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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Quick question... You guys who have been online on Monday nights & been dumped or interfered with by the maintenance... What time does that generally start causing a problem?

Oh, and at the peeps who are disappointed by the scheduling... I can commiserate... most snail stuff starts on the too late side for me. *sigh*
I can't see now who was posting asking about daytime racing, but depending on how early you're looking for there's the Zero Cup that runs @ Monday, 3pm US EST. They post the times in GMT because it's a Euro host. But I think there's a link in the OP to translate to your own time zone. It's also a tuning prohibited club. 👍


My bad.. I misread what you were asking for. :ouch:

Is it possible that what you remember reading way back when was this post?

Yes! That would be it. Gawds! Thank you. Now I also know why I wasn't finding it using the search pattern with keywords Qualifying Procedure with zer05ive as the post author. Still being schooled by the master.
Don't suppose you can see if the IT folks can help?

I've been on the phone with them on and off for the past 4 months. Supposedly they're "working to resolve the problem". I thought it was fixed earlier this week, but tonight it crapped out again.
Yes! That would be it. Gawds! Thank you. Now I also know why I wasn't finding it using the search pattern with keywords Qualifying Procedure with zer05ive as the post author. Still being schooled by the master.
I get a kick every time I watch that video. Although my anal retentiveness was on full display that night (it took two nights of trying to get a "video-worthy" qualifying session completed), I still crack a smile when I see the final edit that @kcheeb put together. He is the true master. :bowdown:
Must have been some confusion about you being a S.N.A.I.L. :(

Wouldn't have been on purpose.

The Community update better be on tap, soon :grumpy:

No worries, Kcheeb. :)
We were actually merging with another room but the other got full in between.
I managed to log into a third one, practiced but got DCed right on the first lap of the race. :(
Better luck next time.
My wife and I are going away this weekend. I'm taking the PS3 with me though so hopefully the hotel we are staying at has good connection.
Take a laptop and ethernet cable with you. Most hotels wont let gaming devices link to the wifi. I myself have experienced this and use a shared connection via a laptop.
As of 2/9/2014 I will be running the D8 room as friends only. I will be sending FR to any new snails. Please reply by 8:00 pm on Sunday night. I look forward to some clean, fun racing on Sunday night.
^Is that based off a late 70's Camaro Owens?

Yes, 78-80 era. It's the Super Stock used in small ovals. Car is so much fun. At idle it cams hard. Sounds great on the gas. The whole persona of it is Satruday Night at the local Asphalt Oval. I try to get one race in a day. It's like candy. Haven't quite gotten the speed the aliens are getting. I'm running 34.8's where the Aliens are 34.6's I usually pull down a top three. Always a top 5. If I catch a break or luck into a room where I'm on the pole or second row. I can snag a win. A lot times you have to dodge traffic as it's a rookie event. No tune.

Gonna try the tuned version here shortly. I either need to license up or buy tracks. Can't recall what was the gold up. However going to that will be more competition but less rolling roadblocks. ;)

Dab, I wanna try some of the open wheel cars out and I grew up at the dirt oval tracks. So roundy round is def in my blood.
You guys are killing me! Making want to go out to the local dirt track. There is nothing like the sweet smell of race gas on a Friday or Saturday night!
I love the smell of race gas. Down here in the south alot of the guys have swapped race gas for E85. The smell is one that will water your eyes if you stand around those cars for to long.