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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Hello everyone. Ive decided. im no longer going to be racing for a win anymore. Hell I could care less about winning any race right now. My primary focus is racecraft. Ive been working on it but it seems to be very difficult when it comes to people just making a lot of mistakes and you capitalizing off of it correctly without making it worse. I normally I want it to improve but it seems its just not good enough cause people seem to get unnervally pissed off with me. I Im trying to get it right and not be brute. IM trying to be patient. I just hope ive improved but it seems like im not aat all apparently. I have no idea what to do. Frankly it makes me feel like quitting the snail racing league and go rogue before I came here. MMMMM its very frustrating to me. Any tips guys?

I really appreciate the help you have given me K1utch and I really hope you don't leave.
It makes a big difference when you know people TRUST you to do the right thing. If you drive like an ass then you will get treated like an ass. When you make contact and drive away on a nightly basis, you should expect retaliation. People will shut the door on you everywhere and do whatever they can to make your life miserable during the race...oftentimes just to force you into being a dumbass.

When you finally learn racecraft and to RESPECT ALL your fellow drivers as EQUALS, then demonstrate this on track, your racing experience will be much more enjoyable.

Other drivers will give you room when they know you have the speed or better lines in certain situations. They will be more likely to work WITH you rather than against you on the track. If you are battling for 2nd place with another driver, 1st place is driving off into the sunset. When you gain respect, you will find others working with you to catch that 1st place guy.

Last night @racefan78 and I were 1st/2nd at Spa for almost the entire race. We have raced together for a long time in SNAIL. Instead of working against each other and slowing each other down, we worked together and pulled out a nice lead. He bobbled a couple of times...but attempting a pass in those spots would have been risky. I probably could have made it stick "legally" but I would not have felt good about it and there was a chance one of us could have gone off or made contact. So we continued to give each other room in those moments and I tucked in behind to help push when I could.

There are many people in SNAIL that I know I can trust not to put me in the weeds and vice versa. Due to mutual respect, friendship and camaraderie.

When I know a known a-hole is coming up behind me, I will make it my personal mission to make sure he comes out on the bottom...within the rules of course ;) Don't make people treat you like this.

Maybe try to make a list of all the people who you can drive with like that. If the list is short, then get out there and gain some respect...by giving it.

Slight edit to avoid "double post" trouble...
Try to think of all the people here that you KNOW are good and respected racers but have never driven with them before. How do you know they are good racers? Reputation gained by treating others with respect. I have moved from D2 to D1 to D2 to D3. Each time I looked at the driver's lineup before the season started and could already tell who I knew I could trust...many of them I had never driven against on the track. Try to be one of them.
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D3 ran pretty smooth tonight. We got done earlier than usual, even with some DCes, including the main host, but JoeW was there to pick up the room and we rolled on. Not sure what happened to Wolfsatz after his DC but it appears he wasn't able to find the room to come back in:(.

D3 replays are up.

I guess I was finally bitten by the PD bug; it just seems pretty strange that the room I was hosting, I could not see it anymore even after rebooting. Anyway, I joined the WC room for the first 2 rounds. Great racing there too, just feels like practice night with multiple tempos, but it is enjoyable.

Perhaps we can do a normal open lobby so at least there is a room number to go to?
I guess I was finally bitten by the PD bug; it just seems pretty strange that the room I was hosting, I could not see it anymore even after rebooting. Anyway, I joined the WC room for the first 2 rounds. Great racing there too, just feels like practice night with multiple tempos, but it is enjoyable.

Perhaps we can do a normal open lobby so at least there is a room number to go to?

Are you friends with Ice_Warden? Perhaps that an issue.

That being said, my "Show Friends Room Only" option was not working last night. I had to search through the regular list (refreshing at least twice) in order to find your Friends Only room. Was odd.
I think @JLBowler mentioned that if the host of a friends-only room is disconnected, he will be unable to join that same room again. Just another sweet feature thanks to PD!

Yikes! I did refreshed for like 20 minutes and never came into view. Anyway, no big deal as the 3rd round was my least favorite but I needed some points.
Are you friends with Ice_Warden? Perhaps that an issue.

That being said, my "Show Friends Room Only" option was not working last night. I had to search through the regular list (refreshing at least twice) in order to find your Friends Only room. Was odd.
I was having that problem a lot. Now I wait a little bit after logging into my PS3 before I load up the game. Problem has gone away. Basically, make sure your friend list loads before you start the game.
Well guys. idk what to tell you .I feel like im on my last leg. I think im done with snail. All I do is make peoples live miserable when I race. I hate getting complaints. I don't even try to fight the incident report simply because I know im an idiot when I race. Is struggling so much and I absolutely hate it. Its so damn depressing. If I cannot even do a good job around other cars then what is the point of having speed. What was the point of me practing by myself in lobbies for hours until my arms hurt. What was the point if I cannot yield the fruit of my hard work. I go all over the online scene desperately trying to find the answer as to my style of racecraft and yet it frustrates me that after 3 months I still have not found the answer. IM sick and tired of spinning out and crashing. Im sick and tired of making the racing experience worse for others. Im tired of myself. Whats the point in being fast when being fast is becoming my biggest curse. I hate this. I feel like im stuck in a cycle I cannot get out of. I want to grow and im desperately trying to continue to grow. I want to break this cycle desperately but I feel like im stuck and at my end. IM tired guys. IM very tired
Well guys. idk what to tell you .I feel like im on my last leg. I think im done with snail. All I do is make peoples live miserable when I race. I hate getting complaints. I don't even try to fight the incident report simply because I know im an idiot when I race. Is struggling so much and I absolutely hate it. Its so damn depressing. If I cannot even do a good job around other cars then what is the point of having speed. What was the point of me practing by myself in lobbies for hours until my arms hurt. What was the point if I cannot yield the fruit of my hard work. I go all over the online scene desperately trying to find the answer as to my style of racecraft and yet it frustrates me that after 3 months I still have not found the answer. IM sick and tired of spinning out and crashing. Im sick and tired of making the racing experience worse for others. Im tired of myself. Whats the point in being fast when being fast is becoming my biggest curse. I hate this. I feel like im stuck in a cycle I cannot get out of. I want to grow and im desperately trying to continue to grow. I want to break this cycle desperately but I feel like im stuck and at my end. IM tired guys. IM very tired

from the first time that I share the asphalt with you to now you have improved. But I think you are doing the same I was doing when I joined 1.5 years ago. I always raced all flat out (and spinning a lot) and to tell you the truth I sometimes still do, trying to improve on each lap. Running fast laps or hot lapping is quite different than racing with others; that is why I don't usually practice by myself much, I rather practice by racing with others.

When I won the Division (long time ago); I was actually forcing me to slow down; I played strategy rather than speed, of course you still need to be fast but careful.

I always try to make a touch-less pass, which is sometimes almost impossible is some tracks, but very gratifying when you are able to do it.

Don't call it quits! Racing is much as a mental sport as it is chess! Need to learn to be patient and control your emotions when the race don't go as planned. Sometimes you try to win the race on the 1st lap; give it time and grow your racecraft little by little. It does not happen over night, just like any skill is something that needs polishing over and over.
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from the first time that I share the asphalt with you to now you have improved. But I think you are doing the same I was doing when I joined 1.5 years ago. I always raced all flat out (and spinning a lot) and to tell you the truth I sometimes still do, trying to improve on each lap. Running fast laps or hot lapping is quite different than racing with others; that is why I don't usually practice by myself much, I rather practice by racing with others.

When I won the Division (long time ago); I was actually forcing me to slow down; I played strategy rather than speed, of course you still need to be fast but careful.

I always try to make a touch-less pass, which is sometimes almost impossible is some tracks, but very gratifying when you are able to do it.

Don't call it quits! Racing is much as a mental sport as it is chess! Need to learn to be patient and control your emotions when the race don't go as planned. Sometimes you try to win the race on the 1st lap; give it time and grow your racecraft little by little. It does not happen over night, just like any skill is something that needs polishing over and over.

Please forgive my taking part in this as a noobie at racing online. However, I have had some experience in other areas of life. K1utch, you are obviously a very, very hard working, dedicated, disciplined person as your speed is proof of. Just image how good you would be if you were to apply that same amazing skill and 'blood, sweat, and tears' to the timing against others and the overall race strategy!!!! You would probably be picked up by Ferrari!!

Also, I know a little something about competition level sports. An athlete goes through training cycles. There is a time to push to the death, and a time to rest. Every season has these cycles, one or two; end season top competitions should always have a resting period just before. The resting or working out lightly period allows the subconscious to bring into the conscious new frames of reference and new insights that could have never surfaced if the athlete remains tired. When an athlete is very tired, this is the time that the mind can be expanded into the bigger picture, if they will let go and rest, realizing that this is a natural and fully involved part of the process. This is part of competitive development.
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I know some people will complain because it's not a Snail or a hat cake, but if there is one thing I like more than cars it is guitars. So what would be more appropriate on a day like today.


Then the day got a whole lot worse, as this following picture appeared on my Facebook news feed. Ironically, I have a friend in Germany(whom I was lucky enough to spend a few days with him and his family on my trip to Europe in 2010) whose birthday is the same as mine. Why don't they sell Renaults here anymore? They sell Fiat 500s here, and they seem to be pretty popular.

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Well guys. idk what to tell you .I feel like im on my last leg. I think im done with snail. All I do is make peoples live miserable when I race. I hate getting complaints. I don't even try to fight the incident report simply because I know im an idiot when I race. Is struggling so much and I absolutely hate it. Its so damn depressing. If I cannot even do a good job around other cars then what is the point of having speed. What was the point of me practing by myself in lobbies for hours until my arms hurt. What was the point if I cannot yield the fruit of my hard work. I go all over the online scene desperately trying to find the answer as to my style of racecraft and yet it frustrates me that after 3 months I still have not found the answer. IM sick and tired of spinning out and crashing. Im sick and tired of making the racing experience worse for others. Im tired of myself. Whats the point in being fast when being fast is becoming my biggest curse. I hate this. I feel like im stuck in a cycle I cannot get out of. I want to grow and im desperately trying to continue to grow. I want to break this cycle desperately but I feel like im stuck and at my end. IM tired guys. IM very tired

I can practice with you if you want. You have raw speed and just need to build on that. Don't give up.
@K1utch I think the best thing for you to do is review your own races and watch the other drivers. See how they hold back and follow the pack. See how eventually everyone makes a mistake big enough for drivers to get by without forcing it. By following someone closely you can usually distract them or pressure them into braking too late. Its easier to orchestrate a pass that way than to divebomb into a corner and hope your brakes stop you.

I think I went from 13th to 3rd in C2R2 last night with only passing one driver. Everyone else sort of just parted ways by picking up penalties or spinning out. 12th to 4th in C3R2 the same way. I passed one car at race pace. The rest had unfortunate mishaps. Combine those types of finishes with your stellar qualifying and first races and you'll dominate the division. Had I not screwed up C1R2 I probably would have been toward the top of the points for the night without winning a single race.
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Please forgive my taking part in this as a noobie at racing online. However, I have had some experience in other areas of life. K1utch, you are obviously a very, very hard working, dedicated, disciplined person as your speed is proof of. Just image how good you would be if you were to apply that same amazing skill and 'blood, sweat, and tears' to the timing against others and the overall race strategy!!!! You would probably be picked up by Ferrari!!

Forgot to add something important on the subject. Complaints!
there are a lot of us and I include myself because I've felt the same emotion; that take penalties from a compliant too personal and as if someone is telling you that you are not a good racer.

Learn to take it as what it is meant to be, positive criticism; I'm sure you have or had that teacher that is always pushing you even when you got 97% on an exam; that is because that saw that you are capable of 100%.

Save the replays (something you say you don't do) and then watch the races from your perspective as well as others, especially the one that put the complaint. Just like professional sports watch their own games and even professional drivers watch replays to learn the habits and weaknesses of their foes. You can also learn a lot from watching your own mistakes.
Well guys. idk what to tell you .I feel like im on my last leg. I think im done with snail. All I do is make peoples live miserable when I race. I hate getting complaints. I don't even try to fight the incident report simply because I know im an idiot when I race. Is struggling so much and I absolutely hate it. Its so damn depressing. If I cannot even do a good job around other cars then what is the point of having speed. What was the point of me practing by myself in lobbies for hours until my arms hurt. What was the point if I cannot yield the fruit of my hard work. I go all over the online scene desperately trying to find the answer as to my style of racecraft and yet it frustrates me that after 3 months I still have not found the answer. IM sick and tired of spinning out and crashing. Im sick and tired of making the racing experience worse for others. Im tired of myself. Whats the point in being fast when being fast is becoming my biggest curse. I hate this. I feel like im stuck in a cycle I cannot get out of. I want to grow and im desperately trying to continue to grow. I want to break this cycle desperately but I feel like im stuck and at my end. IM tired guys. IM very tired

Send me a pm. I'd like to help you if you want it.
The fact that passing is difficult, if not almost impossible, when the driver in front of you doesn't make a mistake, is how it ought to be and a testament to one of the main goals of this league, and proof that Promotion and Relegation work to meet that goal.

I would rather follow someone around the entire race, and if neither of us makes even the smallest mistake, finish behind them and know we both drove our best. This is not to say, after pressuring someone and they make that little squiggle or miss a corner entry, that slows them just enough for me to get a better run to the next corner, and for that moment, I did it better and was rewarded with a higher finishing position, is not equally as satisfying as the former.

Mistake free driving is an impossibility. Even the winners of every race made a mistake somewhere on the track. It just happens it didn't cost them as much as other's mistakes.
You said it!!, man:tup:
Send me a pm. I'd like to help you if you want it.
I'll do laps with Ya and give some pointers from a beginner's stand point.. a lot of good/helpful racers here. Best thing to do as a starter is follow a decent racer on track and never go for the pass. Just focus on lines

Sorry , I linked that wrong ... Never saw the original post
I'll do laps with Ya and give some pointers from a beginner's stand point.. a lot of good/helpful racers here. Best thing to do as a starter is follow a decent racer on track and never go for the pass. Just focus on lines

Sorry , I linked that wrong ... Never saw the original post
I thought it was Pretty awesome giving a GT Academy finalist pointers;) That being said I am sure we can all improve
I think @JLBowler mentioned that if the host of a friends-only room is disconnected, he will be unable to join that same room again. Just another sweet feature thanks to PD!

That was me that said that. If you are hosting a room, friends only, and you leave for what ever reason, you will not be able to get back in the room. I know this from experience.:)
Hey guys, i was just reading some of the more recent posts. I just wanted to say that being fast during a race means nothing if you cant apply the speed towards the outcome. Someone was saying that he spins out and crashes other people alot, or something like that...I personally think that driving as fast as possible incident free should be the goal, even if that means that your lap times are slower than you can actually go if given the opportunity.
Who? K1utch? Gt academy finalist?? I had no idea , that is funny . Don't take pointers from me...
NONONONNO im not a gt academy finalist. People just say I am for some reason. I have no idea why though. Honestly I never even knew the gt academy existed