◆ SNAIL Holiday Events

Update to post 220 on Memorial Sunday event:
May 26 will roll around and half of SNAIL will be looking to race. Please use sign-up directly above - no need to respond in this thread - just sign up.
List here of those already showed interest but need to sign-up: @TomMang_68 @Lozano1 @Fudman420 @Bologna_Duc @Timlour @basswerks1 @Phlano099 @TEX36 @Nick Cannella @thracerviewr @racingchamp30

Pack your bags as we head to Deutschland, specifically Rhineland at Nürburgring Nordschleife (north loop).

- time as usual Sunday night, 9 EST room opens with hot lapping allowed, 9:30 EST qualifier
- 10 cars (below) have been preselected that could end up being used, BUY ALL of them, (these cars are street cars, total 477,000 credits if you didn't have any)
1 make, SNAIL spec, HOWEVER . . .
- D2 & D3 drivers on spec tires, D1 on -1 from spec tires, D4 on +1, D5 on +2 from spec tires
- boost: weak
- tire wear: off
- damage: off
- high noon (all races)
- all other room settings as SNAIL rules

- first race on Nurb 24 hr circuit, 2 laps BUT qualify on Nurb GP circuit (I will pick 1st car just prior to qually)
- second race on Nordschleife, 2 laps, Reverse grid,
- a randomly selected racer will make the car choice (Method: by finish time thousandths digit; lowest 10 finishers eligible (you don't have to understand this, just understand that you may be chosen randomly)
- third race on Nordschleife, 2 laps, Reverse grid, car chosen same as above
- five minutes for guy to select car
- five minutes for all to get proper tires and a few turns to get idea of car's handling
- overall weiner gets a warm fuzzy feeling

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So we can start with any of the 10 cars ?
And possibly(I know not likely) running same car twice ?
And SNAIL spec tires or stock tires ?
I saw that
I'm asking SNAIL spec or stock.
SNAIL spec is not always stock
It’ll be snail.

BTW it’s is a one make deal for cars. So bottom 10 finishers are eligible to choose the car. The thousandth number of total race time chooses the driver for car choice.
Rob will pick the first car. The next two cars will be by lottery to one of the finishers in the bottom 10. So we will only race 3 of the 10 cars
See , more needed information...
For any question I receive (and in future), I edit post #243 to make as clear as possible. All this info is already there. ;) (Some questions like using same car twice, I don't specifically address, but logically it would be frowned upon)
I read it over and over , nowhere did I find that you would be picking the car , all I got out of it is we will be using any of the 10 cars you posted .. buy them all I believe is what it says ..
I wouldn't think we'd be able to use same car twice , that is why I asked , because it wasn't clear enough for my old butt.
Current status of responses. Not enough to justify a second room yet. We think the people that responded "Yes" should have priority. If you are a "Maybe", then maybe it is first come first serve. You can still go in and change you status if your circumstances change. Use the Registration Form



@Rednose58 @Rob Brown @Noob01_lmdead @Phlano099 @Neutty @Timlour @thracerviewr @TEX36 @Phlano099 @Bologna_Duc @Fudman420 @TomMang_68 @Herimopp89 @Grandpa Money @SAMHAIN85 @Nick Cannella @Mully465 @stelephant
@Rednose58 I have already filled up
The registration form answering “yes”, but I can’t see my name there.
Lozano, please repeat the sign-up process.

If you’re chomping at the bit for what car might be picked for the Memorial Day Sunday event qualifying and first race tomorrow, I’m not going to let you SufFeR much longer. I’ll be telling you sooner than you might think!
Edit: if you signed up, please remember to check that you have the 10 cars that may be used.
I’m reposting the above from the main thread.
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