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  • Thread starter zer05ive
What are the virtues of the sliding points scale? I'm sure there is one, I just don't have any experience with race series points systems. Thanks!
The way points are done in this SNAIL series is kinda messed up, in my opinion, from ANY racing league I have ever been had the pleasure to take part in. Drivers are rewarded points based on the number of drivers that finish the race (12) with 12 pts going to the 1st place winner, and 11pts to 2nd and so on & so on. If 4 drivers get dropped from the room, then the total number of points possible is now only 8. This system can prevent drivers from making strategies decision, as you would in any other series except SNAIL, and/or as described in the above paragraph.

Personally, I would think that if 12 drivers start the race, then the 12 points should be the top number of points possible, period. Regardless if 4 drivers get disconnected from the race while the race is happening. This would still allow for the conventional series point strategy by race drivers to happen and allow others a chance to end up on the podium (as it were) at the end of the race.

I think this should be looked at. This great league is growing everyday and using this system would be easy for everyone to know where they stand.

The dropped or quitting drivers are robbing possible points to be awarded from remaining drivers - this is not how it works in the real world. The points are locked down prior to the race even being started, why not do that here? Even if the highest number of points available is the number of drivers that start the race, that would be great. Instead the total possible points changes (goes down) as the race goes on due to internet issues or poor sportsmanship. Is that fair? All drivers that start a race know the possible points awarded prior to the race and should have to be thinking about how points are slipping way from them as their competition is dropping out of the race for varies reasons.

I've been thinking on the sliding scale versus fixed scale scoring system and am leaning towards the fixed scale. It makes the spreadsheets a tad simpler to calculate and will make week to week score comparisons relevant. I'm not fussed on which numbers are used, Devious example or 16 down to 1.

Honestly, I have no strong preference either way, just saw a couple of benefits and I'm all for improving 👍

Although, I did have a preference last night as I was trying to figure out the scores manually :lol:

* I like non-linear points just because I like the difference between 1st and second to be more important than the difference between next-to-last and last.

* As to the points based on the number of drivers, that will matter if I have a nine point lead over you in a ten driver room. If you get first and I get last, then you'll tie me. All I have to do is not be last to beat you. If a driver drops out, then it doesn't matter what I do, I beat you. I'll still get at least one if I'm last and now you'll only get nine. I can see rational for awarding points based on the number of drivers that started. Mind you, if that driver left before the race started, we are still back to I don't have to work as hard. So maybe fixed points per place make sense.

I've wondered about the sliding points scale ever since I joined, and I never really liked it, but this is the first time I've seen it actually effect the outcome of the total points total. I think a fixed scale makes much more sense. For insance, due to the sliding scale, I scored the same number of points for finishing 6th in race two as I did for finishing 1st in race six.


Based on the feedback received yesterday, we are making a small tweak to our points system. Effective immediately, points will awarded based on the number of drivers that start a race, not on the number of drivers that finish a race. Therefore, the number of points that will be earned for each finishing position will not change once a race has started. If one or more drivers quits or gets disconnected during a race, they will still be awarded points and will count towards the points allocation for that race.

Please note that drivers who voluntarily park their car will be treated the same as drivers who involuntarily get disconnected. The finishing position for those drivers will depend on when the event happened (how many laps those drivers completed). In other words, the driver who either quits or gets disconnected first will always get last place (and therefore the minimum one point).
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Please note that drivers who voluntarily park their car will be treated the same as drivers who involuntarily get disconnected. The finishing position for those drivers will depend on when the event happened (how many laps those drivers completed). In other words, the driver who either quits or gets disconnected first will always get last place (and therefore the minimum one point).

This does mean we'll have to award some points after when we watch the replay.
That should only be an issue if more than one person quits or is dropped, and even then only if it happens nearly simultaneously.

After I left the lounge the second time and you became host I couldn't reconnect. Network incompatibility with host. Do you have UPnP enabled? I restarted my PS3 and confirmed my router was allowing UPnP but by the time I had reconnected you were no longer the host.

Yeah. We figured me being the host was the problem so I left and came back to let someone else be it. The good news was that the room ran fine with me as the host. The bad news was that it only allowed people who are particularly compatible with me into the room.

UPnP is currently enabled for me. I actually just read that disabling it can fix this type of problem sometimes. I might give it a shot.
Well, if you turn it off, you'll be back to NAT3, which is worse. The best thing you can do is to clear all of your uPNP port forwards, and let your systems re-create those port forwards.
I'm still on NAT2 after disabling UPNP. I have no idea what the rest of your post means, really. If you'd like to help me, shoot me a PM. I'm not technologically illiterate, my system just doesn't leave me with a lot of options.

I'll try setting up a DMZ in a little bit, though I have the same issues when I plug the PS3 directly into the modem, so I have little hope.
Basically, what uPnP does is when your client (PC, Xbox, PS3) needs to have a port on your router opened up to the internet, it will try to negotiate with the router to open the port, but unlike manually opening ports, uPnP will only allow the client that asked for the port to use it. As with any other tech, things can go wrong, so the only thing to do is to clear out all of those open port settings. Some routers have an option to automatically discard those settings, some make you do it manually, and some don't give you a lot of choice in the matter. Disabling uPnP might clear the old port settings, but I can't speak about your router.
Things get even muddier because my modem is basically part router (sharing connection with anyone else with this internet service near my location...kinda) and my router is plugged into that. I don't have access to any settings on the modem/router, but can do whatever is needed on the router router.
In other, more pertinent news:

There was one protest brought to the Stewards' attention this week and it has now been resolved.

AG07WRXTR has agreed to concede a penalty that was brought to our attention by ND_4_SPD_Naruto in Round 2, Race 2 in Division 1.

Due to losing points in that race, AG07WRXTR dropped back to ninth place, propelling whatbadgerseat, racefan78, and AJK-VAIL forward one position, as noted in the now-official Standings.

No podium finishers were affected by this change.

This closes the review process for the week so all results are now official. Claim your prizes, winners!
Yeah, I need to start shuffle racing again. I dont get enough competitive practice. only my second sunday using the wheel and I'm not staying very consistent. I had a nice lead in r2 race 2.and then lost it on lap 5 of six and went back to like 6. I was having a really rough time of it last night.

Are you shifting manually with the H shifter?
On a side note. I was working on my friends S2000, that we have taken to the track a few times and played around with, and I was able to figure out why the one in the game handled like a piece of garbage compared to the real one. The settings for the rear suspension in the game are not close to the factory settings on that car. The rear toe from the factory is supposed to be .32 in the game it's .20 (like every other car). The rear camber setting from the factory should be 1.5 in the game it is 0.0 Just by making these two changes, I was able to run mid 1'23's consistently. I knew something didn't feel right about the back end of the car and now I know what it was.
Your ISP is a wireless provider? Probably 3G? That is likely your problem, not your upload throughput. At the time of that test, your latency was only 19 ms, but it can fluctuate wildly with an over-the-air ISP.

I contacted my ISP today. I'm actually on a 5G network.

I just asked them to open some ports. Instead they put my modem/router in a DMZ. I've also put my PS3 in a DMZ on my router. Hopefully some things improve, now.......hopefully.
On a side note. I was working on my friends S2000, that we have taken to the track a few times and played around with, and I was able to figure out why the one in the game handled like a piece of garbage compared to the real one. The settings for the rear suspension in the game are not close to the factory settings on that car. The rear toe from the factory is supposed to be .32 in the game it's .20 (like every other car). The rear camber setting from the factory should be 1.5 in the game it is 0.0 Just by making these two changes, I was able to run mid 1'23's consistently. I knew something didn't feel right about the back end of the car and now I know what it was.

I have no idea why PD set nearly every car with that rear toe setting. It doesn't make sense to be accurate in so many painstaking details, then just ignore the suspension. Next they'll just decide to enter random horsepower values and make each car look like an ice cream truck.

At least they got some things right...

EDIT: Actually, they'd probably make them all look like a Skyline...
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I knew something didn't feel right about the back end of the car and now I know what it was.

These are the kind of posts we need more of. It's so interesting finding out how different cars feel in-game compared to the real thing.

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