Hello Snails,
I would like to apologize for the immature pm of mine to zer05. Its a long story how it happend but I just want to answer some of your questions that I've been recieving.
First off, I do NOT hate your league any bit. I may have said that in the pm, but there is no intention for me to be hating your league. Some snails may say psycho stole some of your ideas of "spec racing" now snail was the first to create snail and come up with some great ideas for the league. And psycho may have borrowed some of your ideas and used it for his league, should he have asked for permission first? Well I heard he never did, so yes he may have should've.
Another question I got was why was I putting all this hate towards this league, well to be honest, I may have been told some lies or truths. Probably mostly lies which lead into the pm. But from what I told you in the pm. what I read the next day, it was something I wish I never sent, because I've never tried snail out so I can NOT judge snail now or even after. If I race with you guys for a month and say I don't like it to myself, there is still no reason for me to hate the league. I may just have to move on.
So yes, im guessing all you snails hate me, and yes, you all have a right to hate me. I used to be a die hard turtle fan and I wasnt paying attention to myself, and I should have been worrying about myself and not who has a better league. So as I'm growing up I'm more worrying about myself and protecting what I say, I still make mistakes today. I DO support both leagues, both are amazing from what it looks like.
From what zer05 has posted earlier in the thread of the letter of when snail had each of their ideas vs turtle. So yes snail did invent some of their ideas before turtle. But I'm sure psycho wanted a spec racing league as well. As I said, probably should've asked for permission first, but he may have forgot or something else.
Also, I know I'm the hot topic on your thread and I just feel completely trapped for such a stupid mistake, and from the whole pm I wish I could take back, but honestly I can NOT take back what I said back. So what I'm saying from all the crap I put on you guys, its just out there now, I can try to convince you guys I didn't mean those words. But honestly again, I did not mean a single word from that pm. Just from reading all your guys post saying like "oh, that ph1sher guy is a hypocrite!!" Or something like that just made me frusterated more, but again I already know I diserve to be called names and be insulted for what I said.
So in the end, maybe psycho forgot to ask for permission for your ideas, but I'm not completely sure. This is all new to me, I never knew about turtle vs snail, and honestly do NOT want to know anymore of it. I just want to race with you guys. And I understand if you don't want to race me if I put way to much crap on you guys, but my point is from the post of zer05 and all the dates of his posted there, maybe psycho shouldn't have copyed some of your ideas. But psycho did want a SPEC racing league of his own as well.
In conclusion of hopefully the end of the open letter to turtle racing league, I'm sorry for sending the immature pm of mine to you zer05, and not replying later, because when I read the pm to you after I sent it, I knew I didn't hate your league, snail was the first spec racing league, snail created most of the ideas. If there is any more questions of concern you have, please, please pm me and hopefully I can answer your question, it took me like 7 pm messages to zer05 to answer his question. But when I did, I felt a bit better. But not completely, because all the snails here, is probably what makes snail spec racing great for all the racers in the community of GTP.
I know I'm young, and I won't tell you guys how young I am compared to others here, but I really do hope there is some sort of peace thing between turtle and snail. I have NO THING OF hating either turtle or snail. Now I know I said I hate snail. But there is no reason for me to hate snail if I haven't even tried it out?!
If this apology letter isn't good enough for snail, then I must have made some mistakes here or I left something out that I should have added. Or if there's some words or lines that are way to far for you guys, I'm sorry I don't mean to go this far.
So why did I decide to post this on the thread of snail and get in your way? Well it needed to be done, zer05 suggested I needed to stick up for myself, and he was right. When I answered his question, I did actually feel stronger in myself that I was able to take the time to answer it.
And, some say don't blame it on ph1sher, well yeah I joined before turtle and so on. But the pm I sent was what led to it, and I do take FULL responsibility for what has happend. So I'm just trying to deal with each little thing I've been putting in my face the last couple of days by explaining how I now feel or how I did feel, and who was right and who was wrong. But for 1 thing, I was wrong, all the snails here. Even if you just joined today, you were all RIGHT TOGETHER AS A TEAM.
As JLBowler requests, I will explain what happend as well in my best honest way, before I say I, I'm not trying to destroy anyone this is just what happend from my experience. I went in the turtle divisional room and told psycho that I'm going to snail for a racing (when I was pumped for my debut) at that moment I had no idea that psycho does not like snail and had no idea of the riverly. So yes I may kind of got a lot of stuff thrown at me that night and decided to skip the snail race. Which after the comments the rage got at me and I sent the rage at you guys. The next day I met up with dragonwhisky and he basically just said thanks for joining, everyone in snail are great guys. Now we have 2 perspectives I thought 1 from psycho and 1 from Dragon. And duh I thought psycho had his own league and he probably didn't like you guys. So I went back on GTP, looked at sent items, read the pm I sent to you. And just stared at it in dissapointment and frusteration and closed the computer. Because I knew what I sent was NOT right at all. It was all wrong
Now, please don't blame this on psycho or anyone else. Its all me, I'm the one who is wrong. Psycho may have had bad experiences as well. But the action I took at zer05 was way too far and immature. So please don't blame psycho for this. I never had seen him mad other than that night I mentioned snail. He still is a good guy and I do look up to him. But I did realize something that night as well. Just to worry about myself more often. So my position towards snail and turtle is I really don't mind either leagues, both great. I still like turtle a lot, and from what it sounds, snail is also a great league and that's one of the main reasons why I signed up for snail. But I just wanted to join basically just to learn to become a faster racer and improve my racecraft as well.
Thanks JLBowler for the question concern. I hope this answers your question, if not, please pm me and we can discuss it if you have any further questions.
Thanks to all snails for reading this 👍