- 694
- Pennsylvania
- lifesagamble420
Division x frustrates me haha
Your Steward Report for the Week
Division 1
GumballCGT / GumballCGT
- Level 4 - Disqualification of all points from the second race (11). Four weeks probation.
Division 3
astrias / Astrias
- Unsafe Re-entry. Level 2 - 6 Points
- Unsafe Re-entry. Level 2 - 6 Points
- Total: 12 points and four weeks probation
BeRandom / GTP_BeRandom
- Level 1 - 2 Points. Reduced to 1 point for on-track concession. One week probation
Luv2Coach / Luv2Coach
- Level 2 - 7 Points doubled to 14 due to probation. Three week probation remains
Division 5
iroquois / iroquois--
- Unsafe Re-entry. Level 2 - 6 Points
- Unsafe Re-entry. Level 2 - 6 Points
- Total: 12 points. Reduced to 6 for self-reporting. Doubled to 12 due to probation. Six week probation remains
OUTLAW---666 / OUTLAW---666
- Level 1 - 2 Points. Doubled to 4 due to probation. Six week probation remains
Division X
The PSN Network / Polyphony Digital
- Level 5 penalty due to grievous errors and fundamental flaws. On probation until further notice.
These changes affect the final standings.
Kuulkriine wins Prize C. Congratulations!
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, just PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***
Ouch, didn't realize I was such a horrible driver lol
fzappaI wasn't going to respond to this but.......
The reason why I turned towards you was because , hmmmm , there was a turn.
I won't comment on the 'shut up' thing.
As for the comment ,'First day or 3rd week makes no difference' , it actually does , in my opinion. Most of D2 have been racing with each other for over a month and we know each others style.👍 Some longer!
qwietstorm , I have no doubt that you'll be in D1 very soon:tup: Your good enough.
I think sometimes we focus on our own racing and not how others race and thats when we end up with race complaints.
Thats why on Wed nights during pratice , I don't try to win or qualify good , I try to watch others and thier styles. See how they handle certain turns , brake points , ect.
I've been lacking a little because of a new job in practicing , so I'm a little rusty.
I think its safe to say that most everyone in snail that has raced with me knows I race pretty clean. If I see someone behind me is faster , I won't give up the postion very easy but I'll be fair about it. I won't block but I do hope that that racer knows where its safe to make a clean pass with no incidents.
Just one more comment , I take offense in being called a D2 veteran![]()
Now! Lets have a group D2 hug![]()
No need to comment on the shut up thing because like I said, I said to relax and take a deep breath. Maybe that means shut up in another language but my apologies as I do not speak that language.
D1 is not my goal, having fun racing with clean drivers is where it's at. Don't think I'm fast enough for D1 status and won't be disappointed if I never make it there.
That's the thing. There was no incident. I had a run, saw you were going to close the door and I backed off. I wasn't upset, you were. Which is why you started complaining.
You're not, but there's a good explanation for what happened. PM Oshawa-Joe.
There was an oversight in the steward post. The actual winner of Prize C is…
qwietstorm. Congratulations!
I know it was an issue with myself being ghosted. Probably why there are these clear bold posts on ghosting (sorry guys lol). I didn't save the replay of that race not thinking it was going be much of an issue. Just surprised it was that harsh haha. S**t happens every now and then so not a big deal. Oshawa you mind PM'ing me the details on your verdict? I'll know better for next time then.
Says the man with a purple car and gold wheelsBreaking in the stinkin camaro now. That gold splashy stuff looks terrible, icky.
crown royal is my sponsor haha.
Thanks for the short practice. I am quite embarrassed by my two first laps. I seemed to be magnetically attracted to GumballSorry for those hits. I think I should stay away from D1 drivers for a while, I get all star struck
I did get a 2:16 flat which I am very happy about and 153 at the top of eau rougeStill 2 seconds slower than fast guys in the room
I like the Amuse.
This is your sponsor? Canadian Rye Whiskey?
Take that picture down. It's giving me a headache just looking at it.![]()
Thanks for the congrats on winning Prize C. I'll take a level 14 ticket.
I'm 3 cars away from having all of them except the chrome lines and stealth models. Hopefully I can land the Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Road Car.
Oshawa-JoeTo all drivers participating in SNAIL:
I would like to bring to your attention the matter of Ghosting Violations.
The S.N.A.I.L. OLR
12: Ghost Cars:
A ghost car is any car that is transparent and/or flickering transparent.
If your car is a ghost car, you take on the responsibilities of the following "Recovering from an incident" and "Re-entering to the track after running off" topics as you are at fault. You also give the correct driving line to the non-ghosted cars (taking a turn wide so others can pass on the inside). Do not return to the driving line if possible until your car is back to the normal state. This may be hard to tell if you use bumper cam, but do your utmost to determine your state. Naturally, if you are serving a penalty, assume you are ghosted.
If you are approaching one or more ghost cars on the track, you must avoid any contact with them at all as they may return to a normal state immediately. Then the contact would be your fault and in turn you may become a ghost car and have to make room for others while you car slows due to the penalty. Passing through a ghost car that is not out of control in an effort to pass them will bring a penalty.
If your car becomes a ghost, you are not permitted to overtake other non-ghosted cars. If you happen to overtake a car while being a ghost, you must return to your original position safely.
If your car is a ghost you are not allowed to intentionally drive through other cars, just as they are not allowed to drive through you. In short, all cars on the track should be considered solid, no matter what state the game displays them.
Violations of SNAIL OLR 12: Ghost Cars: and 14: Re-entering to the track after running off: need to be reported via the Race Complaint process.
Do anyone know what the % means on the pit strategy at B-Spec races?
kcheebI think it means when the drivers strength goes down to the % they'll pit.
I think this will be particularly difficult at Spa this. If I am say two-four car lengths behind someone at Eau Rouge and they get a penalty at the top I will have no chance to avoid them. Even if they do try to get out of the racing line they can easily still be in the way or push you off in your attempt to avoid the ghost car at the rapid speed difference that suddenly exists.
What is the official suggestion/guidelines for that scenario?
The key point to take away from the rules regarding ghosting is to treat ghosted cars the same as solid cars. Sometimes you can't avoid hitting a wrecked or spinning car, but you have to try, whether they are ghosted or not.