on a more serious note... I've begun to translate the SOLR into Spanish. If anyone out there is willing to help out by divide and conquer please let me know.
@Dragonwhisky OLR = Online League Rules ?
Well. Crud. Charging up the new Turtle Beach headset and an artillery barrage from the sky has knocked out power.
Time for a nap I reckon. TT setup will have to wait now too.
Always time for a Neuron Assessment Period.We ain't got time for that
OK! how do you/I get my race from the stick to you tube or PC??
Perhaps I could also get some help on a related note. Since my epic data loss incident a few weeks ago I have been diligently backing up my saved game data to a USB drive.Saved race replays will not play on any device other than a PS3. If you want to get a race to youtube or a PC as a video file you will either need a video capture device or a camera pointed at the TV screen.
If you're looking to send the replay to someone else, you need to copy the filed from the stick to the PC (never renaming it) and then zip the file and upload it to a shared site or email it to the other user. They would then need to reverse the process and play it on their PS3.
Perhaps I could also get some help on a related note. Since my epic data loss incident a few weeks ago I have been diligently backing up my saved game data to a USB drive.
When I look for the data on my PS3 it says "No data found."
When I do a current save, the PS3 says the current file has to be overwritten, and when I plug the USB into my laptop I can see the saved files. Anyone know what's causing this?
It's also possible the USB stick is formatted under the NTFS format. So far as I know the PS3 will write to an NTFS drive but will not read from it. PM me if you'd like to PSN chat and I can help you troubleshoot further and walk you through setting up the USB stick for the PS3.Perhaps I could also get some help on a related note. Since my epic data loss incident a few weeks ago I have been diligently backing up my saved game data to a USB drive.
When I look for the data on my PS3 it says "No data found."
When I do a current save, the PS3 says the current file has to be overwritten, and when I plug the USB into my laptop I can see the saved files. Anyone know what's causing this?
In order to back up an individual game save file to a USB stick you need to go to "Saved Data Utility" in the PS3's xmb menu. Once there go find the Gran Turismo 6 file. Once selected, press the triangle button and select copy. The PS3 will then prompt you to select the destination. Select the USB stick and that's it. You will now have a copy of your save data on your USB stick. If you ever lose your data, you will be able to copy that file from the stick to the PS3 and restart from the point it was copied.
It's also possible the USB stick is formatted under the NTFS format. So far as I know the PS3 will write to an NTFS drive but will not read from it. PM me if you'd like to PSN chat and I can help you troubleshoot further and walk you through setting up the USB stick for the PS3.
I did notice myself when I raced offline in time trials, my braking zones were deeper and I could carry more apex speed. The few times I did practice offline back when I joined SNAIL, I took those combos online, to empty rooms, because I didn't want to get in anyone's way, and went deep on those braking zones when I used the same markers.
Where from? Best Buy is offering a free wireless charger with a pre-order. That, plus the fact that I have some significant store credit there, are why I'm planning to pre-order from there.I pre-ordered mine already.
Hello my fellow SNAILs! What does an old friend have to do to get back into this fine league?School will be coming to a close in a little over a month and besides having to study for exams I have more free time than I did before. However, I won't be racing this Sunday (April 5th) because I don't want to make Bowler do anymore work. Plus, it'll be easter so it'll be a bit of family time so it'll serve as a nice day off from gaming (hopefully). My racer's blood is boiling and pumping so I plan on coming back on April 12th. Thanks for the quick response and I hope to be back on track soon with all of you!
Welcome back @DriftinAssassin!
Start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @Dragonwhisky, @JLBowler, @nmcp1 & @zer05ive as participants. The conversation title should be "Request To Join Re-Join". We'll fill you in on all the particulars in the conversation. 👍
Can someone tell who is the matermind of the 'officialsnailpromo video'?
His name is at the end of the video, but I've tagged @brntguy on the first post (below the video) to ensure that there's no future confusion on who is behind the epic video! 👍@brntguy is the mastermind
I know what you mean.. I watch it just for fun sometimes too.I just reshared @brntguy at one of the communities called 'Sim Racing Videos' the site owner called it 'Spectacular'.
and BTW... I never get tired from watching either!
Ze bannerz are on ze lineup post!@zer05ive
Ze bannerz!! This weekend should be another good one!
Photo credit to @TomMang_68
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Photo credit to @DesertPenguin09
View attachment 343019
Photo credit to @Engmatic1
View attachment 343020
If @brntguy races with us on Sunday night, I'll end my two year hiatus!I just watched the video again for the first time in quite a while. I saw my own car at least 5 times. Excellent job by @brntguy putting it together.
We need to get him and @zer05ive on the track for a Sunday night.
On a side note, 13 miillion more credits and I will have the last car that I need to complete my collection of every car in GT6. For those that don't know, I had completed this task within a month of the game coming out by using the credit glitch but I deleted that save file because I was bored already. Once I have the last car, I will own them all without the use of any glitch or bug. Just the time consuming work of grinding it out.