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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Just wanted to post my experiece last night . I had no apparent connection issues i simply saw no friends rooms , saw several daytona rooms but the only snail rooms that appeared when searched by track was div 5. I tried rebooting ,clear cache and anything i could think of for 30 minutes all to no avail . My desktop is wireless and was working perfectly , my ps3 is hard wired ,my internet is charter with current speed at 30 mps down and 5 mps up. Any thoughts ?

Did all those steps a few times , friends list was showing everyone i simply could only find find one snail room div 5 no matter how i searched , also i was able to join online rooms in another game gta 5 immediately after .

And what we can conclude based on this is only 1 thing; D5 is awesome.

Now back to your regularly scheduled complaints about PD's connection issues.
JLBowler, i responded to the request. My connection is a Nat type 2 connection. Cable internet with Charter Communications. Router is run by the linksys wireless router. I have always used this connection ever since i started playing online with GT5. I have no problem staying connected after i sign online onto PSN. Yesterday the room crashed 3 times and i got "disconnected from lobby server" message then the room stayed connected for us to complete all the races. Started with 10 in the first race and ended with 4 drivers during the last races. I clear my cache everytime i play GT6.
Those of you who were dc'd from D6 or any other divison last night can vote to eliminate a combo that you got to run if you wish. Just post it here and I will record it for you.
Here are my first impressions of my first race. First, very different than AI, i almost expected other cars to get out of my way or brake much earlier. I certianly didn't expect to win my first race at Daytona. I was anticipating mayhem, but with only 16 cars on a 2.5 oval, it was a rather sedate race. I personally like the ovals, although, shorter ovals are much more fun to drive. It's just me. Second, rubbing and bumping, a clean race is one thing, I am all for that, but we are racing, if someone takes a bad line or brakes poorly into a corner and there is room to stick my front bumper under him dammit, i'm racing, take every advantage on the track, ya, paint might be scratched, as long as you don't wreck the other guy. I would expect a following car to do the same to me if I miss my line. Again, it's racing, if my car comes out unscathed, I feel I didn't race hard enough.
I got nailed from behind in one race which sent me to the back, last place. I started the last race from the pole and screwed my own pooch on one corner to finish 7th, I think.
I must say, as tired as I was at the end of the night, I really enjoyed myself. Good bunch of guys, learned a lot. Made a bunch of huge mistakes, some I recovered from, some I didn't. Got taken out and almost took a couple of others out. Really my only complaint is for myself, I really should run as many laps on the selected tracks as possible to find the best lines and gears, oh well, next week. I have to get a decent seat for racing, my butt was so sore last night. Also, changing the g-27 degree of motion really helps, putting the Lotus at 900 worked miracles at Daytona, any other track 670 or less. See ya'll next week.
Here are my first impressions of my first race. First, very different than AI, i almost expected other cars to get out of my way or brake much earlier. I certianly didn't expect to win my first race at Daytona. I was anticipating mayhem, but with only 16 cars on a 2.5 oval, it was a rather sedate race. I personally like the ovals, although, shorter ovals are much more fun to drive. It's just me. Second, rubbing and bumping, a clean race is one thing, I am all for that, but we are racing, if someone takes a bad line or brakes poorly into a corner and there is room to stick my front bumper under him dammit, i'm racing, take every advantage on the track, ya, paint might be scratched, as long as you don't wreck the other guy. I would expect a following car to do the same to me if I miss my line. Again, it's racing, if my car comes out unscathed, I feel I didn't race hard enough.
I got nailed from behind in one race which sent me to the back, last place. I started the last race from the pole and screwed my own pooch on one corner to finish 7th, I think.
I must say, as tired as I was at the end of the night, I really enjoyed myself. Good bunch of guys, learned a lot. Made a bunch of huge mistakes, some I recovered from, some I didn't. Got taken out and almost took a couple of others out. Really my only complaint is for myself, I really should run as many laps on the selected tracks as possible to find the best lines and gears, oh well, next week. I have to get a decent seat for racing, my butt was so sore last night. Also, changing the g-27 degree of motion really helps, putting the Lotus at 900 worked miracles at Daytona, any other track 670 or less. See ya'll next week.

Having room to stick your front bumper in is not how SNAIL races. You are not Aryton Senna and this is not Formula1. Also, discussion of incidents of any kind, in any way, is not tolerated on this thread.
is there a way for me to download uploaded races?
i need to check how other users "saw" me on the track but when i click the replay section in the FAQ i get to a google login, and when i login i get to my "own" drive?
We can have the set of replays you're interested in uploaded to the open replays folder and you should be able to get them from there. If it's not already been done by then, I will get a copy of the D2 set moved there when I get home and provide the link to the folder.
I saw no friend's room too even after many refreshes and it was quite frustrating. This happens in Division 7.

I have to do a search in the public room with daytona and finally see it. Sorry guys for the waiting. Thanks blue for the help.
Yes, it is frustrating and lately a "hit and miss" My "procedure" on Sundays before 9:00 pm Eastern Time:
1. Clear cache, save data and quit game
(Looks like @JLBowler suggests here to restart PSN, Login and wait for friends list to load before step 2 below)
2. Start GT6, do oil changes and car wash.
3. Search Lobby by "Friends Only". If nothing shows up - press refresh....and then
4. Cancel "Friends Only" Change to "All Regions" and serch by "Friends Only". If nothing shows up - press refresh....and then
5. Cancel "Friends Only" and search by Track in "All Regions". If nothing shows up - press refresh....and then
6. Change to "US Region" and search by Track. If nothing shows up.... you are not racing tonight.

I'm sure PD will get it fixed before GT7 is released......
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Sometimes it's as simple as backing out to the main menu and going back in to search for lobbies.

For example, I think it was two weeks ago, I couldn't see the room. Back to main menu, back in to the online lobbies, search by track, and voila, there's my division with 10 others already in there.

(Note that this came after the laundry list of everything else. Reset, cache clear, search by track, etc)
Having room to stick your front bumper in is not how SNAIL races. You are not Aryton Senna and this is not Formula1. Also, discussion of incidents of any kind, in any way, is not tolerated on this thread.
Are we racing or just following the guy in front? If I can't pass a guy on the straightaways because the cars are so evenly matched, the only place to pass is coming into a corner. How can you improve yourself if you are only limited to passing on the straights? Why should I end up with crappy times because I can't pass where racing cars are supposed to pass, into the corners. The guy getting passed also has some responsibility if he can't hold a racing line. If I am holding someone back who is better than me, I give them the line, except on the last lap, then my car is going to be ten feet wide. If a guy is out of position and I brake better than him with the line, well, again, that's racing.
I'm in a bad mood, just had dental surgery and the freezing is gone, watch it, I'm feisty. Hugs to all
Did all those steps a few times , friends list was showing everyone i simply could only find find one snail room div 5 no matter how i searched , also i was able to join online rooms in another game gta 5 immediately after .
after I decided to give last night a pass, in case I was "the one" in D6, I tried all options available to find other SNAIL rooms. I rebooted my router/modem, I obviously rebooted the PS3 using Bowlers method, which I have since he first mentioned it months ago, and after making doubly sure that all friends had loaded I went surfing the rooms. Only two could be found (6 and 7)...none with friends only feature...and that was by searching by track and utilizing ALL REGIONS. The other 5 Divisions were not to be found...anywhere. I have friends in all 7 so that is NOT the issue. The issue remains that Friends only rooms are, for whatever technical reason, VERY susceptible (or more so than open rooms)to weak connections. Perhaps that feature requires more oomph to operate and once the threshold is reached all those below the line are toast (technical Military term). In other words a lobby is like a north Atlantic Convoy..it proceeds at the rate of the slowest vessel. I await GT7 with hopeful thoughts.
Are we racing or just following the guy in front? If I can't pass a guy on the straightaways because the cars are so evenly matched, the only place to pass is coming into a corner. How can you improve yourself if you are only limited to passing on the straights? Why should I end up with crappy times because I can't pass where racing cars are supposed to pass, into the corners. The guy getting passed also has some responsibility if he can't hold a racing line. If I am holding someone back who is better than me, I give them the line, except on the last lap, then my car is going to be ten feet wide. If a guy is out of position and I brake better than him with the line, well, again, that's racing.
I'm in a bad mood, just had dental surgery and the freezing is gone, watch it, I'm feisty. Hugs to all

You might want to take another look at our OLR. Use that link. Specifically section 04 and section 07 will clearly show that what you described in your previous post is not tolerated in SNAIL.

You can pass in corners but you can't use someone else as a guard rail to make the turn. You can't rub your way by someone after you've dove into the corner after they turn in.
Are we racing or just following the guy in front? If I can't pass a guy on the straightaways because the cars are so evenly matched, the only place to pass is coming into a corner. How can you improve yourself if you are only limited to passing on the straights? Why should I end up with crappy times because I can't pass where racing cars are supposed to pass, into the corners. The guy getting passed also has some responsibility if he can't hold a racing line. If I am holding someone back who is better than me, I give them the line, except on the last lap, then my car is going to be ten feet wide. If a guy is out of position and I brake better than him with the line, well, again, that's racing.
I'm in a bad mood, just had dental surgery and the freezing is gone, watch it, I'm feisty. Hugs to all

To address your two part question. Yes, and yes. We are racing. If the guy is in front of you, then yes, you are following him, or her. If you can get sufficient overlap before the ahead car's turns in or they take a defensive line, then you are no longer following, you're passing, and the burden of doing it contact free, is on you. If you don't have sufficient overlap at the ahead car's turn in, your passing move is considered a dive bomb by our rule set and you will be subject to a penalty as described by our guidelines. I suggest you read them closely. Our rule set has been refined over the years by members of GTP and SNAIL. We don't take it kindly when someone thinks they are above or outside those rules.
The S.N.A.I.L. OLR

07: Corner Rights:

When approaching the turn/apex of turn, the car which "holds" the inner side of turn has entrance-advantage and other driver(s) must refrain from endangering him by his actions.

You must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up their inside, or to expect them to leave inside room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was no substantial overlap before he turned in.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to sufficient side room. The ahead driver must also leave sufficient side room for the behind driver. This means that each driver has a right to their respective "line", or side of the track, right up to the exit point. Neither driver should squeeze the other toward the inside or outside of the corner during the apex or exit.

The turn in point is the point at which the leading car begins their turn into the corner–this may vary from the point at which you turn into the corner.

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact.

Drivers are expected to set buttons up for side views as "I didn't see you" is not an excuse if you collide with another driver when racing.

The Good Racecraft Guide

Defending & Attacking
An experienced racer will take whatever line he feels necessary into any given corner in order to defend & maintain his place, he is entitled to do so as he has track position over the pursuing driver, remember that the fastest line is not always the winning one. It is the other chaps job to force him into an error, whilst still driving cleanly of course, or wait for one to occur naturally & then take advantage of it, albeit in the proper fashion. An inexperienced racer will, in his endless optimism, tend to stuff it up the inside at every unavailable opportunity when trying to pass, imagining he is driving well but making far too much contact & causing many unnecessary incidents. Also, some lacking in good racecraft tend to drive right up to & into the driver in front, as they do not have the common sense to adjust their throttle & braking to account for following in the slipstream of another. You will notice that drivers who have good racecraft make very little contact when following & passing others on track.

The following is from another forum -ukgpl.com. Same message, with pictures.

Corner Rights

If you watch the odd few GPL drivers in action you might think the rule for corner rights goes something like, " Whatever piece of ground I can barge my way into I have the right to ". Well, ... not so. There is actually an etiquette for corner rights. It's not just for GPL, or racing sims, but is basically the same for every level of real-world motor racing - from Formula Ford to Formula 1 and everything in between. " What ! ", you say. " You mean I don't have the right to throw my car into any gap I see ? ". Actually no, you don't - and if you raced in any real-world competition the way you may race in GPL, instead of being hailed as a motor racing genius you may find yourself banned from even the lowest levels of the sport. Some of the everyday things you see in GPL simply aren't tolerated where real cars are damaged, real money is the cost of repair, and real lives are at risk.

In brief, the concept is, you must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before a corner's turn-in point to have the right for room to be left for you by the ahead driver. Substantial overlap means at least that the front of your car is up to say the driver's position in the ahead car - and that's at the very least. You probably should have more in many circumstances. The ahead driver has ever right to be fully committed to the racing line of his choice without any interference if there was no overlap before he turned in.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to room. The ahead driver can still battle for the place of course but must do so from a wider-out position, leaving room for the behind driver.

You can see here why overlap established after the turn-in point isn't really valid and therefore isn't honored in car racing rules. Its actually false overlap that's created by the turning movements of the cars. Its not due to one being faster than the other or one out-braking the other. In positions 1, 2, and 3, below, you can see that the Lotus has no overlap at all if you consider the straight ahead direction - shown by the blue lines. But if you take a perpendicular from the attitude of the cars, shown by the red lines, there is some overlap at position 2 and substantial overlap at position 3. This overlap is entirely false of course as the Lotus here hasn't actually out-braked or out-sped the Eagle by any amount what-so-ever - as I hope you can see form this diagram. Unfortunately many drivers think that if they do this they are some kind of out-braking genius, when in fact they are not out-preforming the other driver at all. Its a geometric illusion that has nothing to do with a driver's ability or performance. If they could really out-brake the other, they would have made some overlap before the turn-in point, not after it.

1 Before the turn-in point there's no overlap - therefore the Lotus has no right to room or to interfere with the Eagle's normal racing line in any way.

2 But, as often happens, the Lotus sees this empty zone along the inside and thinks they can zoom up into it, probably believing this to be the move of a talented racing genius.

3 Its possible to get apparent overlap after the turn-in point. The point is you shouldn't.

4 The Lotus may actually achieve their objective, forcing the Eagle out wide, who may actually not press the issue for the sake of not crashing - if they can.

5 But, if the Eagle doesn't back away, and holds their line, as they're entitled to do, this is what happens as often as not.
The issue is that the Eagle has the right to be fully committed to the racing line. In this case, the entire inside area ought to have been a no-go zone for the Lotus, who should have tucked in behind and followed the Eagle around. Of course, late braking barge drivers often end up in the hay bails, hopefully without taking you with them.
Imo the biggest problem with competitive racing in GT is the unrealistic loss of traction on and off the track when anything upsets the car, bumping and grinding ruins everything in this damn game. It's always been hopeless for me to recover from any inside push and a PIT only takes a breath against the rear quarter.

As long as those conditions exist, hardcore aggressive racing will only lead to flaming and homicide.

Other games are more forgiving in that area (and audio :P ), but can't match the rest of the package, and thus, here I am. A snail!

I grind my teeth for laps on end sometimes just praying for the person in front of me to mess up and leave an oppening, just because I know how effing pissed I would be if someone spun me out just to make a pass- penalty points or not, it's bad form in GT.

Hey, think of it like the classic races in Monterey, they aren't banging and bashing, but it's still a race, and still loads of fun!!!
Getting a Pre-Purchase Inspection done tomorrow on my New-To-Me-Car. ;)

I will post up pics on Wednesday or Thursday if it is a go after the inspection.

A HUUUUGE shout out to @JoeW for advice, info, feedback on my plethora of ideas. 👍 :bowdown: :bowdown: :cheers:

Cannot wait!
Good luck and hope it checks out!
Getting a Pre-Purchase Inspection done tomorrow on my New-To-Me-Car. ;)

I will post up pics on Wednesday or Thursday if it is a go after the inspection.

A HUUUUGE shout out to @JoeW for advice, info, feedback on my plethora of ideas. 👍 :bowdown: :bowdown: :cheers:

Cannot wait!

I wanted to ask you last night, but never got a chance between races. Can't wait to see what you chose!
To address your two part question. Yes, and yes. We are racing. If the guy is in front of you, then yes, you are following him, or her. If you can get sufficient overlap before the ahead car's turns in or they take a defensive line, then you are no longer following, you're passing, and the burden of doing it contact free, is on you. If you don't have sufficient overlap at the ahead car's turn in, your passing move is considered a dive bomb by our rule set and you will be subject to a penalty as described by our guidelines. I suggest you read them closely. Our rule set has been refined over the years by members of GTP and SNAIL. We don't take it kindly when someone thinks they are above or outside those rules.
I apologize to you all, i guess I am trying to step on peoples feet a bit,not my intention. I went back and re-read the rules, don't agree with it, but will comply. It's like a guy who has played contact hockey most of his life and then has to play a no contact game. Still the same game, but the intensity and realism is just not the same. We called it " excuse me" hockey. What. I am trying to get at is that the rules were there long before me and will be there for a long time after I'm gone. It's your ball and your rules. Please keep telling me when I bust a rule so I can learn them properly on the track.
I apologize to you all, i guess I am trying to step on peoples feet a bit,not my intention. I went back and re-read the rules, don't agree with it, but will comply. It's like a guy who has played contact hockey most of his life and then has to play a no contact game. Still the same game, but the intensity and realism is just not the same. We called it " excuse me" hockey. What. I am trying to get at is that the rules were there long before me and will be there for a long time after I'm gone. It's your ball and your rules. Please keep telling me when I bust a rule so I can learn them properly on the track.
The analogy is not quite right. Both the Hockey games are real. This is virtual racing and with out guidelines there is little to stop someone ruining another racers night. In real racing doing so would be expensive, dangerous and potentially race ending. Virtually these things are not there so we have rules to try and make sure that people do not ruin other peoples enjoyment of the races.

Trust me plenty of passing and close racing happens in this league. Passes are earned. But more importantly to earn the respect of your fellow drivers you need to race clean.

Mistakes happen. But remember this.

A Meteorite hitting your car is an accident everything else is driver error.
On another note..... Last night in D3, the battle up front got pretty intense during the first round at Daytona. Below are some pictures of the action.

The first 2 pictures are of round 1 where tcrash15 and Sand__68 were going at it for the win!!!!!
The end result was tcrash15 edging out Sand__68 by .002!!!!

A little background on the other 2 pictues. Before the start of the second race i made the comment that it wasn't a close finish and should try to get a .001 difference....... Well that's exactly what happened. (But with 2 different drivers)

This time is was me (MaddDog28) and Sand__68 (again) that got caught up in this predicament battling for 2nd place (AJK-VAIL won that race). Take a guess who won that battle... (Don't spoil it D3ers!!)

Daytona International Speedway.jpg
Daytona International Speedway_2.jpg
Daytona International Speedway_3.jpg
Daytona International Speedway_4.jpg
Wow.... 0.002 difference, truly intense side by side battle. What was their positions when they begun? Who has the drafting advantage?

The dark one wins because it is in the smaller radius with less distance even though the green one seems to be closer to the finish line. Am i right? :D
Wow.... 0.002 difference, truly intense side by side battle. What was their positions when they begun? Who has the drafting advantage?

The dark one wins because it is in the smaller radius with less distance even though the green one seems to be closer to the finish line. Am i right? :D
In the first race I don't remember what positions tcrash15 and Sand__68 came from, and i think tcrash15 had the draft advantage coming to the finish. (Again, could be wrong)

You are absolutely right!!!! 👍 Sand__68 (Grey) beat me by .001 and thus came in second.

In the second race both Sand__68 and MaddDog28 came from the back of the pack (8 and 9 i believe) and MaddDog28 had the draft advantage coming to the finish but some good ol' rubbin took my draft advantage away.
My guess was based on the front license plate holder on the green car looking to be ever so slightly deeper in the black squares on the checkered line. But then again, it's stupid close, and I may be wrong.