I've pondered this idea as well. In fact, I have PSN accounts for way more divisions than I ever plan on us using (you know, just in case). The plan for Division2 is the same for Division1. Now that we have three divisions, everyone in D2 will get an invite to just like the D1 drivers do. The plan was to then send all D3 drivers a friend request from the Division3 account and then have them delete my zer05ive account from their friends list. And then going forward, send all new members a friend request from the Division3 account instead of a friend request from my zer05ive account.
The problem with that scenario is that everyone in the league wouldn't all have access to the same account at one time. I've found that it's beneficial to have at least one account that all members have access to. For example, there have been a few occasions when we have been in the Open Lobby and then our host member has to leave only to have the room host change to a pubber who has no idea what he's doing. Another example is when we're in the Open Lobby but we experience lag issues. In both situations, we just say "everyone leave and meet in zer05ive's lounge" and it's not a problem at all because everyone has access to it.
Of course, the logical solution would be to just send all new members an invite from both my zer05ive account and the Division3 account. I just don't like requiring new members to add multiple accounts in order to race with us. I'm also a firm believer that too many PSN accounts on your friends list causes lag. Another problem with just sending a friend request from the Division3 account is that people who haven't raced with us in a while (and only have my access to my zer05ive lounge) wouldn't be able to just show up on "any given Sunday" and be able to race with us. Sorry for rambling, but I was just trying to regurgitate some of the factors I had considered in the past. Thoughts?
I can see a need of using 2 of the friends slots in the friends list for all members of SNAILS (Zer05ive & SNAIL Div #). This way all members have access to the race lobby for Sunday, as well as your lobby as a backup lobby if things turn sour. IF you were to do this, then you would need to send FR to all new members (like you do now) as well as anyone who is changing divisions, each and every week. This is an issue, yes, but you could give the access a SNAIL Div # account to a person you trust so they can take car of the all the needs of that Div on your behave. They could sign-in the account, address the all the FR for the account and send and answer any messages sent for that account. I wold think the person who normally running the Division room is the person to put in charge of that account. This would free you from having to EVERYTHING yourself. If I were you, this is exactly how I would do it, but that's just me. The only real issue I see is find people you trust to access the account on your behave, for the SNAIL League rather than their own agenda. Just a thought.
I am not defensive

!!!!(finally got to use it!) Hahaha, just kidding! they need a a smiley with a stick prod. Cause all these questions about the rules, think you weren't happy with the setup here. I don't think there isn't a rule you haven't challenged with your own yet. Poke, poke.

Truth be told, I was asking, cause I was wondering if I had to step up my practicing. But I'm not sure life will allow for that at the moment. Sunday, Monday, and possible Thursdays are what I'm stuck with for now.
When did I try to change things? I did openly make a suggest regardling the placement of new drivers, but I haven't tried to change anything. I haven't talked to Zero in a PM or a private lobby on PSN and try to change his mind on anything. Feel free to talk to him yourself if you like. I have, however, offered my opinion and thoughts regarding certain aspects of the league, because I have seen a couple things I would change if I were in charge, but I'm not. I have never said "This
Needs to be changed."
I've pointed out things, "this" or "that", because I see a potential issue with those potential situations arising and I'm curious to know how they would be addressed if they should come to be. Once I have brought the "issue" to Zero's attention, I have dropped it and not brought it up again. Why? Because this is his league, not mine. When it was made obvious that my input regarding the placement of new incoming drivers was meet with such resistance, I realize that new ideas from out of the blue are not really welcome. Instead, I have waited for others to talk about the topic, and then and ONLY then have I said something about it.
I really like this league, and want to see it grow with least amount of growing pains as possible. I
knew thee was going to be a surge of new drivers, hence my suggestion, because the current plan wouldn't work. If my insight is an issue and I'm branded with a Scarlet Letter (I guess a "C" for "changer") then so be it. I'll wear that scarlet letter with pride.
I have only wanted what is best for the group as a whole, period.