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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Welcome Protege'! I think you are really have fun with this group, I know I am!

Soooo, Am I to assume the Mazda/Madrid combo and the Alpha Romeo replaces the 380 at Suzuka for next week is solid??? Pardon my short bus-itis. I just wanted get my manure in one sock as early as I can. Unfortunately, I have GROSSLY neglected my B-Spec duties and don't have that option for breaking in the cars:guilty:... So I have to do it myself, which isn't a bad thing, but takes a little time... Did I mention it's my Monday.... Crud..... I'll shuddup!:crazy:

Send me a friend request, but whatever bobs you've got on share and I'll grind them for you. get your b-spec status up in a hurry.
Hmm, I really like how the max number of points under this system would be 99 points. You can't get much closer to a perfect 100-point scale than that! Heck, I'll even throw out the suggestion that anyone who wins all three pole positions should get a "Triple Crown" bonus point! That would make a perfect night in S.N.A.I.L. a very symbolic 100 points!


Send me a friend request, but whatever bobs you've got on share and I'll grind them for you. get your b-spec status up in a hurry.

Feel free to send me a friend request, too. When I work from home (most days) I run the Bobs.
Thanks to Mopar and sharkie for posting their car and track selections. I've updated the line-up accordingly. Don't forget that we have new tire restrictions starting this week.

This means that the Racing Hard tires that we used last week for the Nissan Silvia SPEC-R Aero RM's will be replaced by Sports Soft tires!

We'll be using these new tire restrictions starting tonight during our unofficial/practice races!
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Effective immediately, we're making a slight adjustment to our tire restrictions. We're simply bumping up the PP range that is matched to each tire grade. These new restrictions should provide us with the more realistic grip levels that many of us prefer, while still being somewhat manageable for beginner drivers. 👍

Here are the old restrictions:
below 300 PP -> Comfort Softs
300-350 PP ---> Sports Hards
351-400 PP ---> Sports Mediums
401-450 PP ---> Sports Softs
451-500 PP ---> Racing Hards
501-550 PP ---> Racing Mediums
551 PP & up --> Racing Softs​

And here are the new restrictions:
below 300 PP -> Comfort Mediums
300-350 PP ---> Comfort Softs
351-400 PP ---> Sports Hards
401-450 PP ---> Sports Mediums
451-500 PP ---> Sports Softs
501-550 PP ---> Racing Hards
551-600 PP ---> Racing Mediums
601 PP & up --> Racing Softs
As always, the original post has been updated with this new chart for easy reference.

Correction: Comfort Softs should be 301-350 rather that 300-350
Update to Moday Mayhem!
Got the idea while grinding my Bobs. I watched the classic car remote race, and it was quite entertaining. Those guys were all over the track and the grass! So everyone stock up on some muscle cars and get ready to hammer out some metal!
This means that the Racing Hard tires that we used last week for the Nissan Silvia SPEC-R Aero RM's will be replaced by Sports Soft tires!

Ruh-roh, let's see how it does on lesser tires than it comes with.


*also added to banner consolidation post, along with a version of Diabolic Friday with no mention of hatcakes*
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Ruh-roh, let's see how it does on lesser tires than it comes with.

And you'll get your chance to try the new tires out at our Wednesday Practice session in the Division 1 Lounge.

The first hour will be one round each of this Sundays races, each round will have 5 minutes of qualifying:

The laps may be adjusted for the new combos, they're just guesstimates at this point

Mazda Roadster RS (NC) '07 (Sports Hard tires)
@Circuit Madrid (6 laps)

Nissan Silvia SPEC-R Aero (S15) RM '02 (Sports Soft tires)
@Nürburgring GP/F (5 laps)

Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione '08 (Sports Soft tires)
@Suzuka Circuit (5 laps)

The second hour we'll be running Shuffle Races with the Circuit selected by vote. Thought I'd give it a try as I don't think we've run Shuffle races before.

Hope to see you there, 22:00 EDT, 21:00 CDT, 20:00 MDT, 19:00 PDT.
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I'll take Prize B...

I'm gonna change the car. Now I need to have that awkward conversation.

*opens garage door*
"Hey Sweetie."

*380RS motor starts up*
*driver's door opens*

"Listen, babe..."
"...we uh... ...we need to have a talk."

*380RS motor revs*

"There's no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna come right out and say it."
"Look, uh, ...we're drifting apart."

*380RS motor revs*
*driver's door slams shut*

"No, it's not you, it's me - I'm just not feeling it anymore. I'm sorry"

*380 motor revs*

"It's not like that."

*multiple deafening horn honks*

"Stop it! You're embarrassing yourself. I'm actually embarrass for you right now. Just stop it. Please?"

*soft 380RS motor revs*

"You'll find a new driver who will love you..."
*looks at that sexy body*
"...like I did."
"...like I do."

*380RS motor idle*

"We can still be friends though, right?"

*380RS motor idle*

"Trust me, Sweetie, it's better this way."

*380RS motor idle*

"Don't ruin the moment by saying anything else. This is tough enough as it is."

*380RS motor idle*

"I do still love you, but I think we just need to go our separate ways for now. Who knows, we might get together again in the future."

*380RS motor idle starts missing*

"I'm just gonna go and um..."
"I'll give you some private time, okay?"

*380RS motor idle starts stumbling & knocking*

"I'll see ya around."

*motor shuts off*

"G'bye." :(
*turns and walks into the distance*

(a couple blocks later)

*turns the corner to find a unfamiliar car that peaks the interest*
"Well! Hello Beautiful!"

*motor starts up*

"What's your name?"
*reads the badge*
" 'Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione' '!"
"I love your name. ..and that accent - Sexy!"

*motor idle*

Damn, you're fine."

*soft motor rev*

"Yes, I can drive a stick."

*full throttle rev*

"Oh! :embarrassed: So... I'm guess you like to race?"

*multiple throttle revs*

"That's not a problem, I can do all that and more! Trust me, I can handle that." :sly:

*driver door opens*

*gets in car & starts caresses the steering wheel and shifter*
"I can get use to this."

*motor idle*
*driver's door closes softly*

"I'll be gentle with you."
*starts to drive off into the distance*
"So, how do you feel about the color pink?" :sly:

Is it awkward that I read this three times?
Okay, just for comparison's sake, I've copied last weeks results and used a fixed, 16-point award scheme. You can see the results on the public workbook.

You'll see the three tabs that have last week's results (2012.04.22 D1 for example). You'll also see three tabs that have last week's results with the suggested points (2012.04.22 D1 Alt for example). Missing a race hurts more in the new scheme. As a result, you see that the podium in D1 changes quite a bit from:

  1. Mighty_mopar with 50 points
  2. M1SS-D3V10US with 49 points
  3. ND_4_SPD_Naruto with 36 points


  1. M1SS-D3V10US with 88 points
  2. Mighty_mopar with 79 points
  3. kcheeb with 74 points

Also, in D2, esh wins with 93 points. So, he had a better evening in D2 than Devious had in D1.
Also, in D2, esh wins with 93 points. So, he had a better evening in D2 than Devious had in D1.

Wow, the alternate scoring dropped me two places. Shouldn't I have gotten points for the last race since I started it?
Wow, the alternate scoring dropped me two places. Shouldn't I have gotten points for the last race since I started it?

Missing a race hurts more under the new scheme.

There was talk about giving points to people who start the race but my not finish it. So you would get points, but that wasn't entered last week. Going forward, that sort of thing will be entered.

So, if we apply that new rule retroactively, then you would've gotten 10th for the last race, meaning you'd get 7 extra points which would put you back into the tie with Spooble, which you'd break with your two second place finishes.

So yes, with that rule, you'd still finish in the same place.

g-MachineREX is listed as missing a race. Did he miss it, or did he just not finish it?
Yeah, that was my concern.

My other concern is that tire wear will not be a factor in even more of our races. You really need to get to the race mediums before wear can become a factor in races as short as ours.

I understand the desire to go after realism, but after running the S2000 with it's rear end so far away from reality, I really don't see the point in chasing realism. The S2000 on one grade lower tires would be that much more unrealistic. I'm sure there are other cars in the game that are going to fall into this same boat and the lower grade tires are just going to make it that much more noticible.
There was talk about giving points to people who start the race but my not finish it. So you would get points, but that wasn't entered last week. Going forward, that sort of thing will be entered.

You should be punished over something you have no control of.
I have to agree, its a "Race" modified car, give it the race tires imo.
The other cars non-race are fine with me.

As far as the non-race cars, I'd be fine with going down another tire grade IF, and only IF, the suspension numbers were set somewhere in reality. For a sports car of any type to have zero camber built into the rear end is utterly unrealistic. Someone said earlier that for as many details as PD got right in this game it's unacceptable for them to phone in the suspension numbers on almost every car in the game.
Ruh-roh, let's see how it does on lesser tires than it comes with.

I don't know where you got your car, but mine didn't come with racing tires.

I guess I didn't play hard enough to get at the dealership.

Run on the sports tires. The thing's got downforce, already. Softer rubber is just gilding the lily.
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I'll chime in for the sake of feedback. I'll run the cars however we have to...

I'm all for the proposed points schedule.

I'm not digging the new tire breakdown. If the intent it realism, them we'd have to ensure proper suspension angles to accompany said tire selections. As previously illustrated, some cars are at a distinct disadvantage as the game's default settings are nowhere near the actual manufacturer recommended settings. They are ill-handling enough as it is. Why make things even more difficult?
For everyone who wants more grip there'll be someone who wishes there was less.

Personally, I'd run comforts on anything under about 450 PP, but maybe I'm mad.

And, of course, there are others who buy racing softs for every car they have. (probably not many in this league, though.)

Give it a go. Obviously this league is a rather plastic one. We can reassess after some time with the new setup.