight for carts.. Gonna do some more practice later today..
Have room for one more tonight? Would like to join if space is available.
@TEX36 are you available to host a room?

If you are, let's start there. If we need another, I'll open one up. Unless someone with a better connection than mine is available.

If you're not, see the last two sentences above :)
Kart Room. 1472-6399-9009-5382-3358
I will be late, and unlikely at all.

Wife slogged to NYC and back today because her company is celebrating the Klondike miniseries they just released.

She wants to watch #2 tonight, and she did just go 400 miles through snow, etc.

Happy Wife time, see you next week, I hope.

On the up (?) side, school cancelled again tomorrow. :ouch: :banghead:

Maybe I can race with someone? 💡
Disconn again. And so it continues. :banghead:
Disconn again. And so it continues. :banghead:
And yet again right after Qual was finished. Can't find RacingChamps room
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