◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
what's that mean @nmcp1 ?

Someone who won a prize is involved in an incident review. Depending on the results of the review it may change who gets what prize. @Dragonwhisky will post the all clear once the stewards are done.👍


Race Date: 14 September 2014

Currently tracking 20 Incident Reports

We have at least one prize winner with a racing incident being investigated by the stewards. This may, obviously, change the order of the prizes to be selected. All winners are asked to refrain from making selections until the Weekly Steward's report has been posted.

The target deadline for the Steward Reviews, this week, is Wednesday night by 10PM Eastern. The Steward Summary will be posted as soon as possible, following completion of reviews.

:@: SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to The Incident Review Scoring.​

The IR Submission Form is now closed.
OK, the news (to me) couldn't be worst. I opened my pedals box and what happened is that the break pedal coil spring simply broke!!! Now, I have no way of rebuilding that spring and no way I can buy a new wheel/pedals set right now so this basically means that I'll be gone from all granturismo activity for a while unless any of you Snailers have an extra spring you can mail to Canada, I'll obviously pay all the expenses.
My wheel is a gtdf.
I might be able to help you out, Schmiggy. I think I have a G27 stock brake spring I can send you. Not sure if it will work but if I do have one, I'll send it to you. Better yet, I have a G27, complete, used of course but it works great, that I might be wanting to sell. Ill send you a PM:)👍
I might be able to help you out, Schmiggy. I think I have a G27 stock brake spring I can send you. Not sure if it will work but if I do have one, I'll send it to you. Better yet, I have a G27, complete, used of course but it works great, that I might be wanting to sell. Ill send you a PM:)👍
Tommy, I was checking on kijiji and there's a guy near by selling a spanking new dfgt for $80,00 so I emailed him saying that I'm interested. Hopefully he emails back soon so I just go get it asap. If it doesn't work out we can talk about your g27.
Thanks budz
OK, the news (to me) couldn't be worst. I opened my pedals box and what happened is that the break pedal coil spring simply broke!!! Now, I have no way of rebuilding that spring and no way I can buy a new wheel/pedals set right now so this basically means that I'll be gone from all granturismo activity for a while unless any of you Snailers have an extra spring you can mail to Canada, I'll obviously pay all the expenses.
My wheel is a gtdf.

try the below from youtube. there are some other fixes as well on youtube. You will be up and racing shortly.

I'm usually not one to complain, but this new FFB is awful in my opinion. It's like they forgot the 3rd digit in the settings. It just feels like my wheel is stuck in drift mode... gonna have to test with some old combos when I get back from the gym to figure this out and try to salvage any progress I've made in the last few months.

All I've tried so far was the FT-1 VGT, and it was a nightmare - hardly any feel at all, like driving on ice or in the rainmasters series with the prior FFB. Not asking for tons of weight in the feedback, but any at all would be nice. Torque at 1 and 10 feel hardly any different. :indiff:
What were your settings before the update ? From what I'm gathering the higher you had your settings before the update the more adjusting you're going to have to do. Ones that had ffb set to 10 before(extreme over kill) dislike it the most. There is more road/tire feel now , less "center drive"
Ya @jamilla it was on me lol, didn't even realize any of it till today, woulda sent in a self report just incase put ya know school and football lol, you should be fine with your freeze
Yeah I'm kinda with LLOYD. . . not really digging it at the moment. Guess I need to sit down an play with the new settings. Best way to describe it for me is "squishy". Not really sure if that makes sense but that's the first thing that comes to mind. :grumpy:
I turned both up too 10, and it still feels like I'm turning air. It just doesn't feel as solid, stiff and precise that I liked before.
I know it felt tight in the Jag TT today, then feels loser in the Miata TC right now...but overall, for me; it feels like I can feel the tires more in the turns then just all the over/understeer snap turning. I actually got faster in the WRS TT with the bigger Jag.
Would all the drivers who attended the SNAIL Miata Test last night who are not on the Miata letter list (you do not get the letter ) please PM me so I can add you. All who have participated in testing will receive an invite to register for the Series BEFORE the IPO (LOL).

I could not resist re-posting comments from D8 driver @DCschwinn after the Miata Racing last night. It sums up what we are trying to do....allowing drivers from all divisions to get good, fun, door to door racing.

DCschwinn said
This will be my second month with S.N.A.I.L & all I will say is from D1 to D8 (me) we had 15 in the room and we ran 12 laps and the biggest gap was no more than 10 seconds from 1st to last and I learned more in that one race when it comes to racecraft and passing, then being passed back and having to be 100% aware of your surroundings for 12 straight laps. I'm just speaking for myself being new and such that I don't think I would ever be in a race like that on a Sunday night but we're talking about two different styles of racing and I love any of the many series S.N.A.I.L has! This one is just RACING from start to finish! Maybe because I'm one of those "D8" guys and running door to door rarely if ever happens for me yet! I look forward to it and hope others give it a shot! !!

We are sorting the paperwork currently and have settled on using boost rather than ballast to "equalize" the field. We have learned allot about boost and how it works. The main discovery was that it does not "ruin the racin" but rather the opposite. Over 12 cars over 12 laps at laguna and all finished within 10 seconds....its gonna be fun.....and concentrated racecraft education.
Being a Fanatec wheel user, I can actually feel the front end much more than before. I never did run with a heavy/high FFB setting with the wheel so I was able to increase that aspect up to what it was only now I can feel the road/tires especially when I over cook the front brakes.
did everyone get the GT-R Nismo today for free?

Yeah I got it.. Cool car!! So about the wheel? You like the changes?? I'm so torn if I do or not? Times I feel I have more control and other times I feel like it's a limp noodle with crazy deadzone.? I don't know.? Guess I need to use it more to know if I like it better or not?
Yeah I got it.. Cool car!! So about the wheel? You like the changes?? I'm so torn if I do or not? Times I feel I have more control and other times I feel like it's a limp noodle with crazy deadzone.? I don't know.? Guess I need to use it more to know if I like it better or not?

I like it..
I took all three of my GTR's out and they all have a very different feedback relative to the amount of weight differences in the cars

Nismo-14 being the heavier car had less feedback but it was easier for me to keep the attitude of the car committed to the turns.

GT-R Black Edition: A car I race all the time. This had a totally different feel to it, almost like I could feel the car pitch in on entry, blip the throttle, let it settle through the apex and it flat ass hauls coming out of the turns now, I flat tracked it at indy tonight and it smoked them.

GT-R- R-Tune: It always used to feel heavy over the left rear.....it's gone. It sticks, the wheel lets me know what the car is doing across the car as the weight transfer settles side to side / back to front....

or it could all just be in my head....I messed with it for a few hours though and all my times got faster.
I'm almost tempted to buy an R8 just because I hate them and could NEVER get it stable through the turns without giving up a ton of speed.
So looking at some forums around GTPlanet, it seems like the FFB has been made more "realistic" and it changes between road cars and race cars.

For DFGT users, try 9/9 and controller sensitivity to -2. I've not tested it, but I've heard it's the closest to pre update FFB