despite being stubbornly unwilling to do the balloon stunt.
Well said sir, well said. My doctor said physically I can’t!
Logitech G Pro - fantastic wheel
Ironically today is Eric’s birthday, happy birthday Eric. He would have been 50! He passed in 2014. So I’m going write about him because I had the utmost respect for him. He had every reason to give up on life and he never did until his heart gave out.
I truly truly love and miss Eric. Not the least bit embarrassed to say that. He was dealt the worst cards in life, doctors told his parents he would be very lucky to live to his early teens! He proved them wrong!
He was 3’ tall, 85lbs until he got really sick down to 55lbs. He suffered from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Brutal syndrome, his intestines would pop out of the lining. Could not use his legs, they were backwards and could fold under him at the hip. He could sit on his legs folded horizontally under him like a bench. But he had a custom power wheel chair and he could sit legs forward in that.
His hands were fused together, he had some of the fusing cut apart a little in a few fingers during a surgical procedure which helped him hold the phone and type on iPad. He was not strong enough to lift a laptop
He needed a full time caregiver. His mattress was on the floor and he would roll peed in a bedpan. He had to be on oxygen at night. To use toilet had to be lifted on to it.
People constantly messed with him and made fun of him. Which would turn Eric into a 10 foot, 500lbs beast. I would have given up on life. He challenged and fought back like he was able to knock people out in one punch. He could only fight with his words, but he was a complete gangster badass with people.
He would get small acting gigs and would demand $3000 a day. And he got it. He didn’t sit in his house and wither. He was able to get laid multiple times. Went to tons of celebrity events and met a million celebrities. He did not let his afflictions stop him from his desires.
I’ve listened dozens of hours of his tapes starting from 2002. It never gets old. The guy was the definition of not giving up
Logitech G Pro wheel not kidding when I use it I’m always listening to tales of Eric. Tv volume off no engine sounds, Only Eric
Eric I miss you so much , so grateful for all of the tapes, I still get to hear him. I could go on and on. I’m literally listening right now. Something about him, just never gets old.
As Eric would say and always signed off with “Bye for now” Happy birthday Eric
Also Logitech G pro is awesome.