◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
sorry this is may be the first of many noob questions...hopefully not, but check out SNAIL OLR where? BTW I have read through the first post thoroughly, just need to know where to go to take this test. thanks for the quick reply
Click the link in my signature below. Will take you straight there.
sorry this is may be the first of many noob questions...hopefully not, but check out SNAIL OLR where? BTW I have read through the first post thoroughly, just need to know where to go to take this test. thanks for the quick reply
CHeck out the OLR rules in the RUles section of the first post. The test you will get access to when skills sends you the welcome message.
When I went to submit my color/number prefs, my division was not on the list for divisions..
Jeez, must be division 7! not sure how I missed that. Admittedly, I am bad at math. Ok, fixed...

Edit, Ninja'd!, GAAAHH double ninja'd!
IM interested in joining your league assuming there are spots still open.
Thanks for your interest!
We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by midnight EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
Okay, I'm getting frustrated with this...I've got the G27 wheel and for some reason cannot get the feedback strength to be as strong as it was in GT5. I have it on simulation, power assist off, and FFB on 10. Either I've gotten stronger or something is wrong because I feel like FFB is on 1. It's WEAK. Anyone have any suggestions? lol

Throw GT5 back in and see how it compares. Should tell you if it's the game, the wheel or you've gone all Incredible Hulk on us :lol:
Hello All,
Tonight I'm planning to take my Time Trial in order to fulfill my registration process.
After that, I hope I could join any of you online for some fun or even real racing or trainning for a scheduled event.
I scanned the SNAIL threads and I'm not sure if there would be any event that I could take part in.
Nevertheless, my PSN ID is MrProject_74. Will probably be online at noon GMT.
Best Regards
Not sure if anyone is into watching debates, or into arguing science and religion, but this should be an interesting one. Childhood hero, Bill Nye the Science Guy is going to be debating with Ken Ham, a renown creationist and Christian writer. Click the youtube button and watch it on the youtube site, so you can skip the count down.
You do know that Bill Nye is not an actual scientist. Once I learned that he was a liberal pawn in a lab coat, created to spread fear and spread the lie of global warming to children, my outlook on the world has never been the same. They use to show us that propaganda in school and called it education.
You do know that Bill Nye is not an actual scientist. Once I learned that he was a liberal pawn in a lab coat, created to spread fear and spread the lie of global warming to children, my outlook on the world has never been the same. They use to show us that propaganda in school and called it education.
I take it your on the religious side? I disagree with just about everything you just posted.
BTW, I want to point out that I do side with science, liberalism, and atheism, I do not however, discount or hold judgement against what others believe. I do however LOVE to debate.
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I don't side with religion. I feel that religion is cool for some folks, and science is cool when it doesn't ask religion for scientific proof. Religion is about hope and science can't quantify that, hence the greatest debate.
I am a biologist so I can see both sides, the natural order and it's relation to a higher power is tangled like a vine to a tree.
When it means teaching kids that humans rode dinosaurs with saddles, then yes, they better provide proof. These guys want to teach creationism as fact in public schools. I'm all for letting people have their faith, but creationists take it way too far.
I'm certainly no biologist, outside of rescuing animals and growing some veggies. (yep, we do a bit of farming to.) My kind of science though is more technology based.
My quibble with religion is the assertion that without religion, we would have no basis for absolute morality, and without God as the prime example, then all morality is just subjective. I wonder if those people have read the bible though, or gone to a history class, cause the things done/still being done under Gods name, in nearly all religions, man, lots of not very moral stories out there.
I see a lot of problems with this and the idea of God in Politics as well.
A) America was built on the premise of religious freedom (at least thats what people say...) Well, yes, puritans came to America, to be free to practice their religion. Which is a very strict, rigorous religious choice. However, truth be told, America succeeded from Europe, because people were sick of being taxed by the Queen.
B) The religious freedom arguement used by religious types is assinine at best, and certainly a shade hypocritical. They want the religous freedom to force everyone else to follow their religion. Where is the religious freedom in forcing students to say "One nation under God." That isn't freedom. Where is the freedom in religion, when you make policies that affect peoples lives, under the pretense of your religion, Ie. Same sex marriage. You are forcing your religious view on someone else. That isn't religious freedom.
One thing you said that I take issue with (besides Saying Bill Nye isn't a scientist. He's not a Dr. But you don't need to be to be a scientist.) Ok, two. Your notion of "liberal" being bad. Can you quantify this? As far as I can see, most liberals just want to live and let live. I mean, just look at the definition of liberal. The second is global warming. I wanted to not believe. However, a quick google search shows so much. Just look at the average earth temp. Maybe back in the 1600's this notion that we don't affect our planets temp was true. However, there are a number of charts and report that show just how much the earth temp has changed since the onset of the industrial revolution. In 100 years, we have raised to temp of the planet (this is average temp for the WHOLE of the planet, not just a certain geographical location) nearly 2 degrees. This is a process that takes thousands of years prior to our existence. Whats the difference between then and now? Humans.
Can we do some racing please....oh wait I have the flu coming on and the pain killers are not enough for my chronic pain (past car accident (bad weather)).......

I resort to some nice distraction in the SNAIL community...but not the above discussions.
The answer to the above discussions....is to follow the money trail.....PERIOD.
I'm certainly no biologist, outside of rescuing animals and growing some veggies. (yep, we do a bit of farming to.) My kind of science though is more technology based.
My quibble with religion is the assertion that without religion, we would have no basis for absolute morality, and without God as the prime example, then all morality is just subjective. I wonder if those people have read the bible though, or gone to a history class, cause the things done/still being done under Gods name, in nearly all religions, man, lots of not very moral stories out there.
I see a lot of problems with this and the idea of God in Politics as well.
A) America was built on the premise of religious freedom (at least thats what people say...) Well, yes, puritans came to America, to be free to practice their religion. Which is a very strict, rigorous religious choice. However, truth be told, America succeeded from Europe, because people were sick of being taxed by the Queen.
B) The religious freedom arguement used by religious types is assinine at best, and certainly a shade hypocritical. They want the religous freedom to force everyone else to follow their religion. Where is the religious freedom in forcing students to say "One nation under God." That isn't freedom. Where is the freedom in religion, when you make policies that affect peoples lives, under the pretense of your religion, Ie. Same sex marriage. You are forcing your religious view on someone else. That isn't religious freedom.
One thing you said that I take issue with (besides Saying Bill Nye isn't a scientist. He's not a Dr. But you don't need to be to be a scientist.) Ok, two. Your notion of "liberal" being bad. Can you quantify this? As far as I can see, most liberals just want to live and let live. I mean, just look at the definition of liberal. The second is global warming. I wanted to not believe. However, a quick google search shows so much. Just look at the average earth temp. Maybe back in the 1600's this notion that we don't affect our planets temp was true. However, there are a number of charts and report that show just how much the earth temp has changed since the onset of the industrial revolution. In 100 years, we have raised to temp of the planet (this is average temp for the WHOLE of the planet, not just a certain geographical location) nearly 2 degrees. This is a process that takes thousands of years prior to our existence. Whats the difference between then and now? Humans.

People have been killing other people in the name of their god or because god told them forever.
Humans causing global warming is false.
Bill Nye is not a scientist, he got his degree in engineering.
I am also not saying liberals are bad, just that Bill Nye is a pawn for their agenda.
People have been killing other people in the name of their god or because god told them forever.
Humans causing global warming is false.
Bill Nye is not a scientist, he got his degree in engineering.
I am also not saying liberals are bad, just that Bill Nye is a pawn for their agenda.

scientist:a person who is trained in a science and whose job involves doing scientific research or solving scientific problems.
Bill Nye: Masters in Engineering, a techinical science, host of a T.V. doing and teaching scientific research, was the president of the Planety Society, invented, among other things, a mars sundial, the "Nye Tube," a pressure resonance tube while he worked as an engineer for Boeing, even ballet shoes.
I mean, I am not sure what he is missing to meet those qualifications by definition...
The rest, well, global warming is a lot like religion, either you believe or you don't. When you are one way, you vehemntly defend that position. I was once a none believer. But, I will tell you this. It won't matter. There are a lot bigger worries out there than global warming. Like Fukushima, still, and California running out of water, and West Virginia and the poisioned water affecting over 100,000 people, still, and the Kalamazoo river being dreadged for tarsands oil, still, and of course there is the microplastic beads that are starting to affect the ecosystem in all of the great lakes and surrounding rivers, and probably more. Wars, famine, cancer. The list goes on right? Well, I'm starting to go off on a capitalism rant, so I will digress. Against my nature, I must add.
As for the debate, why not? We race here, but you can't say we don't debate here, that is for sure. Just try changing the tire system. We discuss all sorts of little bits of life on this thread. Why should anyone feel ashamed to discuss religion or politics? Lets get past stereotypes and trivial taboo's. Who knows, maybe SNAIL can come up with a way to sovle world hunger and create world peace. I mean, this league is running damn well for the crap we deal with in GT6. World peace should be easy.
I'd like to join, but I don't know if I can commit to a regular schedule. Is it possible to compete part time?
Thanks for your interest!
We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by midnight EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
So, now that that has blown over. Any racing going on? Any interest in racing? Get some rally on? Some drift or one makes? Run the current cars around tracks? Anything? Anyone?
I'll be testing/practicing Sunday' race set-ups in an hour or so. Few kinks in the ferrari need to be worked on.

psn:covan2306 for those interested