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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Beautiful pictures Shmibal!

Well, I got carried away with the photos as usual.:P:P Here are my entries for the league night banners.











Let me know what ya think! :confused::confused:
Okay, I'm getting frustrated with this...I've got the G27 wheel and for some reason cannot get the feedback strength to be as strong as it was in GT5. I have it on simulation, power assist off, and FFB on 10. Either I've gotten stronger or something is wrong because I feel like FFB is on 1. It's WEAK. Anyone have any suggestions? lol
Okay, I'm getting frustrated with this...I've got the G27 wheel and for some reason cannot get the feedback strength to be as strong as it was in GT5. I have it on simulation, power assist off, and FFB on 10. Either I've gotten stronger or something is wrong because I feel like FFB is on 1. It's WEAK. Anyone have any suggestions? lol
How old is your wheel? Is it possible that the motor is going?
Okay, I'm getting frustrated with this...I've got the G27 wheel and for some reason cannot get the feedback strength to be as strong as it was in GT5. I have it on simulation, power assist off, and FFB on 10. Either I've gotten stronger or something is wrong because I feel like FFB is on 1. It's WEAK. Anyone have any suggestions? lol

Power steering assist on?
Okay, I'm getting frustrated with this...I've got the G27 wheel and for some reason cannot get the feedback strength to be as strong as it was in GT5. I have it on simulation, power assist off, and FFB on 10. Either I've gotten stronger or something is wrong because I feel like FFB is on 1. It's WEAK. Anyone have any suggestions? lol
Yeah, I'm going to say that driving a real racecar for many many hours might have something to do with the weak feedback on the G27...
Realized my Ferrari was down to 414pp last night. Is GT trying to mimic the typical maintenance costs of exotic cars? I haven't even put 1,000 miles on it yet!

Perhaps that's why I couldn't get any better than 2:13.8 all night and was passed by 4 cars on one of the straights.

I also notice the handling felt different. The car doesn't want to swap ends as badly as it did last week. It could be the power I'm missing but more likely its the latest updates.
Anyone wanting to do some sort of informal racing event tonight? I would like to avoid the pubs if I can.
Its a blizzard outside of the window right now. I still can't for the life of me figure out why anyone up here would own only a FWD or RWD car. Though I think Michigan may have more Subies per capita than any other state. I for one, do love this weather and the snow, and after the last few years of green xmas's and brown February's am glad to see SOOOO much snow. only thing that makes me sad about it is that my RX7 isnt running yet to go have some sideways fun. The scoob is nice, but it is a legacy wagon, so think lots of pushing, then a slow, lumbering drift, and then there is the mazda3. ebrake slides are only so much fun.
Its a blizzard outside of the window right now. I still can't for the life of me figure out why anyone up here would own only a FWD or RWD car.
Drove the E34 winter beater today. With the unplowed roads, it was "interesting".


The snow was a lot deeper than it appears in that photo. Probably 8" or so of fresh snow so it was manageable but still bad if you don't know what you're doing. I'm glad that I put a couple sand bags in the trunk the other night.
Oregon might give Michigan a run for its money. Our official state car is the Outback :lol:
Well, this is the motor city, so, I am sure you can imagine that nothing that isnt ford or gm will be our state car. However, with as rare as it sounds too see a Scoob in other states, and how prevalent they are here...
Flatlines, very nice winder beater! Being a heavy 4 door should help some. However, that thing would have nothing on the legacy. I've put myself into some situations with that car, and came out the other side cleanly. That said, I think I would rather have the beamer. RWD is just to much fun, especially if its on LSD man.... Well, ok, no, I think I would rather get my old impreza wagon back in truth. Although I am still holding out for a Merkur.

BTW, no, Chrysler does not count as an American car manufacturer anymore. As of a week or two ago, they were finally completely bought out by Fiat. They are now under the Fiat Chrysler Auto Group. FCA.
@Rallywagon I'm with you, it's no match for an AWD car like the Legacy in the winter but I'm just saying that FWD or RWD is fine in the snow if your tires are OK and you know your limits. It's got an LSD too so it is good fun :D

On Facebook I see so many of my "friends" posting rants about how their AWD car is awesome in the snow and that people driving Civics or whatever should just stay off of the roads. C'mon. AWD will get you moving and help you out if you find yourself sliding out of control, but it will not help you slow down/stop or take a normal corner at reasonable speeds any more safely.

If I was able to find a good unmolested manual Subaru for my winter beater budget I would have done it in a second though!
Snow tires. They work. And when they don't work. Studded Snow Tires. I drove RWD for nearly a decade in upstate NY in an 87 cougar and later a 90 grand marquis...before traction control. Only issues I had were 1) following slow people uphill and 2) attempting to drive through unplowed parking lots.

I have AWD now but I still put snows on for the winter. The only time I have felt unsafe driving in a snow storm was when I was on quote-unquote all season tires. All the issues people have driving around in winter are directly linked to the misconception that all-season and light-truck tires (mild a/t OEM tires that come on most pickups and suvs) are suitable for driving in the snow. They aren't. If that's what you have, stay the ***** home when it snows.
If I didn't live in Ohio, where Mother Nature decides hourly what season we are in, I would be driving with snow tyres. It was 45 degrees two days ago, and now its 15 with 8 inches of snow. Not worth the hassle.
I rock the all season on the scoob. Wish I could say that for the Mazda. Our Mazda3 runs low pros, I doubt I would have gotten it out of the drive this morning. Snow tires, they really do make all the difference. Even if you can take your tires in and have the siped helps a lot. We got new tires put on the scoob and Mazda though, so winter tires were out of the question.
Honestly though, I also think a big issue is that people really don't know how to drive in this weather. I feel that to live above the Mason Dixion line, you should take have to take a winter driving course. At the very least, take your car into a parking lot and actually get a feel of how a car reacts to snow and ice.
Some people fall into the "stupid idiot brakes at the normal point and slides through an intersection" category, the majority of people are just on tires with no grip and will never stop no matter how early they brake. They sell "winter" tires that are good for temps below 50. They aren't hardcore "snow" tires like Blizzaks but they'll work better than an all season for sure. Any miles you put on them, are miles you aren't putting on more expensive summer rubber. You're out the cost of a set of wheels but even those can be had for the price of your deductible...you know the deductible you'll end up paying when you lose a bumper in a snow bank.
yeah been a nasty winter this year in MI, I have about 3.5 ft built up outside, had to plug the mercs battery blanket nearly every night for 2months solid. She is a great winter SUV tho.
IM interested in joining your league assuming there are spots still open.
Lots of spots man. Lots of spots. SO many that we can just keep going, so long as Cheeb don't mind making more scoring sheets and the such.
Skills will be along shortly with the official welcome mat, in the mean time, head over to the first post on page one, familiarize yourself with the info there, and be sure to checkout the SNAIL OLR, there will be a test later on it. No, really, there is a test.

Back to winter driving. One of the great (read, bad) things about my driving style and habits is that I have had the chance to drive a great many cars (mostly because I bought $500-1000 cars, and proceeded to beat the crap out of them till they died). Some 20+ cars have gone to the grave yard no thanks to my efforts. I've had the joy of driving, everything from an 88 escort Pony, to a 2003 expedition in the snow. Never once bought a snow tire. This will probably change for next winter though. Anyway, outside of some shenanigans, I have never accidentally placed a car in a ditch. Purposefully yes, well, to say that I was pretending to be like Colin Mcrae, driving a car that shouldn't even be in an autox. I have highsided a car a time or two though. Anyway, all of those cars, I spent a lot of time learning how to drive them all in the snow. Like hundreds, if not thousands of miles in each I owned, on snowy b roads. So after years and cars and miles, the worst winter vehicle I have owned, would be the Jeep Cherokee. Its the only one I had that would unpredictably loose control. Cruising 75 on our way home from Atlanta a couple of years back. Cruising at a nice 70 mph, dry roads, sunny day, going along a sweeping turn, and hit a wet patch. Not even black ice. If you live here, you know that most roads like this turn into a salt covered mess when there is no, or little snow. Temp was about 25. Just caught some of the wet and the back end nearly came around. Some SNAIL inspired quick hand action saved the day, but I'll be damned if I didn't sell that Jeep that spring.
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Lots of spots man. Lots of spots. SO many that we can just keep going, so long as Cheeb don't mind making more scoring sheets and the such.
Skills will be along shortly with the official welcome mat, in the mean time, head over to the first post on page one, familiarize yourself with the info there, and be sure to checkout the SNAIL OLR, there will be a test later on it. No, really, there is a test.
sorry this is may be the first of many noob questions...hopefully not, but check out SNAIL OLR where? BTW I have read through the first post thoroughly, just need to know where to go to take this test. thanks for the quick reply