- 694
- Pennsylvania
- lifesagamble420
Ironically my fan is on haha.
Ironically my fan is on haha.
Might i make a request for a rule change, we should have a false start penalty
It makes it so that everyone will have to be careful at the starts and everyone wont be even at the first corner. Basically its down to reaction time instead of holding your foot on the gas until the game lets you loose when the timer says goWhy? I'm not saying I disagree, but you need to have a reason.
dangerzone641It makes it so that everyone will have to be careful at the starts and everyone wont be even at the first corner. Basically its down to reaction time instead of holding your foot on the gas until the game lets you loose when the timer says go
True but it makes the starts more interesting, and might give the people that start from the back a chance to gain a few places before the first cornerI always wondered why that setting wasn't used while other penalty functionality is active. Makes sense to me that it should be used. It would definitely make starts a bit more interesting.
The only reason I can think it (false start with penalty) isn't used is to keep the racing as close as possible for as long as possible. Once it's used, the field will spread out much sooner.
True but it makes the starts more interesting, and might give the people that start from the back a chance to gain a few places before the first corner
True but it makes the starts more interesting, and might give the people that start from the back a chance to gain a few places before the first corner
it was just an idea, just tryin to increase the realismSeems to me this would cause even more chaos at the first turn with cars moving at different rates of speed and the guy in the back that got a good start would try and pass four cars instead of the two he's trying to pass now.
What should be happening is that everyone should be trying to get through turn one on their cold tires in one piece and then start racing for positions one at a time once their tires come up to temp.
Anything that has to potential to bunch up a start any more than it already is, is just a bad idea in my opinion.
it was just an idea, just tryin to increase the realism
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, it adds another element of realism 👍 But if it creates too much chaos ...
Oh yeah, the old realism saw. While I'm sure the real race stewards for standing start races would love to be able to invoke an immediate penalty for drivers that jump the start, this setting would in no way mirror current reality.
An increase in realism can only be attained by a reduction of in game controls, which will inversely affect the time stewards and management must spend reviewing everything. The only reason the in game penalty controls exist is to compensate for the limitations of the physics engine to mimic reality in regards to shortcuts, damage and the general tendency of humans to stretch the rules of any environment, synthetic or not. Take a look at the real reason you want start penalties enabled. It isn't for realism.
It could add to the mayhem on a start too. If you're behind one or more people that get penalized, everyone else behind is going to be scrambling for a way around the stationary car(s). I can see situations where this could get![]()
I wasn't referring to wanting start penalties enabled, I was referring to the start being dependent on your ability to accurately time your launch to the count down timer. That's where realism is added.
Made it into area 51![]()