Hi boys and girls....
and especially the May 2016 Data Specialists
We need the May data completed before the end of day Saturday this week so that I can:
1. Archive the data, and
2. Set up the Race of Champions
Without the Data, the ROC gets even more complicated.
The following is lacking/missing:
May 22
Div 1: No Data entered
Div 3: No Data entered. (Mr. Birdy promised he will get it done - thanks)
May 15
Div 1: Total Times for all 6 races missing (It's the scorekeepers job to enter these times, but you can get that from the replay with some quick fingers and a calculator. Even if it is off by a couple of 10s it is better to have than not. Score keeper should pay attention though...

Div 2: Data incomplete
May 8
Div 1: Total Times for all 6 races missing (see comment above)
Div 2: Qually time for Round 2 missing (Scorekeeper's job

. Data man can only get this if he took pictures)
Div 4: Round 1 Race 1 - how many laps did you run? (if the Total Time is a typo then it is an easy fix)
May 1
Div 5: Round 2 Race 2 data missing
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