◆ SNAIL [Pack] Racing - Boost Racing - Where the excitement never ends!

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Man, I wish we could start earlier for us Est guys. 8:30 central is 9:30 our time. I'm already starting to yawn. I'm gonna suggest that we open an official room earlier for us old easterners. I can offer to host till Champ is ready, or Someone else.
Whatever. I will ask tonight to see if it's even worth while. Cleo number is being stuck on as we speak.
Ya, that would be nice. I really miss Monday nights, might try to make it tonight, just so busy these days I can't stay awake! Gotta save my energy for Wed RCS!
I'll be there if you open up a room now, I just don't know what are the tracks for tonight. :confused:
C'mon Vitesse, read the first page of the forum, I feel a fish slap cumming on.💡
I'm gonna look for an already open room to horse around on. Not up to par with hosting, old and senile, that's me.
Shut up Aero, I can anticipate your dorky comments already.​

Gunny sent you a fr....the web will not allow me to invite you off the web. Accept and I'll get out an invite.

I have three IDs on two PS3s ...I'll go check them in case your FR came in while I was racing on one of them.....man this is too hard.
I haven't received anything from you and I don't see you on my list on my ps3.
Tonight it will be Miatas @ London forward and reverse. And the clones @ Rome foward and reverse. Official room #1 will open at or around 9pm est by Champ and if necessary Nobby or I will open room #2

See y'all soon! Remember to clear caches!
C'mon Vitesse, read the first page of the forum, I feel a fish slap cumming on.💡
I'm gonna look for an already open room to horse around on. Not up to par with hosting, old and senile, that's me.
Shut up Aero, I can anticipate your dorky comments already.​
What do you mean? I only see the cars stated on the first page. :irked:

Nail posted about an hour ago in the main thread that we are racing Rome and London "both ways" so forward and reverse. Not sure how many races total though but I'm down to go all night.
I saw that, I was just confused how it was going to work because 8 races sounds tiring. :yuck: Thanks for clarifying it for me. :cheers:
Can the races start at 9:15 or so? I'm gonna hop in the shower now. I thought it was gonna start at 9:30 so I had time.
Guess my suggestion last week of deep forest not going to happened. Rome will be fun but both London and Rome hav been raced here several times. Think most tracks hav been used, I'll just race and stop making suggestions.
Guess my suggestion last week of deep forest not going to happened. Rome will be fun but both London and Rome hav been raced here several times. Think most tracks hav been used, I'll just race and stop making suggestions.
That was a grinn post....don 't take my like as personal...we will race at every track.
Room 2 was having trouble seeing med - even though I cleared the cache before coming and the. Clearing it a 2nd time. Soooo left the room and restarted everything.
Will try Room 1 and see if I can join the 2nd race
If not - have a good time.
AWESOME tonight...alot of new guys and old guys returning....we had 25 at one time...that's a record.

Note: I painted my car REALLY PINK....so if you hear snuffling and snorting behind you and the mirror is full of PINK...remember even a hog with a nose cold occasionally finds an acorn.

With apologies to @oink83 .....
KG, I will open a room around 8 est. in the club room this Monday for us eastern hemisphere guys to mess around in until Champ opens up the official room. We can mess around with all the cars on Deep Forest....happy now?:cheers:
Guys next week and the week after Robbie, Tex, Euclid and I are racing at the Ring in GTP ES. The first is a four hour VLN Race and the second is the 24 at the ring. So for the next two weeks we will run one race for the Miata, and one in the touring car on the 24 hour course. The last two races per night will be on shorter courses with each car.

We are taking suggestions for the second course.....courses where we haven't raced recently.
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