◆ SNAIL [GT1 Championship] Series

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No I am not happy.
Actually feel a little insulted.

I was referring to the fact that I can not win or have a decent shot at the championship this season if I do not place well in the next race.
I haven't had a shot at a championship since I joined GT1. I race because I enjoy racing and I enjoy the people in the room. Not to win a pointless championship. That will get me absolutely nothing more then what I already have.

GT1 isn't going to make you a millionaire, GT1 isn't going to give you any prizes. All GT6 racing no matter the league no matter the series is about doing the best you can with what you have and enjoying the people around you.

Hell Life isn't about money, life isn't about prizes, its about making the most of what you got!

Edit: Oh and if you are referring to me asking if you are "happy now" That was address to Coach who has a thing about using mute instead of moot.
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Same for me Birdie, i race for the fun of it and just something to do each week to race against others online. I am clueless to what tuning a vehicle is but still race for the fun of it.
The difference for me as far as racing for fun . Serious=10 wins in a row. Fun=A Big looser. I`ll definitaly be returning to my ways of OLD. Racing is not about FUN if you want to win. Its about working your butt off to WIN.
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I haven't had a shot at a championship since I joined GT1. I race because I enjoy racing and I enjoy the people in the room. Not to win a pointless championship. That will get me absolutely nothing more then what I already have.

GT1 isn't going to make you a millionaire, GT1 isn't going to give you any prizes. All GT6 racing no matter the league no matter the series is about doing the best you can with what you have and enjoying the people around you.

Hell Life isn't about money, life isn't about prizes, its about making the most of what you got!

Edit: Oh and if you are referring to me asking if you are "happy now" That was address to Coach who has a thing about using mute instead of moot.
Your wrong , league racing at a competitive level has many rewards. You build your knowlage ,skill and experience to be the best that week and push yourself to be better the next. Remember most people in the real world of racing spend mpre than they ever make. Its the satisfaction of seeing yourself master the craft that hooks you into it. You got the best and then you have everyone else trying to be.
The difference for me as far as racing for fun . Serious=10 wins in a row. Fun=A Big looser. I`ll definitaly be returning to my ways of OLD. Racing is not about FUN if you want to win. Its about working your butt off to WIN.
You got beat by dumb luck and amazing pit strategy how JC managed to hold his car together on 3's and 4's is beyond me. AND only by 1 second
Your wrong , league racing at a competitive level has many rewards. You build your knowlage ,skill and experience to be the best that week and push yourself to be better the next. Remember most people in the real world of racing spend mpre than they ever make. Its the satisfaction of seeing yourself master the craft that hooks you into it. You got the best and then you have everyone else trying to be.
Those are rewards, not prizes.
Good race guys. If I'd thought I had a chance for the outright win I probably would've lost it in those last few laps, but I kept expecting War to blow past me. And I agree with both sides of this discussion. There's always a challenge and when it's fun (which this is) then it's great! But I also like the excitement a championship adds & we need to do everything to keep that part fun too.
Just listen to your drivers. They didn't want me to retire. I don`t believe they wanted me to stay because of social skills. They wanted me to stay because they want a shot at a 5 Time CHAMPION. They know if they beat me for a championship they worked there butt off to take it from me. That is the satifying reward my friend.
Luck is part of racing. Dont take anything from JC. He earned that win fair and square. I slipped and didnt test the 1 stopper. I got lazy and it cost me. Well now I am wide awake. Ill try not to make it so easy next time.
Just listen to your drivers. They didn't want me to retire. I don`t believe they wanted me to stay because of social skills. They wanted me to stay because they want a shot at a 5 Time CHAMPION. They know if they beat me for a championship they worked there butt off to take it from me. That is the satifying reward my friend.
I'm not saying that beating you isn't a great accomplishment or that winning a season isn't fun. But to ONLY want to win or to ONLY want a championship shouldn't be the goal.

As for only wanting to beat a 5 time I highly doubt that. You bring a lot more to the table then just the "titles".
That may be true. You can do it and have the respect and friendship. Thats fine but for me its always been the fire that burns in ya. The rush of a close white knuckle battle. Thats what pushes a driver to the pinnical.
I am "here" for the challenges of racing .......... even though it is a "mental game" on GT-6.
I am here to improve in my responses, strategy, and in friendships .......... and hopefully share a Life Attitude.
I am here because as Steve McQueen said, "Racing is life - everything else is just waiting." I find myself "waiting" for the next event and planning practice sessions.
I am here to enjoy the above ...... if that is missing, or gone .......... then I'm gone.

Yes, Dear ............. and I am here so she can watch her programs on television in the evenings.
This is good intense racing for more than 10 laps. It's not impossible to get involved and it takes some practice to be competitive week to week. And if you don't like it today, the format changes every month. What's not to love?

The truth is I had a poor performance.
I was distracted with thoughts of rocking and widdling wood. Meanwhile someone else was preparing themselves for a race. You slip you loose and I slipped. That being said this is the point of a Championship. Its the best of 4 not 1 race. Im sure when JC goes Pro he will be ready to challenge me for a title. In fact I was so
distracted I didn`t realize that right there in my note book I beat Jake at Tokyo with the same strategy JC used
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Last race season of season 10 . FR-S vs the BRZ of sir JAKEDOG23.
That was a good race. To bad I have so much on my plate this time of year. Just to name off a few.

Varsity Golf
School (with honors)
A job x2
This spring break is the best thing in a while that I have had
I know the feeling Jake. When I was in my early 20`s I was a bizzy young man school and work taking care of a wife ect ect . If life was only as easy as tuning. Smh
Well anyway , time to head over to Indy and tear this Z34 apart . I hope to improve the car this week as well as my skill. See ya on the track dudes. This just so happens to be the track I won my first race and my first championship . It was my B-day , what a Rookie season. I remember it like yesterday season 3 . Jake blew a tire going into turn 1 . Lol he had to wait a little longer to get his 1st win. Im pretty sure it was Fuji which is on the schedule this season as well. Wow the glory days , boy it was tough back then man. Wins were hard to come by.
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Well anyway , time to head over to Indy and tear this Z34 apart . I hope to improve the car this week as well as my skill. See ya on the track dudes. This just so happens to be the track I won my first race and my first championship . It was my B-day , what a Rookie season. I remember it like yesterday season 3 . Jake blew a tire going into turn 1 . Lol he had to wait a little longer to get his 1st win. Im pretty sure it was Fuji which is on the schedule this season as well. Wow the glory days , boy it was tough back then man. Wins were hard to come by.
My first win came at Spa when I blew yours and bloods doors off in the good ol ACR
Well I don't expect to be competition these few weeks as I am getting back in the saddle but pulled a 37 flat after a few minor tweaks.
I worked on the Z34 last night. I will be running a experimental setup at Indy. I have a little cushion in the points so Ill take the risk.
Yea thats how it goes.lol Discussion after the race. Come the weekend gotta cut the B.S.
I went to test in an online room and car wouldn't go. It was there. The room looked good. But the car wouldn't go over 50 mph. It would rev good in first then just wouldn't do anything. I wonder if something got disconnected in my setup. I'll check loose connections when I get home tonight. Has anyone seen this kind of problem before? I searched the forum with no luck.
I am interested in this series. I have always avoided tuning since I don't have the time or patience to really get into it but I'd like to start delving into it some to keep gt6 interesting to me. I am currently in D2 with KG and Chloe so I'd be in the pro division. Is it OK to jump in mid season? I'm not sure if i'll be able to make every race as my work schedule and family responsibilities fluctuate and make blocking off time to race or practice difficult but I'd make every effort to get to the starting line whenever possible.
Welcome @Whitey093 to the GT1 championship.

We are the TUNING SERIES wing of SNAIL! Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL [GT1 Championship] series:
Step 1:Learn and follow The Good Racecraft Guide and SNAIL OLR.
Step 2: Send a Friend Request to @Jakedog23 on PSN and wait for an invite to the club.
Step 3: Purchase the car you will be racing for the current season we are in.
Step 3: Get an oil change for the cars and match the specs for the division you are in.
Step 4: tune your car!

Remember this is a TUNING series and have fun!

Yes you can go pro.

Post 5 has the available cars, let me know which you want.

Mid season is fine I just don't advertise mid season.

Welcome to GT1! Lap times right now are in the 1:37's 1:38's so you have an idea of where you need to be :)
I'll start with the S15 Silvia to get my feet wet. I really like that car and it's pretty neutral. I have been a member with snail for a few months now and am familiar with the snail olr. When I am home tonight I'll send the fr out and buy and test my car. Hopefully I can be near up to speed for wednesday. I don't have a lot of experience with long races or pit stop strategy so for this week it'll be a live test and a learning experience.

I've been watching the thread for a while (lurking) and hemming and hawing over whether to give it a go. It looks like a fun series and a little more immersion than the stock/ spec scene so I am excited to get involved. Maybe it'll help me with my focus in the sprint length spec series too.
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