Race Date - Sun Mar 09 2014
Penalty Rate 53%
Banner by dabneyd
A note on track re-entry after going out of bounds: It doesn't matter what caused the off track excursion. The driver that is out of bounds, for whatever the reason, is under the burden to rejoin the racing surface in a safe manner that will not impede or cause other drivers to take evasive action.
If a driver is disconnected between the first race of a round and the reverse grid race, especially if that driver finished high in the order, and reconnects prior to the reverse grid starting, a manual grid should be accomplished. If any of the hosts or directors are unsure how to accomplish a manual reverse grid, send me a PM and I'll provide instructions on how it's done. The other option, in a case like this, is for the driver that got DCed and reconnected, to pull over before turn one and let the field go by until he/she can slot in at their appropriate reverse grid starting position.
The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery appears to have turned off the lights and shut it's doors. Thankfully.
@jobyone has taken over duties as Division 1 Steward. @Neovre has joined the Steward Corp as an At Large Steward. Thank you both for stepping up and taking on these responsibilities.
Below are the results of the 13 incidents the stewards reviewed.
Division 3 - 2 incidents on file
- Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 5 points doubled to 10 for probation violation. 5 weeks probation remain.
- Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 9 points. 3 weeks probation.
Division 6 - 9 incidents on file
- Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 10 points. 3 weeks probation.
- Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points doubled to 4 for probation violation and halved back to 2 for concession.
- Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points doubled to 16 for probation violation.
- Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points doubled to 12 for probation violation.
- 30 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
- Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points. 2 weeks probation
Division 8 - 1 incident on file
- Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 5 - 27 points. 5 weeks probation.
These results can be viewed on the
SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.
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Thanks to DrKronin, JLBowler, and tezgm99 for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found
here. @
zer05ive & @
these adjustments have been made in the director's and results sheets.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your
Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***