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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Since I did so poorly during last Wed. practice, I will be opening a practice room around 9:45PM EST for those interested.
I sent in my time, hope I can make D1, not sure as the lap wasn't perfect (and not even close to alien). Depending on where I end up how would I get "promoted" up a level?
If only becoming an Alien was as easy as changing your brake balance:sly:

Being alien is largely something you either have or you do not. While I agree we all can get better with practice the reality is there are some people who just have the right ingredients to be fast.

The true sign of an Alien to me is not how outright fast they are but how quickly they get that fast. My final GT 2012 Academy time was about 1.2 seconds slower than the Aliens in D1. However they can hop in to a practice room like last night and within a lap or two be 4-6 seconds faster than me. With practice I can get closer but it takes me a lot of time to do this.

I have tons of respect for there talent. But I am under no delusions that I will join their ranks. But I will continue to try to race faster and more consistent and hope I can watch their lines and braking points:)

Well i think is all practice.. for example in my case.. i have been racing just since August (not just GT5, I mean every race simulation game).. plus, im racing with my dualshock XD.. so i have been playing racing games like this for 2 months.. and im getting better everyday.. so i think is just practice :P..
Well i think is all practice.. for example in my case.. i have been racing just since August (not just GT5, I mean every race simulation game).. plus, im racing with my dualshock XD.. so i have been playing racing games like this for 2 months.. and im getting better everyday.. so i think is just practice :P..
Hey if you are an alien in the making that is awesome:) Most of us hit a plateau somewhere short of that level but as long as we get some good racing in and keep trying it is still fun.

We can all train as hard as Usain Bolt or a Michael Phelps but that does not mean we will be as fast as they are.

But I would love to watch someone work up to the Alien level:)
Hey if you are an alien in the making that is awesome:) Most of us hit a plateau somewhere short of that level but as long as we get some good racing in and keep trying it is still fun.

We can all train as hard as Usain Bolt or a Michael Phelps but that does not mean we will be as fast as they are.

But I would love to watch someone work up to the Alien level:)

Lol, well im not saying im a alien XD.. and i dont think a will be one cuz next year i wont play too much cuz i'll go to university in other city :P
what im trying to say is that we all can be aliens XD.. or close to them.. with practice :D
I sent in my time, hope I can make D1, not sure as the lap wasn't perfect (and not even close to alien). Depending on where I end up how would I get "promoted" up a level?

Really? You hope? Roflmao.

I was very surprised I made D2 and your worst lap is likely at least 2 full seconds faster than my best. Doubt there is any need for you to hope. Your status as an alien is already confirmed, even if you totally botched the qualifying TT and ended up in D5. If that happens I would be squallin' "SANDBAGGER" as loud as the internets would let me.

Hope indeed.... :crazy:
I just wanted to put a reminder out there that the newest Friday night enduro season starts tonight. I'm changing the name to S.N.A.I.L. Endurance Series. This season we're running GT500 race cars at 600PP.
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Being alien is largely something you either have or you do not.
I don't agree with this.You can learn ,but you have to be ready to put a large amount of time to find that thents you are losing somewhere.

Do a lot of Seasonal events TT/Time attack/Licence tests/GTAcademy It's a great school.
I don't agree with this.You can learn ,but you have to be ready to put a large amount of time to find that thents you are losing somewhere.

Do a lot of Seasonal events TT/Time attack/Licence tests/GTAcademy It's a great school.

I know you can learn and improve. I know GT academy helped me tons and S.N.A.I.L. is doing the same. But there are aspects to driving (real and virtual) that you either have or don't. Things like quick reflexes, good vision, good spatial awareness and good judgement. Then there is understanding driving and in real life the lack of fear. Many of these things can be learned improved but not all.

My statement was that for an Alien it comes much more naturally and the ultimate level they will achieve is higher. Not everyone can achieve the same results.

I always believe I can go faster and work towards that goal:)

just my $.02
In my mind, most of how fast you are out of the gate is how you approach your racing. You either go as fast as you can and learn where you need to slow down after you crash, or you start slow and build up to speed. Learning by crashing only works in a sim becasue crashing costs money and could kill or seriously injure yourself in real life. The way it's done in real life is to start slow and build speed over time. For some this time is shorter than others. The fear of injury or death or even having to pay to fix your car is what keeps real drivers from driving on the edge all the time. In sim racing, it's possible to drive on the edge the whole time.

Those of us who have much more experience in the real world with real cars and real consequences will take longer to reach that edge that you have to be on to compete with the drivers that employ the go fast and find the edge by crashing method. The start slow and build method will make you much more consistent and you will have better control of your car in most, if not all, situations.

It is for this reason that I will most likely never reach the level of pure blood alien. I can be fast when I have the time to practice but it does take time for me to get there. Almost thirty years of driving it like you have to pay to fix it tends to engrain the start slow and build up method of driving.
In my mind, most of how fast you are out of the gate is how you approach your racing. You either go as fast as you can and learn where you need to slow down after you crash, or you start slow and build up to speed. Learning by crashing only works in a sim becasue crashing costs money and could kill or seriously injure yourself in real life. The way it's done in real life is to start slow and build speed over time. For some this time is shorter than others. The fear of injury or death or even having to pay to fix your car is what keeps real drivers from driving on the edge all the time. In sim racing, it's possible to drive on the edge the whole time.

Those of us who have much more experience in the real world with real cars and real consequences will take longer to reach that edge that you have to be on to compete with the drivers that employ the go fast and find the edge by crashing method. The start slow and build method will make you much more consistent and you will have better control of your car in most, if not all, situations.

It is for this reason that I will most likely never reach the level of pure blood alien. I can be fast when I have the time to practice but it does take time for me to get there. Almost thirty years of driving it like you have to pay to fix it tends to engrain the start slow and build up method of driving.

I agree with this 100%. About the only thing I'd add is that one of the other hurdles for someone with real world experience is that the physics in the game are different than real life. I've found for myself that I've had to develop bad habits for racing GT5 that would make you slow in real life. There were times during GTA where I'd watch what the leader was doing and then find some chunk of lap time by driving in a way that would never work in any car built. I'd end up cussing at the game for an hour or so because of stuff like that.

That being said if you want to get to be the fastest you have to learn to adapt and figure out what works in the game. This is where there's no substitute for practice. I need a whole bunch more of it to get to that alien status but I'm determined to get there. Probably doesn't help that I'm never racing on the same setup. Can't wait till I get back home and can race in my own seat and with the same setup each week again.
Count me in... doing a double duty.... Monday is a Federal Holiday... :)
I'll be there next Sunday jobyone, Canadian Thanksgiving and I won't be home in time to make the races, but I'll need my fix :)
Well that makes three of us for the Sunday Night Pickup Race:)

For anyone who is going to miss the normal races we will be running some makeup races in D1. Simply hop in the lounge between 12:15-12:30 EST (9:15-9:30 PST) and we will run the Sunday events.

Also if you have connection issues during the normal time slot this is your second chance to run the combos.
I sent in my time, hope I can make D1, not sure as the lap wasn't perfect (and not even close to alien). Depending on where I end up how would I get "promoted" up a level?

Hey carracerptp, just tried to reply to your pm. your inbox is full :(

Let me know when you've cleared some space, thanks 👍
Any word on the promotions/relegations?

Promotions and relegations will be announced by tomorrow night. 👍

There's a lot of data that kcheeb and I have to take into consideration (which is :yuck: for me, but :D for cheeb)
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S.N.A.I.L. September Racecraft Award Reminder

S.N.A.I.L. will be awarding one these highly sought after S.N.A.I.L. T-Shirts as a token of appreciation to the driver that best exemplifies the S.N.A.I.L. ideal of Good Racecraft.

Please submit your vote for the person you feel fit's that description. One vote per month per S.N.A.I.L.

Voting will be open until 6:00 P.M. Saturday October 6th. Use the link below to submit your vote.

S.N.A.I.L. September Racecraft Award Entry Form
