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View media item 2540Race Date: Feb. 14, 2016
Currently tracking 22 Incident Reports
Currently tracking 22 Incident Reports
We have at least one potential prize winner with a racing incident being investigated by the stewards. This may, obviously, change the order of the prizes to be selected. The prize A winner, @Grandpa Money is free from IRs and is cleared to make his selection. All other potential winners are asked to refrain from making selections until the Weekly Steward's report has been posted.
The target deadline for the Steward Reviews, this week, is Wednesday night by 10PM Eastern. The Steward Summary will be posted as soon as possible, following completion of reviews.
:@: SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to The Incident Review Scoring.
The target deadline for the Steward Reviews, this week, is Wednesday night by 10PM Eastern. The Steward Summary will be posted as soon as possible, following completion of reviews.
:@: SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to The Incident Review Scoring.
The IR Submission Form is now closed.
Over the last few weeks, the stewards have seen quite a few IRs with the time stamp information being filled out incorrectly. Please take a look at the incident reporting instructions and take note that the time entered is always the total race time that you get from the upper right corner of your screen. It is not the time of the lap, it is not the time from the replay timer on the bottom of the screen, it is not the total lap time from the lap you just finished that pops up in the middle of the screen, and it's not the best lap of the race by a given driver. It is the total race time.
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