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  • Thread starter zer05ive
A fourth division may sound good in theory, but we don't have the numbers to support it. Right now we average about 10 drivers in each division on Sunday night. If we split into four divisions, that would mean only 7-8 drivers in each division and that's an undersized grid IMO. Even if this fourth division was used purely as a D-league (and not steal drivers from the other divisions), it's hard to learn good racecraft when there's only two or three drivers on the grid with you.

As far as it being a win win, I'm not so sure about that. There is a whole lot of planning and coordination that's required for each division, both publicly and behind the scenes. For that reason, the need for a fourth division would have to be pretty overwhelming in order to justify creating it. Otherwise, I'd prefer to have three divisions of 14 drivers rather than four divisions of 10 drivers.

I am sorry if I didn't elaborate on, or convey more accurately, the context of my post as well as I should have. I didn't mean tomorrow morning we should wake up to find a shiny new division 4 sitting there like a parasite eating away drivers from other divisions.

I am all for simplicity. Simplicity is one of the things that makes the league work. However, I believe it is an eventuality, unless membership is limited, that S.N.A.I.L. will continue to grow and need a 4th division anyway. So addressing the contingency today (as in the present) for a 4th division tomorrow (as in the future) with the driving aids some members believe we should afford new drivers and a league that apparently endorses that point of view, it doesn't seem to be as misguided or as naive of a suggestion as you would make it seem.

I have seen the two links you embedded and because I am not naive, I am aware of the effort that must go into each division not to mention the league as a whole. It is very much appreciated!
addressing the contingency today for a 4th division tomorrow with the driving aids some members believe we should afford new drivers and a league that apparently endorses that point of view, it doesn't seem to be as misguided or as naive of a suggestion as you would make it seem.

But it would spread people out to too great of an extent.

Running a fourth division with just a racer or two in it will do nothing to help them to grow and get faster. zer0 is ready for a fourth division when it is necessary. It simply isn't yet and would be much more of a burden than it's worth. Especially when a driver can use certain aids in D3 if they ask for them.

I don't really believe that the league endorses aids, generally speaking.

I get that we can't hold every crybabies hand and help them along, but, to be rude to some guy who enters the room looking for fun was something I really wasn't fond of.

Really, you're talking mostly about me. I only got rude when [the person in question] refused to listen to the help that I tried to provide to him. Reading the forum (which I assume he had access to since he was in a division lounge) is the best way to know what's going on on any given night.

people writing in all caps, "read the forum" was uncalled for in my opinion,

I only put it in all caps the third time. I tried to answer his questions directly before that but he kept asking them over again. Then he said that he "wasn't asking me" he was "asking the host." It became obvious that he really did not know what was going on in that room.

it would have taken no more effort to just give the guy the answer he was looking for,

I gave him all the answers that I could–at great effort. Typing with a DS3 is a real pain in the rear.

was it annoying, of course, but we don't know his situation, maybe he came home from work, and jumped on the ps3 , looked in the room and saw people were in there, came in and was treated like a jerk

He couldn't have been too put out. He came back tonight and was at least as annoying and uneducated as he was yesterday, and we were running the league combos

practicing in a room by yourself is much different than with 15 guys who are faster than you, my times are like fifteen seconds faster when I'm by myself,

Admittedly, and that's where I struggled the most when I joined this league. I had only done a bit of online racing before that point, and was never competitive. Just running with these guys changed that entirely, and I improve every week. Aids won't help you, there.

I think some people forget that different people progress in different ways, just because you did something one way, doesn't mean that's the best way for others. And about ego, it seems to me that every game I play there are guys who think they are better than whoever because they do it this way, or that way, I really never understood that logic, where does it end? Are people who drive faster cars better than slower cars? What about wheel vs controller, I mean who cares,

This bit gets rather beyond the point, in my opinion.

let's race and have fun, that's all I'm saying.

Let's. But that's awfully hard to do when you have to explain and re-explain what's going on to someone who won't listen or won't take your answer when you try to help them. You end up spending much too long trying to set one guy up and not enough time racing. Which was made evident by having to try to deal with the guy for about 15 minutes last night before we could race.

…then it was all for naught as he left both races that he was there for…

I'm all for new racers in this league and they come in all the time. But in the limited time that I get to race, I want to race. Not explain every bit of what's happening.

P.S. I like your style, dude.
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P.S. I like your style, dude.

Thanks App.

Even though I greatly enjoy being an enforcer, I dislike the consequences. Being 15sec back after one lap doesn't exactly promote fun battling. I am, however, prepared to make such sacrifices for the greater good. 👍
App, I couldn't disagree more with most of what you said, but I'm over it, this is silly, I said my peace, you said yours, we will agree to disagree.

I have no issue with you. But, your little brother/son/daughter/nephew/cousin/friend/random acquaintance is a hapless simpleton who does not get it.

Any ventures into rooms that I occupy will result in unabandoned aggression and, inevitably, his ruin.

I have no issue with you. But, your little brother/son/daughter/nephew/cousin/friend/random acquaintance is a hapless simpleton who does not get it.

Any ventures into rooms that I occupy will result in unabandoned aggression and, inevitably, his ruin.

Look, bro, I don't know that guy from nobody, if he doesn't get the program, and has to be kicked out or whatever, so be it, if I'm out of line and I need to be kicked out, so be it, all I was saying was I felt that even though that guy wasn't on top of what was happening, I felt sorry for him, I've been there, the other night with cat and mouse I had no clue what I was doing for most of it, and someone got on the mic and was a bit disrespectful to me, I didn't say anything, because I felt horrible, I don't want to ruin somebody's game or limited time they have, I was trying, but didn't fully comprehend what was going on, so I just felt that it wasn't right, and I said something about it, I will always stand up for what I believe in, no matter the consequence. That's just who I am, no disrespect intended.
I used to feel sorry for people, then I grew up and had to deal with them. Now I want to donate money to natural selection's tip jar. Whoever your buddy is, tell him to stop sucking.
App, we will agree to disagree.

Why do people keep telling me that? You can't make me agree to disagree. I'm too stubborn to agree to anything like that. I disagree to agree to disagree, and stating that "we will agree" only makes me more disagreeable.

Also, I only have one P in my name. Both you and dude did that for some reason. Odd.

I don't really take any offense to that. It's just a screen name, after all.

dude: Next time you fall back for a good cause I'll roll back, too to give you a race. (except on Sunday)
For those who may not know, it is Teacher Appreciation Week.

I feel compelled to call out the excellence of Sharkie. Simply put, I am not a natural driver. She has helped me improve significantly, and with measured, accurate, and effective feedback from a great TEACHER, she has helped me give up on 'aids' that I didn't need, see lines I didn't understand before, and continue playing a game that is frustrating... And a game that is rewarding for not giving in to early problems, but taking away a lesson learned.

I nominate her for my Teacher of the Week (and then some)!

Thanks Handlerbar. :)
Also, I only have one P in my name. Both you and dude did that for some reason. Odd.

I don't really take any offense to that. It's just a screen name, after all.

dude: Next time you fall back for a good cause I'll roll back, too to give you a race. (except on Sunday)

My humblest apologies for my inaccuracies in regards to your username. "App" is normal to me and others from NC, who are fans of Appalachian State football. I "app"reciate your offer to fall back and give me competition, but it is unnecessary. Being hell-bent on catching up with that crazy tireless eye is half the fun of being outmatched. 👍
Not true, I lived in Philly for 30 years and Fort lauderdale for 10, I know about major metropolitan areas, I'm actually feeling sorry for you now, I don't let others affect me in a negative way, and I'm sorry that you do. When I was young I did all the things young men do, was angry, liked to hurt others, but when my daughter was born I changed, then I was told I had an incurable disease, I changed even more, enjoy life my friend, don't let others take your happiness, life is short.
We're going to start hosting the Wednesday night races in the open lobby.

I'm running a little late. Will be there shortly.

About that, if you're doing it for recruiting reasons and separate from the forums, how are people that join through the open lobby going to know that we run 3 specific cars? 3 cars that even if they do have most likely will have been tuned.
OK guys, lets not start getting our panties in a bunch here. Goat, Glenn, I'm speaking to you two. AP, by disagreeing to agree to disagree, you are totally agreeing to disagree, without saying you agree.
As for this issue with "that guy" he also did this Sunday. Came in completely unaware of what was going on, on league night! Then instead of trying to get with the program, he tries to get me the change everything so he could race. Really guy? If you can't read the OP on this forum, don't come to league night. Definitely don't ask if you can use a different car in a one make race, and dont expect to he accomidated. Then he says, not asks, but demands for us to wait to start racing until he can get the cars, then never even returns. Of course we didn't wait. If your going to be part of a league, then have a clue as to what's going on. I don't know about you. But I'm going laugh my ass off as the fool who shows up to a baseball game in hockey gear, then demands that we at least use the puck instead of a baseball.

Btw. I hold a mix view between you two. I feel everyone deserves a chance. Just one though. If you prove yourself incompetent, or entitled or any other kind of character flaw along those lines, well, that was your one chance. After that, I'm tipping natural selection as well.
About that, if you're doing it for recruiting reasons and separate from the forums, how are people that join through the open lobby going to know that we run 3 specific cars? 3 cars that even if they do have most likely will have been tuned.

Good point esh. I should be able to find a car off the recommended list that can be suggested if they don't have the car. It'll at least get them in the race.
About that, if you're doing it for recruiting reasons and separate from the forums, how are people that join through the open lobby going to know that we run 3 specific cars? 3 cars that even if they do have most likely will have been tuned.

As you saw last night, we don't care if the "pubbers" run the 3 specific cars that we're running. The point is to just get them on the track with a similar PP level car so that they participate in clean and competitive races with us. That's why we set a PP limit last night, which is something that would be totally unnecessary were we all in the same non-tuned car.

As for them most likely only having tuned cars, we name the room "GTP No Tuning Allowed" so that it's pretty clear what the point of our room is. I initially wanted to name the room "GTP Tuning Prohibited" to fall more in line with the wording used in the Regulations Settings menu, but apparently the word "prohibited" is prohibited lol.

I also considered naming the room "GTP Spec Racing", but if we allow cars on the track that aren't the same-make as ours, then it's technically not spec racing anymore. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve this open lobby idea, or if you simply think it's a bad idea.
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Rallywagon, can we get together this afternoon for some Touge? I need some practice. That is if you think your new wheel is up for it.:sly:
That was a good night of practice last night. We had a bunch of people on track, at one point we had 16 in the room. And with nary, yes I said nary, a hitch. Thanks in big part to tcrash's A+ internet connection. Thanks again tcrash for hosting and manning the controls 👍

Tsukuba and Eiger are going to be, as Colonel Klink was wont to say, 'Very Interesting'.

Good times last night 👍
AP, by disagreeing to agree to disagree, you are totally agreeing to disagree, without saying you agree.

I disagree.

As for this issue with "that guy" he also did this Sunday.

Sunday, too? Good God.

I feel everyone deserves a chance. Just one though. If you prove yourself incompetent, or entitled or any other kind of character flaw along those lines, well, that was your one chance. After that, I'm tipping natural selection as well.

I agree.
Thanks cheeb!
Uh oh, not good. my PS3 is starting to get laggy and janky. hopefully I'm not running into issues like Garris.