After months away and even trading my PS4 in, I have a list.
Codies F1 games...all of them.: I have to be in a mood to enjoy them, and then it's fleeting. something about Codemasters games since Dirt 3 just hasn't been there for me, they're just missing something, and the F1 games, having to conform to the F1 standard and presentation ends up kicking me out of the immersion in short order.
Art of Rally: This one hurts a bit, but I just don't have fun with it. It's done well and a great base...but I can't get in deep enough.
Spintires & -runner spinoffs: As above, something just doesn't click with me. I see the potential but I can't grasp the entertainment, even chaotic entertainment when it all goes wrong.
Dirt Rally 1, 2.0, and Dirt 4: Rinse and repeat, though I'm willing to give Dirt 2.0 another chance because my PS4 was a lemon that loved to nuke itself while I played, an easy way to ruin a gaming session.
Gran Turismo 7:...
...yeah, no, I hate this game now. I started playing around 1.47-ish, and stopped just after the latest WC finals. Each update made the game feel worse to me, engine swaps were absolutely useless, and nothing mattered. The game became an obligation and a grind. Nothing it gave me was satisfying. I had plenty of ideas to do in it, but as with Horizon 5 as soon as I sat down to start, all my will to continue evaporated. I'll go back to playing GT2 and GT3, or GT4 if I want to grind. GT5 and GT6 can also be tacked on I guess, tried going back to GT5 once and if felt like a sheet of plywood; flat, lifeless, solid, covers a lot of area, not much depth.