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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Looks like Tigerdirect and Newegg are both out of stock on the G27..according to my phone at least...

Is Amazon my go-to then? Hoping to order today or tomorrow.
Goat I need to add you for GTA....

Handlebar- I originally bought my G27 from Amazon, had it in 3 days and was cheaper than everywhere else. I also got my T500RS from Amazon also. I had it in 2 days..
Aww, c'mon danger. :lol:

By the way guys, I am currently uploading a race from last night to Rally's SNAIL channel so I'll post the link later when it has finished. :)

Not Rallys, just Snails youtube channel. It's for everyone.
On that note, I have some d4 replays up, with audio (right, I guess here is your disclaimer d4, you were recorded last night, including chat, if you object, feel free to message me.)
So here's a fun little challenge... I was looking at my gt5 profile and saw my Total Distance Driven and made a :embarrassed: face... I had just seen that I have 229,961.5 Miles driven... after looking at some of my gt5/S.N.A.I.L. friends list the next closest person is kcheeb with 127,944.3 Miles.... so my question is... Can anyone top my 229,961.5 mi?
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I have been a fan since like 98 when I played they very first version on the PC. 16 years old, jacking cars and running people down? I was on it! I cant even explain the elation I felt when I got my hands on GTA 3. Finally, a real 3d world to go berserk on! Every iteration just made it better.
In case anyone has trouble downloading the D3 replays Fastfox uploaded, I've put another set up on the google drive.
I have been a fan since like 98 when I played they very first version on the PC. 16 years old, jacking cars and running people down? I was on it! I cant even explain the elation I felt when I got my hands on GTA 3. Finally, a real 3d world to go berserk on! Every iteration just made it better.

While I've never had much interest in the series, I almost feel like not picking up a copy of GTA 5 would be like missing a major milestone in video gaming history. Lots of people are already calling this the greatest video game of all time. And being a Metal Gear fan, the fact that Hideo Kojima doesn't think MGS 5 will be able to measure up to it speaks volumes to me.

Just ran some test laps, I think you guys will like the combo I'm picking

By the way, dangerzone.. You're the first driver in league history to win a league night in all five divisions. Well done, and I'm sure you'll get even faster! Congrats! :cheers:
Hmm, I didn't realize GTA Online had a separate launch than the game itself. When does it hit? The only GTA experience I have is on my PSP, but wreaking havoc on Los Santos with you guys sounds like a lot of fun. :sly:

It's actually a pretty good time. Loving the aircraft. So much in one game.
Check it!

Awesome pic! Go SNAILs!!
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Dear fellow Snailers, Kcheeb and Zer05ive,

I want to publicly apologize for the unnecessary drama i brought into this thread that everybody fights to be as friendly as possible.
I could list a couple of theories into my defense but I really think the real reason behind complaining about combo choices or just the cars and even get so confrontational is the fact that i feel stagnated, passionless and tired of this competition.
I started my Snail life on D4 as a mild talented driver with a lot to learn and to improve. After a couple of weeks, the improvement on my driving was clear as water and that's when i started aiming for the next step... D3.
After lots of intense battles where I was able to push myself way beyond the limits I thought I had, I was finally presented with the goal I fought so hard for... D3. That was probably the pinnacle of happiness and self fulfillment I could ever take from snail spec racing.
After a couple of weeks racing with the best opponents I had so far, I kinda re-set myself to start the process all over again. Get confident with my skills, work hard to keep improving, get faster and more consistent and prepare myself for the next big step. D2. But this is where things started to get a little frustrating as month after month I kept failing that goal. Then, watching people coming from D4, spend 2 months on D3 and move straight up to D2 started feeling like a punch in the stomach as I seemed more and more unable to do it and as frustration kept building up the pleasure and fun was decreasing from week to week and for me, complicated combos felt like an extra brick in the wall of my incapacity to move forward.
So, as right now I'm feeling absolutely demotivated and hopeless, I think I'm more of a problem than a solution, therefore, it's the perfect timing for a break to try to reformulate the whole thing, to re-invent myself as a driver, looking for different experiences, different kind of races and diferent people.
Not a goodbye but a I see you soon.
I Love you guys.
Your Monday Steward's Update

This week's prize winners are clear to make their selections. Good racing!
Dear fellow Snailers, Kcheeb and Zer05ive,

I want to publicly apologize for the unnecessary drama i brought into this thread that everybody fights to be as friendly as possible.
I could list a couple of theories into my defense but I really think the real reason behind complaining about combo choices or just the cars and even get so confrontational is the fact that i feel stagnated, passionless and tired of this competition.
I started my Snail life on D4 as a mild talented driver with a lot to learn and to improve. After a couple of weeks, the improvement on my driving was clear as water and that's when i started aiming for the next step... D3.
After lots of intense battles where I was able to push myself way beyond the limits I thought I had, I was finally presented with the goal I fought so hard for... D3. That was probably the pinnacle of happiness and self fulfillment I could ever take from snail spec racing.
After a couple of weeks racing with the best opponents I had so far, I kinda re-set myself to start the process all over again. Get confident with my skills, work hard to keep improving, get faster and more consistent and prepare myself for the next big step. D2. But this is where things started to get a little frustrating as month after month I kept failing that goal. Then, watching people coming from D4, spend 2 months on D3 and move straight up to D2 started feeling like a punch in the stomach as I seemed more and more unable to do it and as frustration kept building up the pleasure and fun was decreasing from week to week and for me, complicated combos felt like an extra brick in the wall of my incapacity to move forward.
So, as right now I'm feeling absolutely demotivated and hopeless, I think I'm more of a problem than a solution, therefore, it's the perfect timing for a break to try to reformulate the whole thing, to re-invent myself as a driver, looking for different experiences, different kind of races and diferent people.
Not a goodbye but a I see you soon.
I Love you guys.


While you are the only one that can determine what is best for you, I urge you to consider the following;

Instead of pressuring yourself to get better, enjoy the racing with the people your racing with. It might be, if you relax, enjoy the ride, you might see something that goes click in your mind and you'll just start being faster. And, while I can't guarantee it will happen that way, I certainly think you'll have a lot more fun doing it.

Kinda' like that song that goes something like this "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."

If you do still decide to take a break, know, at least one of us, will be missing "the Schmiggzinator". No, I don't recall anyone ever calling you that, but that's how I think of you. ;) :D :cheers:

Oh, and lookit that! A Ferrari is up next week! That was quick danger. Practicing Snailienism on the thread now eh?


D3 Data for 15 September 2013 entered.
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Maybe its a difference in mind sets here, but...
Schmiggz, I think you are looking at it wrong, at least half wrong. To me, who was once on a d1 hunt, I would practice nearly everyday, and for a short while I was in D1 (VEry short, and we only had 3 division at the time), but as time went on and other things in life started getting in the way, Islowly dropped down in the divisions. I sat in d3 for a long time. And racing started to lose its passion. D3 has gotten very competitive. I think the difference between d1 to d3 is very, very small. Unlike d3 to d4, and d4 to d5. Which I can see a larger gap, and mentality in between. I was recently moved to d4, and I have to say, my passion for the race has go up. But that is because of the guys I race with. The air in the room is much different. D3 is far more serious and into it. D4 is laid back and fun.
My point. Maybe you should kick back, chill, and have fun with it for a while. Bring back the enjoyment and passion for the race, and let go of some of the serious competitiveness to get the win.

I understand how you feel. Sometimes it has felt like I was on the verge of getting better when things seemed to fall apart. Sometimes it was Division chemistry, sometimes the combos were tough to master, or real life issues distracted me from the fun and relaxation (or competition) I sought in the game.

I took a few weeks off of Sunday Racing in April or May to refocus on those things and came back. Take the time you need to focus on what you need to do.

I welcome your return when you choose to make it. Good luck and good racing, here and everywhere.

That Ferrari is going to be awesome. I love those beautiful Italian machines. I wonder how that noise will translate to the Buttkicker? WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Ahh, the scuderia is one of the better ferraris to be sure. high speed ring is going to be fun in this car, only have like 1 and a half braking points. I bet this car sticks around for a while. I wonder what will come of the second combo.