◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Looks like I may be able to participate after all. I'll test out wednesday evening with you guys. See how this connection works out.

Keep in mind that the servers are giving (almost) everyone trouble, so until they announce they've fixed it, don't assume any trouble you have is on your end.
I'm going to log in shortly to practice for tomorrow night. It is only the second week, and since we are dropping everyone's lowest week, it isn't too late to join.
Hey guys, hope everyone is well.

Just thought I'd pop in for a minute and point out that, with the title change, I thought this was a spinoff league from regular S.N.A.I.L, not the regular league. Don't want you guys to scare off any prospective members by making them think you have to be an "alien" to race.

Hope you guys are having fun! I'm really missing the racing.

Agreed. SNAILIEN might be a good inside joke but some looking for SNAIL may overlook it.

Points well taken. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. :)
I'll be holding some tests for


tomarrow, if you see me post a room number here, that means I've started. I'll probably recommended cars so that way we can get a variety of cars in to test.
hey guys i'm back, temporarily for now I guess. Zero sent me a message over PSN and after reading through the last few pages it seems that there has been a few changes. If it's ok with the higher ups, I might jump in on a few practices for this week to get back in the groove and make sure that I can commit enough time before trying to be competitive. I just need to know if you are still using the specific PSN's for practice, fun stuff, etc.
Good racing yesterday, i started with the wrong foot hits season :S XD but i had a exeleent battle with dangerzone.. 0.002 seconds ! it is giving me nightmares XD.. too bad you leave danger, why you cant complete the last 2 races?
Good racing yesterday, i started with the wrong foot hits season :S XD but i had a exeleent battle with dangerzone.. 0.002 seconds ! it is giving me nightmares XD.. too bad you leave danger, why you cant complete the last 2 races?

Yeah ikr, i fricken had to do go eat dinner:grumpy:
No word on any of the new combos?

The results aren't final until tonight at 10pm EDT at earliest, tomorrow at 10pm EDT if there are complaints involving top finishers.

So, no. No word, yet.
hey guys i'm back, temporarily for now I guess. Zero sent me a message over PSN and after reading through the last few pages it seems that there has been a few changes. If it's ok with the higher ups, I might jump in on a few practices for this week to get back in the groove and make sure that I can commit enough time before trying to be competitive. I just need to know if you are still using the specific PSN's for practice, fun stuff, etc.

Hey ImToLegitToQuit,

Welcome back to S.N.A.I.L. 👍 Can I get you to run the time trial listed below, doesn't have to be an eek the last 100th type run, just til you think you've got a decent one. Then we'll get you set up for the lounges. We've got a bunch of different events running, the page listing them is linked below.

Official practice is in an open lobby, the number(s) will be posted here around 9:50 Eastern Time on Wednesday.

Impromptu practice takes place in SNAIL_Division1 and most other events in SNAIL_Division2.

Please read the following:

We run a clean league by enforcing the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and we expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both.

Follow These Steps:
1. I add you to the drivers list as a New S.N.A.I.L. (Done)
2. You run the Time Trial.
3. You Private Message my GTPlanet account with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
4. I assign you to the appropriate Division, to give you the best racing possible.
5. A PSN friend request will be sent from the appropriate SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That is where you race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday :)

The first post has all the rules and regulations for S.N.A.I.L. It is the first place you need to check if you have a question. If it's not answered there, feel free to post your question on the thread.

The second post has the current race lineup for Sunday and is updated weekly.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all S.N.A.I.L.s to join as many as possible.

Welcome aboard and enjoy :)
Gear Bangers Ball? LoL

Anyone up for manual Monday action

Haven't heard from Rally since his disconnect last night. I'd be up for hosting something, but I've yet to figure out how to mount my shifter where I want it. :(

Might need to postpone Manual Monday for another week unless someone wants to try to throw something together last minute.
I got a slight run on him in a short chute and positioned myself inside and he turned towards me. I backed off and didn't push the issue but he made a big deal about something that really was just good close racing. I wasn't being aggressive at all. Aggressive driving would have been me forcing the issue and probably taking him out or causing both of us to lose major time to the leaders.

Please do not put words into my mouth. Not ONE TIME did I tell anyone to shut up. I would never do that. I said "take a deep breath." Meaning calm down...no harm no foul.

First day or 3rd week makes no difference. Racing is racing right? Are you saying I should have pulled over whenever a veteran D2 driver approached from behind or I should simply hold my position when I run down a veteran D2 racer? Please elaborate.

I'm not trying to "make a big splash." I'm trying to do the exact same thing you are...my very best in every race and the ultimate goal is to be as fast, clean, consistent and error free in hopes of winning right?

Not perturbed at all. No need to be. Life is bigger than a video game and if I'm going to be perturbed about something or someone saying something it won't be about a video game or a comment from you.

I wasn't going to respond to this but.......
The reason why I turned towards you was because , hmmmm , there was a turn.:)
I won't comment on the 'shut up' thing.;)
As for the comment ,'First day or 3rd week makes no difference' , it actually does , in my opinion. Most of D2 have been racing with each other for over a month and we know each others style.👍 Some longer!
qwietstorm , I have no doubt that you'll be in D1 very soon:tup: Your good enough.
I think sometimes we focus on our own racing and not how others race and thats when we end up with race complaints.
Thats why on Wed nights during pratice , I don't try to win or qualify good , I try to watch others and thier styles. See how they handle certain turns , brake points , ect.
I've been lacking a little because of a new job in practicing , so I'm a little rusty.
I think its safe to say that most everyone in snail that has raced with me knows I race pretty clean. If I see someone behind me is faster , I won't give up the postion very easy but I'll be fair about it. I won't block but I do hope that that racer knows where its safe to make a clean pass with no incidents.
Just one more comment , I take offense in being called a D2 veteran:lol: :lol:

Now! Lets have a group D2 hug:cheers:
Gear Bangers Ball? LoL

Anyone up for manual Monday action

I don't have a gated shifter, just a DFGT. But maybe drop the HUD and drive cockpit or something if I can join you for a while.