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  • Thread starter zer05ive

9: Defensive Driving:

Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice. However, they are not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you are responsible.


Obviously there are many variables the can impact the right or wrong thing to do, not the least of which is the timing of change in directions for the cars involved and how close they are to each other. Since the ahead driver can not change line a second time, you can try "The Dummy" move. Move to make a pass, when the driver moves over you can then quickly move back and make your pass.

This video explains both situations.

Dangerous blocking moves can and should be filed with the race stewards.
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OSHAWA JOE and everyone else interested in responding:

Question: If i'm going down a straight and there's a faster racer behind me that gets my draft and pushes to one of the sides to pass me, am I aloud to make the same movement and literally block him to save my position or not?

My interpretation of the rules is something like this: You can make one move to block, but you have to do it early enough that you do not cause a collision, and you can't move back except to get on your line for the upcoming corner (no back-and-forth to block). The best way to think of it is that you aren't blocking the driver behind from passing you, you're just reserving a particular line down the track that forces the other driver to take a sub-optimal line to pass you.
Looking forward to making my debut tonight in Snail! Shall be a lot of fun! See you all there!
Question on corner rights... Bandit and I were side by side (literally side by side..not me catching up on the inside) going up the hill at Laguna last week (?) and when we went around the corner, I understeered wide (thanks Pontiac) and pushed him out by accident. I stopped to let him catch up and get back in, but did I have to? There was no advantage for him at all, so should he have slowed and moved in behind, or did I do the right thing, since I should have stuck to "my side" of the track and try to get thru the turn side by side still?
Happy Father's Day Snails!

Any of the newbies I can send the NSX or Bimmer broken in if you don't have it.

Send FR and post in thread your need.

... BTW...
Can Karts be sent broken in? if so, no time for me to drive 300 miles around it.. can anyone hook me up?

If I Had One I'd Send It To You Wolf. Just Drive It Around The Nurb In A Seasonal B-spec Event As Much As Possible Before Tonight. That's What I've Been Doing For The Last Few Hours.

....Also The Game Might Say You Don't Need An Oil Change, But If You Use A Restoration Ticket It Will Add Performance.
Side by side (substantial overlap) before turn in gives both cars equal right to the corner. Both cars are to go through without causing an incident. Probably not the best idea to do it unless you are an area 51 driver with great car control.

If you went wide and pushed him off, then yes you made contact and did the right thing by waiting.
Question on corner rights... Bandit and I were side by side (literally side by side..not me catching up on the inside) going up the hill at Laguna last week (?) and when we went around the corner, I understeered wide (thanks Pontiac) and pushed him out by accident. I stopped to let him catch up and get back in, but did I have to? There was no advantage for him at all, so should he have slowed and moved in behind, or did I do the right thing, since I should have stuck to "my side" of the track and try to get thru the turn side by side still?

If actions you did, directly caused him to go of track, I would say a possible penalty will be halved if you wait for him. You never have to wait, it is just the right thing to do, and will half any penalty involved in the incident.
I already got my 3 cars broken in for today SNAIL :D , I havent slept too much, I have practiced in every track and put the best times I could get, hope I could take a place today at least 10th hahahaha good luck guys!
D3 is officially open! If you are assigned to D3 please join with your best racecraft SNAIL_Division 3 Lounge.

'Golden Rule' of motorsports: It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.

Those karts are fun and brutal. Literally tensed up and had me wore out. LoL loving them.

All in all decent night. Some unfortunate luck stunted me on a few races. Cars in front having wrecks leaving me no place to go but crunch. Hahaha that's racing though.

Glad to get some seat time today with the Load cell. Little more seat time and ill be 100% comfortable and confident. Def making up time with it.

Hope the karts stay. Curious to see what gets voted for.

Thank you D1 racers for making it out. Sure made for an exciting night.
Those karts are fun and brutal. Literally tensed up and had me wore out. LoL loving them.

All in all decent night. Some unfortunate luck stunted me on a few races. Cars in front having wrecks leaving me no place to go but crunch. Hahaha that's racing though.

Glad to get some seat time today with the Load cell. Little more seat time and ill be 100% comfortable and confident. Def making up time with it.

Hope the karts stay. Curious to see what gets voted for.

Thank you D1 racers for making it out. Sure made for an exciting night.

I hope they stay, too. They really match well with my driving style, though I couldn't say why.

I had an amazing 10+lap battle with nmcp1 in the last race. We must have passed each other 3 times each, but never touched. One of the most fun races I've ever had.
Division 2 Director's Report

Great night of racing! I think any night is a good night when your racing in Snail:tup:

The BMW handled pretty well at Daytona but going side by side into The Bus Stop:ouch:

I'd like to see the NSX RM stay around but at a different track. Good hard racing at Nurburgring GP/D.

What can you say about the Karts. They are so much fun, when you figure it out:sly: I'd like to give it another go! Also, remember, if you are lapped, the lead cars have the right of way and you need to let them go by and avoid having them drive through you:) Just a friendly reminder;)

We had some good combo's tonight and can't wait to see where we go next week!
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Those karts are fun and brutal. Literally tensed up and had me wore out. LoL loving them.

All in all decent night. Some unfortunate luck stunted me on a few races. Cars in front having wrecks leaving me no place to go but crunch. Hahaha that's racing though.

Glad to get some seat time today with the Load cell. Little more seat time and ill be 100% comfortable and confident. Def making up time with it.

Hope the karts stay. Curious to see what gets voted for.

Thank you D1 racers for making it out. Sure made for an exciting night.

Gr in d1 👍
I hope they stay, too. They really match well with my driving style, though I couldn't say why.

I had an amazing 10+lap battle with nmcp1 in the last race. We must have passed each other 3 times each, but never touched. One of the most fun races I've ever had.

👍 👍 👍 DrKronin.... serious fun right there! Completely insane!

... and D2 replays are up!
I hope they stay, too. They really match well with my driving style, though I couldn't say why.

I had an amazing 10+lap battle with nmcp1 in the last race. We must have passed each other 3 times each, but never touched. One of the most fun races I've ever had.

You smoked everyone in the Karts tonight, my friend! Awesome! Coming from last to finish 1st in the 6th race, hats off to you:cheers:

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