Video games you want to like, but don't? / Video games you wished you liked more?

GTA4. I’ve given it chance after chance, because so many people say it’s the best one. But it isn’t, it soooo is not. It’s boring and its fiddly on foot controls and frankly terrible driving physics make it basically unplayable for me. I much prefer GTA5, although having played through it once and messed around in online a bit several years back I have no desire to play it again. The PS2 trilogy I come back to again and again, maybe less so GTA3 than the other two. They’re absolutely great.

I am still immensely looking forward to GTA6 though.
Breath of the Wild, sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

Maybe I’m just not that into RPGs. But I got through the early stages, the shrines etc then unlocked the whole world and was like ‘right come on, let’s go have the Greatest Gaming Experience Ever tm’ and after a few hours kinda aimlessly running across a massive empty field getting lasered by those incredibly annoying Guardian things every three minutes, I kinda found a village, did a dull side quest, bought some stuff and stayed in an inn, then zzzzzzzzz. It’s a game I keep coming back to just because I really want to love it so much. But it’s been years now. Maybe I’ll try the new one in time.
Same here. I remember thinking BOTW was gonna be the game that got me back into Zelda, I'd loved the earlier titles but quit about two thirds of the way into Phantom Hourglass and just never went back or tried any of the others after that. I got the Wii U version near launch (one of the games that made me buy the system in fact... this was right before the Switch was revealed) and absolutely could not get into it at all. Stuff like Skyrim and Fallout never kept my attention long either, so I'm sure its a me problem that I have with these massive open worlds more than anything. I doubt it'd reach many peoples #1 spots on hype alone, and there's no denying it is an impeccable game, but it just isn't for me.
Grew up playing a demo of the game on an old demo disc and eventually got the full game many years later, but it didn't quite do it for me like I wished it could have. Theirs just way too many objects on the track to collide with, the AI feels like it's always faster than you, and like another game I mentioned here, it seems if you mess up once, you won't stand much of a chance of catching up again. I want to love it, I really do, but I just can't.
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Almost all JRPG's. I wish I liked them, I feel like I am missing out, but I always find them so similar, and I am not a fan of Anime or Manga so that doesn't help. Tried so many big games but can't make it past the first hour.

The only one that slipped through the net was FF7 Remake, I loved it.
Have to go with Zelda Breath of the Wild, I really wish I liked that game. Back in the day I was really into Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker and was super pumped to play BOTW. It was hyped up and people seem to consider it a near perfect Zelda game so I got it a few years after it launched and thought it was very underwhelming. I kept trying to like it, but it didn't click. Hurt to put it down but after maybe only 2 hours in I just couldn't keep playing.

It is a good game for the right people, don't get me wrong, it's just not for me. I'm at a stage in my gaming life where open world games in general are too time consuming so I tend to be picky about which ones to invest in. If I don't get into a game in the first 2 hours then I won't enjoy 10, 20, or 30+ hours.
Starfield was the obvious answer for me, same for ForzaM, bought both and played probably 20h tops on both. Both while beeing what I like, got me extremely bored while playing them. Starfield, I coulnt get around the weird faces and super slow paces. Forza is just not good enough again. T10 promised so many things just to have something that feel slightly different than FM7. And still no real good single player mode or something that make me want to play the game regularly. Instead GT7 just did that and hook me up again.

Also Zelda BOTW, heard a tons of really good things about it but once I tried it I just couldnt get into it, It was so empty and uninteresting once you get to the proper open world, I got bored super quick and didnt found the magic I liked in Ocarina of time (yeah I havent play a zelda in a long time).
That’s it - the open world feels so empty. In GTA V or something there’s always something going on wherever you go, you feel like you’re in the middle of something living and breathing. BoTW just feels like a big empty green landscape with a few villages and stuff. I find open world games very hit and miss generally but I can see why the likes of GTAV and Red Dead Redemption 2 are so popular.
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Spyro the Dragon (PS1).
So this was a game I played briefly many years ago, but it wasn’t until recently I finally played it in full for the first time ever. Given how I grew up playing Spyro 3 and loved it, I was hoping I would get the same sentiment from this one too, but this sadly was not the case for me. My reasons being:
1. The controls, while not terrible, just didn’t feel the greatest.
2. It just had some things I didn’t like too much. Such as enemies being in the home world, the way you earn lives by killing enemies instead of fodder, those fools on Dream Weavers, those gem chests you have to flame and then grab the gem before it goes back in and I am sure I could say more.
3. People say this game is the easiest of the original three and while it is doable, I actually found it to be quite a bit harder than Spyro 3 and it sometimes made me moody.
4. Kind of an extension of what I just said above but this game had some pretty nasty difficulty spikes here and there that didn’t help matters. Such as those supercharge areas you have to get on in Tree Tops, Haunted Towers, and Lofty Castle. Then you have the speedways like Sunny Flight and especially Wild Flight, where you’re just thrown in there with no information on what to do or what order to go in and it takes a lot of trial and error to beat them. While Sunny Flight isn’t too bad once you figure it out, Wild Flight was easily the hardest thing in the entire game for me because even when you do know what to do, the matter of actually doing it is VERY hard. The rest aren’t too bad.

I had to look up how to get to the high jump areas and how to beat a few of the speedways because the game just doesn’t make it very apparent as to how you’re supposed to do it and even if you know, some of them are pretty tricky. And I am far from the only one to share this sentiment either because I’ve read comments from others saying similar things.
5. Even when difficulty wasn’t a problem, I generally just didn’t enjoy it too much and even found myself wanting it to be over already, for reasons I can’t quite put my finger on. (Doesn’t help I had other games on my mind either)
Don’t get me wrong, I like the game, but I don’t love it and I wish I could. I can certainly see why a lot of people do though and there's a lot to like about it, but it just didn’t quite do it for me like I had hoped. And I think a lot of this boils down to the fact I’ve been used to Spyro 3 for over 20 years now and this game was the first in the series, so it obviously will be a little rough around the edges. On the bright side though, it at least was a better start than Crash Bandicoot 1 in my opinion, and felt more doable.

I am optimistic that if I revisit it in the distant future, I might get more out of it since I now know what to expect from it. As of now though, this is currently where I stand with the game.
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Kawasaki ATV Powersports.
I got this game just recently in a lot of 3 games and played it some and upon doing so, I couldn't help but feel a bit underwhelmed by it. It has so many game modes to choose from, a lot of tracks, and even a track editor, so it has a lot of content. However, what undermines it all, is the physics or lack thereof. The game's physics and how you control the ATV's is just lackluster and without any sort of depth to it as if it was left unfinished. You can't even jump on hills, you just ride right over them or get on two wheels, something one would expect from a game like this. Being dead serious, the way the ATV's handle reminds me of Big Rig's Over The Road Racing, and the only thing it does differently is they slow down when going up a hill and don't go super fast in reverse.

This game could have been a good one if they just took the time to develop the physics and handling into something actually resembling that of an ATV, but they didn't and it sucks. And I wish they could have because it has a lot to like about it.