◆ SNAIL [DriveTrain Challenge - DTC] Racing - Closed

  • Thread starter jobyone
SNAIL DriveTrain Challenge
(Event will take place in a friends only room)

10/28/2014 at 10:00 PM EST/7:00 pm PST


This event will run with a combined PP of:

The first two races will run with a combined PP of:
760pp. All cars must be between 361pp and 399pp on comfort soft tires. Tire wear will be set to very fast.

The second two races will run with a combined PP of:
1090pp. All cars must be between 518pp and 572pp on sports soft tires. Tire wear will be set to normal.

Qualifying and the first race will take place at
Tokyo R246.

If you would like to participate in the next event please post in this thread that you would like to take part and which cars you will be running. We will add your name to the list. You can also add your name and car lineup to the:

sign up sheet

Please send a PSN friend request ASAP to Ice_Warden in order to join the race lobby. Feel free to post any questions in this thread.
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Correction on the above. The CS tire race will be set to Very Fast wear. Sheesh....get a grip!

Get it? Get a grip? Ha...................ha........................ha
Correction on the above. The CS tire race will be set to Very Fast wear. Sheesh....get a grip!


FF - Nissan Primera '90 375pp
MR - MR2 6MT '02 385pp

4WD - R8 Chromeline 544pp
FR - C7 Stingray 15th Anniversary 545pp<----- @Kgffy, is that OK?
Sorry guys, I was hopeful I might make it tonight but I've still got too much homework to do. Maybe I'll make it for the last couple races, but don't count on it :(
I gained a new found respect for my hatred of all things Skyline last night. Great racing by everyone last night. But damn those Skylines are awful...
That was alot of fun. Had a battle every race. Red Bull Ring was crazy. Joe kept running and bumping me off the track but still was able to hold off KG at the line by .013 or something like that.
Hey kids! Would you mind if I raced with you all tomorrow? It's been a while, so I hope I'm not too mediocre! Golly, I miss my schmiggy. :)

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