Thanks @
kcheeb for all the work you put into getting the WC division integrated and also listed in the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge. Since the WC division started on the
first week of the Challenge, can you please create a tab for @
jobyone enter the results? That way, those who raced in the very first week of the WC division can get credit for those races.
I've created a 2014.01.05 WC1 sheet in the results document. @
jobyone, let me know when you've entered the results.
Speaking of WC drivers getting credit for races, S.N.A.I.L. leadership has decided that the only way for this to work without becoming a monumental headache is for all drivers to be either assigned to a regular division or to the WC division. In other words, we won't allow drivers to hop back and forth between time slots (at least not in the middle of a season). If you race at one time slot during one season, but decide the other time slot works better for you, then you'll need to request a switch so that we can get you set up in the other time slot at the beginning of the next season.
This also means that drivers who race in both time slots in the same month will only get credit for racing in the time slot that they're assigned to. So for example, if ExampleDriver123 is assigned to a division in a regular time slot, he will get credit for any races he races in the regular time slot. However, if he decides to race in the WC time slot, he will not be able to collect any Challenge points for those races because he's not assigned to the WC division.
The monumental headache part is what I'd like to avoid

The Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge Points are calculated automatically when the scoring sheets are copied to the Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge Spreadsheet. The formulas are pretty simple and I'd prefer to keep it that way, complexity adds, well complexity

If you are a fulltime East Coast Time slot driver you get credit for the races you raced in the East time slot, same if you're a fulltime West Coast Time slot driver, you get credit for the West time slot races you compete in. As zer0 said above.
jobyone, if anyone who's assigned to a regular division races in the WC division, it's imperative that you not add their name to the director's doc or results doc etc. Doing so will cause the data and challenge points to get FUBAR so please help us avoid that situation by simply scoring the results as if they were not on the track. They can race with you guys for fun, but adding them to the data pool in two separate time slots needs to be avoided at all costs please.
zer05ive, I guess I didn't explain very well how the scoring sheets work, my apologies. The simplest is as you said, for @
jobyone to not enter the results for the non-West Coast time slot drivers. However, the Directors, Results and Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge documents will only recognize the Votes, Points and participation in the West Coast scoring sheet, for West Coast drivers. And conversely, West Coast drivers that appear in an East Coast time slot scoring sheet.
However, the latter should not happen. Which brings me to an important point, ultimately each Division is racing for a season championship and ideally the same group of drivers compete during the season. This month is a really bad example of that ideal, we've had to restructure, however the ideal is still held as a carrot in front of the cart.
In the perfect racing world, 16 drivers would race on week 1, race for 4 weeks and a winner would be determined. Real life and growing a new time slot doesn't allow for that to happen, exactly. To get drivers on the grid and encourage participation in the West Coast time slot, we've allowed East Coast time slot drivers to race there. I can see a time in the future, when that won't be allowed. Ultimately, when the West Coast time slot is self sustaining in terms of numbers of drivers on the grid. We're not there now, but momentum is growing 👍
Think about it in terms of a D3 driver hopping in to D4 for a week, not only is that driver potentially faster than the D4 guys, he's also taking away season long points from the D4 drivers that are regulars. The same can be said for a West Coast driver to East Coast time slot and East Coast driver to West Coast time slot.