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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I got a little scared driving around Cote, sorry about that. :nervous:

@flesxruoyxllik - In all seriousness, there is a link at the bottom of the message kcheeb sends out every Sunday under the section called "Race Complaints", simply follow the link for all the information you need to file your complaint.

Thanks I'll review the replays tomorrow.
Division 3 Director's Report

I want to thank everyone once again for coming out tonight for the finale of S.N.A.I.L. Spec Racing on Gran Turismo 5. I had a great time tonight and I hope everyone else did. I also want to thank everyone for all the great times I've had since the beginning of S.N.A.I.L. almost 2 years ago! We've really come a long way, and I can only hope that we'll continue to grow with GT6! I hope to see a lot of people return next week as we make the move to Gran Turismo 6!

It has been amazing driving with all of you in SNAIL and looking forwards to racing more in GT6. Thank you Beal for hosting and keeping score. Will start playing GT6 christmas morning.
If you're seeing the same thing from multiple other drivers in the room then the issue is probably on your end. If it was one other person, I would say it could be either of you but what are the chances that three different people have the same issue on their end and it only applies to you?

-shuts off ps3
-resets modem (wired connection)
-turns on ps3 again
-inserts gt5 disc
-goes to online portion of game
-connects to room and watches random race with no lag

Hmmm.... :lol:
Are we allowed to make an informal complaint or something? Like without docking points or anything, more like a friendly reminder to do ___ or not do ____? I'm sure people have some feedback for me... :D

I was frustrated with a certain driver tonight and previous nights, but not really enough to file a formal incident report.
Was this in a private lounge or an open lobby? The two use different methods of connecting players within the room. This was established early on in GT5. I don't know where the discussion is at this point but the general message was that in a lounge a "star" type network is used. I don't recall if that's the correct word or not, it's been almost three years. The gist of it is that each player is connected to every other player. In an open lobby, more of the onus is put on the host. We tested this long ago when another group I raced with has issues with two members having network incompatibility. We never could determine who's end it was on but we did determine that lounges and open lobbies connect differently.

When player A was in a lounge, player B could not stay connected and would see Player A barber poled. Player A would see player B enter the room and barber pole but never really enter the room. It was the same scenario no matter who the host of the room was. When moving to an open lobby with Player A as the host, player B would try and enter and we would get the same result. When player A tried to enter with player B as the host, we got the same result. When we changed the host to another player in the open lobby, player A was able to be in the room and player B was able to enter the room without issue. The reverse was also true with player A being able to enter the room after player B was already in.

Before anyone comes up with the solution to race in open lobbies, can you imagine how many times a night we would have to tell random players that it's a league night and they need to leave? No thank you.

Are we allowed to make an informal complaint or something? Like without docking points or anything, more like a friendly reminder to do ___ or not do ____? I'm sure people have some feedback for me... :D
I was frustrated with a certain driver tonight and previous nights, but not really enough to file a formal incident report.

If you really don't want to file an official complaint then you should handle it in private either through a PM here or on PSN.
Thank you guys in D2 this night for the awesome racing you gave me, your patience and mine and made me win. I heard some comments on the mic I didnt like and I felt betrayed because I always try to give my best every sunday night. I win rarely and I work a lot thats why im a little sad by those comments :cheers::grumpy::gtpflag::confused:👎👍👍 🤬 Good night Dr green.
Was this in a private lounge or an open lobby? The two use different methods of connecting players within the room. This was established early on in GT5. I don't know where the discussion is at this point but the general message was that in a lounge a "star" type network is used. I don't recall if that's the correct word or not, it's been almost three years. The gist of it is that each player is connected to every other player. In an open lobby, more of the onus is put on the host. We tested this long ago when another group I raced with has issues with two members having network incompatibility. We never could determine who's end it was on but we did determine that lounges and open lobbies connect differently.

When player A was in a lounge, player B could not stay connected and would see Player A barber poled. Player A would see player B enter the room and barber pole but never really enter the room. It was the same scenario no matter who the host of the room was. When moving to an open lobby with Player A as the host, player B would try and enter and we would get the same result. When player A tried to enter with player B as the host, we got the same result. When we changed the host to another player in the open lobby, player A was able to be in the room and player B was able to enter the room without issue. The reverse was also true with player A being able to enter the room after player B was already in.

Before anyone comes up with the solution to race in open lobbies, can you imagine how many times a night we would have to tell random players that it's a league night and they need to leave? No thank you.

It was an open lobby. You do raise an interesting point though about lobbies & lounges having different connection routes. I had heard in various places that the connection (of a lobby) is really dependent on the host's connection which could have been the case with this particular room I had joined....

All I know is that I went through my usual process of resolving lag issues and for some strange reason it didn't do the trick (where I needed it to) which leads me to think that the typical process of setting the room up (or not, in this case) had played a key role in what I was dealing with.
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Thank you guys in D2 this night for the awesome racing you gave me, your patience and mine and made me win. I heard some comments on the mic I didnt like and I felt betrayed because I always try to give my best every sunday night. I win rarely and I work a lot thats why im a little sad by those comments :cheers::grumpy::gtpflag::confused:👎👍👍 🤬 Good night Dr green.

Dear Greeny... I hope my "hands shaking" comment is not enlisted cause we're friends for a long time and you know I love teasing you. For what I have seen last night, you're a pretty clean racer and in Monaco you were clearly faster than me in most of the track. I had to do a tremendous defensive clean driving effort to keep you behind me. It was a great race, a great battle.
Dear Greeny... I hope my "hands shaking" comment is not enlisted cause we're friends for a long time and you know I love teasing you. For what I have seen last night, you're a pretty clean racer and in Monaco you were clearly faster than me in most of the track. I had to do a tremendous defensive clean driving effort to keep you behind me. It was a great race, a great battle.
Thank you, the comments wasn't you and these comments are no longer to live in these league. I don't want to talk more about that because this buddy know my limit. I win, but I lost more than that. I got my mine set up for some unfair reason. Sometimes when you try to be respectful and gentle with people they can **** on your porch.
GT6 News from Spain.

Lowlite for me, 'New Community Club features will not go live until January.'

At least they're giving a timeframe. There was a bunch of features listed for GT5 that were announced and then never spoken of again.
Yeah, I kind of worry that we will only see a small potion of what was promised as they start to shift more of their focus into gt7.
I was checking on a youtube video what are the known features of GT6 and how better could it be from its precedent and so far, besides new cars, tracks and redesigned menus, it seems that the garage is going to have several sub-garages where you can organize your 580 cars in four or six different distinct groups.
This is just part of what I wanted regarding garage improvement since this sub-garages are named by the game. For me, to be perfect, the player would have the chance of creating his own personal files, in my case:
- Stock street cars
- Stock race cars
- Tuned street cars
- Tuned race cars
- 70' and 80's cars
- Classics
- Favorites
But at least it won't be as minimal as "premium", "standard" and "favorites".
Another wish I have is those in game races like the sunday cup, ff challenge, etc. to be more competitive. It's so easy to win that bores you to death.
And definitely to be DLC updated way often. There's amazing cars out there that deserve to make this game.

APRICOT HILL IS BACK :dopey: The best update of them all :bowdown:
GT6 News from Spain.

Lowlite for me, 'New Community Club features will not go live until January.'

Which features were you wanting most?

I am starting to feel like Dragonwhisky may be right but I will hold off in 'broken promises' actions for a bit, I guess.

"Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" is a song I have always enjoyed...
Which features were you wanting most?

I am starting to feel like Dragonwhisky may be right but I will hold off in 'broken promises' actions for a bit, I guess.

"Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" is a song I have always enjoyed...

Data export :dopey: and better networking.
I'm betting this will happen.

It was very strange how GT6 didn't came out as a brand new PS4 game. It seemed like there was a little conflict of interest, different commercial prespectives, I don't know... some corporation **🤬**.
Now, the thing is... how many costumers is Polyphony Digital losing by not having a PS4 version of the game...yet?
Facing this scenario what would you do? Lounge an amazing second version of GT6 with a couple more awesome cars, tracks and random features in a very near future

In the last race of the night I turned in to the chicane too soon and hit the barrier. Then in trying to get the car into reverse as soon as possible so I could at least get out of the way, my elbow knocked the shifter into 3rd gear. My reverse button is the top button (triangle) on the shifter but since the shifter had been activated the button would not back the car up. By the time I calmed down and realized I had to push in the clutch and use the shifter to back the car up I was almost a full lap down.

Needless to say I will be changing my buttons and putting reverse on the wheel tonight.
I'm really looking forward to just playing the game from the get go. I came to the GT series very late in the game and felt, in order to be even close to on par with the rest of the community, I had to use tools I wouldn't normally employ, like the bspec grinder widget, leaving my equipment on and hammering away at various and sundry efforts to earn credits and cars. I will be happy to be able to keep pace with in game progression with most folks, at this point, specifically, SNAIL members.
@Schmiggz There won't be a gt6 port to PS4, they have already announced that development of gt7 has begun and that it should be released in a year or two. The reason why gt6 stayed onps3 has been debated ad nauseam. But simply put, GT6 had been built from the start on the ps3. The programming architecture is completely different from the PS4. The PS4 is by far easier to program for, so much so that it makes more sense just to build GT7 instead of reworking GT6 into a port.
As far as losing customers? Most of their customers have a ps3. While a new console launch is all hyped up, with all sorts of "sales figures" and statics thrown around, the reality is that most people won't be getting a ps4 for some time still. But, a lot of people will pick one up when the second gen "slim" version with a lower price releases in about a year. Prefect timing for the GT7 release I'd say, by then there should be a solid PS4 player base.

Also, to my first paragraph, this is why I am worried that we won't be seeing much of what is being promised. The PS3 is now obsolete. Dwindling sales will have all but died off completely by now. Only two type of people will be buying them anymore. GT6 is a sort of last hurrah for the PS3. Once it is released, if not already, most of the development teams will be focusing on GT7. PD has already got a small staff. Hopefully building in the PS4 is so simple that they can still focus enough attention to gt6 to get at least half of everything that was promised. But I fear that most the the features that was once promoted for gt6 won't be around until gt7.
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I am planning on playing mail settings on any race.

Rally those are very good points about corporate strategy on sales.
It was very strange how GT6 didn't came out as a brand new PS4 game. It seemed like there was a little conflict of interest, different commercial prespectives, I don't know... some corporation **🤬**.
Now, the thing is... how many costumers is Polyphony Digital losing by not having a PS4 version of the game...yet?
Facing this scenario what would you do? Lounge an amazing second version of GT6 with a couple more awesome cars, tracks and random features in a very near future

I see your point, and I think a lot of people will wonder why the GT6 wasn't released on the PS4. From a marketing perspective, I honestly don't think PD won't lose any customers. It will take at least a year for the PS4 to sell enough units to have a market large enough to generate the revenue that PD will find attractive. Ya gotta remember, right now there are way more PS3s out there than PS4s. And how many people out there are actually willing to pay $600+ for a game console? It's a pretty hefty investment to make. PD would be shooting themselves from a sales perspective to release a GT title as a launch or early release title because there simply aren't enough consoles on the market. By the time the PS4 takes over as the primary platform, any launch game would likely be long forgotten.

So I completely understand and agree with PD's strategy. Get a nice influx of revenue off a final PS3 title and use the cash to accelerate the development of GT7. And PD has always had a history of quality over quantity when it comes to GT titles. Seems to have worked for them so far.
@Schmiggz There won't be a gt6 port to PS4, they have already announced that development of gt7 has begun and that it should be released in a year or two. The reason why gt6 stayed onps3 has been debated ad nauseam. But simply put, GT6 had been built from the start on the ps3. The programming architecture is completely different from the PS4. The PS4 is by far easier to program for, so much so that it makes more sense just to build GT7 instead of reworking GT6 into a port.
As far as losing customers? Most of their customers have a ps3. While a new console launch is all hyped up, with all sorts of "sales figures" and statics thrown around, the reality is that most people won't be getting a ps4 for some time still. But, a lot of people will pick one up when the second gen "slim" version with a lower price releases in about a year. Prefect timing for the GT7 release I'd say, by then there should be a solid PS4 player base.

Also, to my first paragraph, this is why I am worried that we won't be seeing much of what is being promised. The PS3 is now obsolete. Dwindling sales will have all but died off completely by now. Only two type of people will be buying them anymore. GT6 is a sort of last hurrah for the PS3. Once it is released, if not already, most of the development teams will be focusing on GT7. PD has already got a small staff. Hopefully building in the PS4 is so simple that they can still focus enough attention to gt6 to get at least half of everything that was promised. But I fear that most the the features that was once promoted for gt6 won't be around until gt7.

Props for getting there before me dude.