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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Nice, did not notice that. 👍 That results doc has so many goodies that I still haven't found :lol:

You should make them more visible :)

IMO, those adjusted points are the ones that should be officially "published", since they not only normalize across divisions, but also allow you to compare points from week to week in a single division (since they would be normalized for grid size).

I thought it might be too tedious to calculate for everyone, but since you already have it done, why not.

Added adjusted points to the S.N.A.I.L. Results doc :D

Just so you're aware, the values you see there are the adjusted race points only. They do not include the Qualifying bonuses. So if you got keen and tried to foot and cross foot with zer0's results post and/or the weekly sheets, it won't add directly.

While putting it all together I discovered and remembered that the Adjusted Qualifying points were not copied to the master sheet. This was by design as we only wanted to compare the race results for drivers. An oversight on my part to not include them. A larger deal to make room for them now though :( I'll be doing it, I just need some time to deal with it.

I added another nugget to the sheet, happy hunting :)
Can I join?

Hello amh1499,

We would love to have you in the league.

Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition. kcheeb will add you to the drivers list.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
Thanks guys!!! It's still sinking in that I made it :)
I started playing gt5 lil over a year ago never thought I'd make it this
Far couldn't have done it with out Snail leauge:tup:👍👍
Thanks guys!!! It's still sinking in that I made it :)
I started playing gt5 lil over a year ago never thought I'd make it this
Far couldn't have done it with out Snail leauge:tup:👍👍

And to think, we demoted you a few months ago :boggled:

Go get 'em!
its all good d1 or d2 still fun racing with you guys 👍

DilliGAF and I are going to take a picture with our SNAIL shirts while I high-five the **** out of him for snagging the final spot!!! Something tells me his SNAIL experience will earn him...I won't jinx it:)
DilliGAF and I are going to take a picture with our SNAIL shirts while I high-five the **** out of him for snagging the final spot!!! Something tells me his SNAIL experience will earn him...I won't jinx it:)

He'll yeah can't belive that I got the last seat!
I owe it all to my snail buddys 👍
I filled out all paper work and had the hard copy's sent it overnight
Dude we definitely are!! I'm just imagining how utterly stoked he must be to find out last minute. I would be freaking out!!:embarrassed:

Omg wow talk about being shocked
So it's around 11am just woke up and the
Gf on her phone when shouted out your going to gt academy
I thought she was pulling my leg until she shows me the email
Almost fell over as I was jumping up n down screaming
How about all 5 of you guys take a photo???

How 'bout all seven of you guys take a photo?!? Yup, that's right! Just got confirmation that we have seven Snails going to NYC for the GT Academy finals!! :boggled:

Dude we definitely are!! I'm just imagining how utterly stoked he must be to find out last minute. I would be freaking out!!:embarrassed:

Omg wow talk about being shocked
So it's around 11am just woke up and the
Gf on her phone when shouted out your going to gt academy
I thought she was pulling my leg until she shows me the email
Almost fell over as I was jumping up n down screaming

Hahaha that's hilarious! Awesome story!

(but dude why's your girl checking your email? :odd:)

How 'bout all seven of you guys take a photo?!? Yup, that's right! Just got confirmation that we have seven Snails going to NYC for the GT Academy finals!! :boggled:

Hahaha that's hilarious! Awesome story!

(but dude why's your girl checking your email? :odd:)


We live together the email I made for gt academy was made just for that:)
Hey guys, guess who's back!!! Sorry about my long absence, and even more sorry about my ungraceful exit. Now that my summer job is over I'll have enough to time to practice and not be a rolling hazard. Looking forward to racing with you guys again, and epic props to all you GTA qualifiers!
Thanks guys!!! It's still sinking in that I made it :)
I started playing gt5 lil over a year ago never thought I'd make it this
Far couldn't have done it with out Snail leauge:tup:👍👍

Nice job dga! I always though you were fast as 🤬. I can't believe they waited so long to tell you. New York is going to get invaded by Snaliens.:lol: I am so happy for all of you, this is so freaking cool!!:crazy:
I have a small problem. My Lotus Elise RM '96 is fully broken in and oil changed. but still only has 133 horsepower. I am very confused, because after doing that it says I should have 135. Any solutions?:(
I have a small problem. My Lotus Elise RM '96 is fully broken in and oil changed. but still only has 133 horsepower. I am very confused, because after doing that it says I should have 135. Any solutions?:(

I can't say for sure, but a few pages back, I think it was Owens, said he had a similar problem with a car. So, he bought a new one, oil changed, broke in and oil changed and was good.

How many miles on yours ?
August 18, 2013 lineup
banners by jobyone

Lotus Elise RM '96 (135 hp/478 PP)(Racing Hard tires)
@Grand Valley Speedway / Reverse (5 laps)


photo by Chiochan

Ferrari SP1 '08 (Sports Soft tires)
@Road Course - Indy (6 laps)


photo by Chiochan

Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR '08 (Sports Soft tires)
@Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca (7 laps)


photo by Chiochan
How 'bout all seven of you guys take a photo?!? Yup, that's right! Just got confirmation that we have seven Snails going to NYC for the GT Academy finals!! :boggled:

Hahaha that's hilarious! Awesome story!

(but dude why's your girl checking your email? :odd:)


Please list the seven. :) Thank you!
Nice job dga! I always though you were fast as 🤬. I can't believe they waited so long to tell you. New York is going to get invaded by Snaliens.:lol: I am so happy for all of you, this is so freaking cool!!:crazy:

Good Job dga. NYC just isn't a place for this southern boy...:lol:

Throw in some moonshine and a couple of cops and I'm there...hehehe
Please list the seven. :) Thank you!


Along with those six veteran Snails, add rookie Snail calden592 to the list for a total of seven. He qualified 54th in the GTA time trial and is going to NYC too. :)

Btw Owens, what's your take on this? You were the catalyst behind all of it, so I'd like to know your thoughts on:

y = number of drivers in the race

x = 16/y

z = number of positions behind 1st place

16 - zx = points awarded
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Along with those six veteran Snails, add rookie Snail calden592 to the list for a total of seven. He qualified 54th in the GTA time trial and is going to NYC too. :)

Btw Owens, what's your take on this? You were the catalyst behind all of it, so I'd like to know your thoughts on:

y = number of drivers in the race

x = 16/y

z = number of positions behind 1st place

16 - zx = points awarded

I was going to stay out of this discussion entirely. I didn't agree with the last modification to points, and I don't agree with this one either. If history repeats itself, then saying anything to dispute this change will likely only hasten its deployment. But I'm gonna ignore the math here.

Ok. So you wanna make a new points system. Again. I cannot say I think these are improvements.

In the beggining we had the perfect points system, where, if you had a 100% success rate, you got 100 points. If you had a 100% failure rate you could still score 6 points.

Along come some folks who don't like this point system as a means to award the "Prizes". They prevailed in in their politicking and, even though we still have the Perfect Points System, there is now a modified number, based on attendance level used to adjust the highest three scores. It's been argued that this system punishes the race winners.

Now, we have another proposal to change the points system. Not for prize awards, but for the season championship points. The math behind this looks like it might have made my brain explode. I'm sure someone went to great lengths to iron out some kinks. Unfortunately none of that matters. The new proposal will now punish everyone else who is not first place by reducing the amount of points gained by every finishing position that is not first place, when less than 16 drivers start a race. This means, if you earn a second place finish by qualifying second and then finish second in a grid with less than 16 drivers you will not be getting 15 points for that race?

No. Stop. Basta Finito. Leave it alone. It was fine before the prize modifiers and aside from that, its still fine now. There can be only 3 winners every week and 5 every month. Period.

While I agree that improvements must be sought out and considered I don't think this is one.

Have fun with this Zer0.

Think you'd be having more fun if you'd left well enough alone here.
If you think about it thought DW, Without the modifier the people in the fuller divisions are getting hurt more on points then the ones in the smaller rooms. without the modifiers, say 2 racers finish first, last and fourth.One in a division running 7, and the other 16. Now, to start, the racer in the division with 7 has far less competition to place 1st. Over half the amount. Now Lets look at the points. 16 for first, 10 for his last place finish and 13 for fourth. Totaling 39. The guy in the division with 16 racers gets 16, 1 and 13, totaling 30. Even though technically they finished in the same positions for the night. This means that the guy with less competition in the room is getting rewarded for having the same results for the night, and the one who had over double the competition is being "punished".
This is the reason that the modifier is used. Its a mathematical way to even all of the rooms and is why it was originally applied to only the prize winners (at least, only published that way.)
Now, with that in mind, so long as all racers in all the division run with the modifier, which they already do, just not published for the score, then everyone in the division will be hit with the same modifications and it will still be even for them all. it will do nothing to positions, just scores. if you finished 3rd overall on the night, you will still have finished third overall for the night. Position within your division will not be affected. But your score will now be normalized over all of the divisions, giving a more accurate picture of how you would have finished in a full room.
Now, that said, it may not be the most accurate way to do it, mostly because there is no accurate way to do it. This system takes in to account the fact that you are not in a full room, however, what it can't do is predict with place below the last position you finished. What I mean is that if you had 7 people racing that night, and you finished last, it cant account for any position you would have finished below 7th. it will modify it to be that you finished last in a room of 16, when it was possible for you to finish 8th, 9th, 10th, etc.
So in closing, (lets make an english teacher mad!) this system as well as the current system, will not affect overall standing in a single division. Only from one division to another, which only matters to prize winners.

Dude, I love ya like a brother, but reading that made the vision in my left eye start to dim. And while that particular eye is not as good as the right, I still had to protect what little vision I have left in it and stop reading your post. ;) :sly: From my standpoint, and I am adamant about this, any modifier based on attendance from a group is just a fluff handicap. While the proponents of this system will say the math takes into account that it's harder to pass 15 cars than it is to pass 5, I say so what.

So with this system, A driver has a 100% night but because he races on a night where attendance was poor he doesn't get a prize pick? WTF?

I am just not interested at all in modifiers of any kind, especially ones that dance with the "I showed up, I should get a ribbon" crowd.

Now, this is not to say your points aren't valid to the discussion. This is just one of those things I'm never going to agree with. But then, I don't race for points. I race for the battles of the likes I've had with Sandblazter, Schmiggz and all the other drivers in D3 and D4.

So, I've had my say and I'm going to step out of any further discussion and let zer0 make his decision without polluting his analysis further. He's got us this far and I'm sure he'll do what he thinks is best and SNAIL will continue it's dynamic march to world domination. :sly:

Edit 1: Wait a second here. I risked the sight in my left and read through your post again. You're saying the guy running with more people in the race gets less points than the driver with 7? I was under the impression the Prize Point Modifier formula awarded more points for folks that race with more on the grid, and it got implemented for the exact reasoning that it's harder to win with more cars on the grid. Which I say is as it should be.

There, you happy? I'm blind in one eye now. ;)

Edit 2: Oh. Wait. You said without the modifier it hurts to have more on the grid. Now my right eye is dimming. :sly: :scared:

Edit 3: I'll have to disagree with you calling a 1st, 4th and 7th, technically the same as a 1, 4th and 16th. They are not technically the same. Philosophically the same? Maybe.

Edit 4: Now I think I'm done. :crazy:
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