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  • Thread starter zer05ive
What were your settings before the update ? From what I'm gathering the higher you had your settings before the update the more adjusting you're going to have to do. Ones that had ffb set to 10 before(extreme over kill) dislike it the most. There is more road/tire feel now , less "center drive"

Was using FFB set at 7 before, with 100 Force strength on my wheel. Going to jack the wheel force up above 100 now to see how close I can get to the prior feel, which felt very much like my real car. Now it feels super mushy like my parents Camry or the Malibu rental I had a few months back... both which I couldn't stand.

The CSW manual says "Please do only set these values higher than 100% if the Force Feedback effects are clearly not strong enough and weaker in comparison to other games." Since it's much weaker now than before 1.12, I'm not terribly afraid of setting it higher, as the concern is higher heat generation if the motors have to work harder... well, they're not really doing anything as it is now, so I guess I'm not terribly worried. :lol:

Also, I think more adjustability is great. I'm also really glad my wheel has the ability to increase the FFB on its own when the game itself is weak. Maybe it's not as weak on other wheels?

EDIT: YESSSSS!!!! Thank god it's working. Now just to fine tune.
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Would all the drivers who attended the SNAIL Miata Test last night who are not on the Miata letter list (you do not get the letter ) please PM me so I can add you. All who have participated in testing will receive an invite to register for the Series BEFORE the IPO (LOL).

I could not resist re-posting comments from D8 driver @DCschwinn after the Miata Racing last night. It sums up what we are trying to do....allowing drivers from all divisions to get good, fun, door to door racing.

DCschwinn said
This will be my second month with S.N.A.I.L & all I will say is from D1 to D8 (me) we had 15 in the room and we ran 12 laps and the biggest gap was no more than 10 seconds from 1st to last and I learned more in that one race when it comes to racecraft and passing, then being passed back and having to be 100% aware of your surroundings for 12 straight laps. I'm just speaking for myself being new and such that I don't think I would ever be in a race like that on a Sunday night but we're talking about two different styles of racing and I love any of the many series S.N.A.I.L has! This one is just RACING from start to finish! Maybe because I'm one of those "D8" guys and running door to door rarely if ever happens for me yet! I look forward to it and hope others give it a shot! !!

We are sorting the paperwork currently and have settled on using boost rather than ballast to "equalize" the field. We have learned allot about boost and how it works. The main discovery was that it does not "ruin the racin" but rather the opposite. Over 12 cars over 12 laps at laguna and all finished within 10 seconds....its gonna be fun.....and concentrated racecraft education.

Do you mean add you to my friends list because i already have you on my friends PSN list? I'm not on the Miata letter list.
@reigninblood stated he uploaded the replays already. Are they not where they should be?

When I went looking for them tonight, there didn't appear to be any for last night in either location. I've got the set now that he re-uploaded. Thanks to both of you.

SNAIL age demographic above. If you wish to submit a new entry, click here. If you wish to edit an existing entry click the table above.

Lookit that @zer05ive , a TOPP and a BOPP, in the same page. That's ownage there.
What were your settings before the update ? From what I'm gathering the higher you had your settings before the update the more adjusting you're going to have to do. Ones that had ffb set to 10 before(extreme over kill) dislike it the most. There is more road/tire feel now , less "center drive"

So I was running it @ 6 & 7 FFB pre 1.12.. Where did you have yours set before and where or what settings do u have it set @ now?
I used to use my G27 on about 6 or 7, I turned everything up to 10 and I like it fairly well. The wheel fights you less when it shouldn't and communicates more. It's not quite as heavy as I'd like but I can get used to it. (Edit: I am used to my RL AE86 with no power steering, so there's that)
Sexy, yes. But imo, an ugly drive. At least at Panorama.... :confused: idk...

Yeah it took me a little while to get used to. Once I got the feel with my adjusted FFB though it wasn't terrible. Focus on straight line braking (otherwise it seems to get sideways too easy) and the gold isnt too tough, I got it on my 3rd clean lap (D6 speed).
I'm usually not one to complain, but this new FFB is awful in my opinion. It's like they forgot the 3rd digit in the settings. It just feels like my wheel is stuck in drift mode... gonna have to test with some old combos when I get back from the gym to figure this out and try to salvage any progress I've made in the last few months.

All I've tried so far was the FT-1 VGT, and it was a nightmare - hardly any feel at all, like driving on ice or in the rainmasters series with the prior FFB. Not asking for tons of weight in the feedback, but any at all would be nice. Torque at 1 and 10 feel hardly any different. :indiff:

Having adjusted my wheel force up (10 in game and 130 on when currently), I actually really like it now. I think I've reduced my deadzone somewhat and have better feel of the car using the sensitivity setting at 8.

Luckily for me, a big part of finding that happy place that was boosting the FFB on my wheel itself, but I'm happy with what I've got now. Ready for Grim's RaceCar series tomorrow... although I may not have practiced enough to clear KOQ this week! :nervous:
I had mine at 4 (g27). The game defaulted me to 4 and 8 and I can barely tell a difference. I haven't run much after the update, but I may actually like it more. It seems to be smoother and acts more like a car with power steering.
I tried to drive a btr In the snail dtc today and had a hell of a time. My counter steer is late because can't feel the front gain grip or steering center when the rear loses it in a controlled drift. I feel like the cars are on ice especially when I'm exiting with a slight oversteer, there is no feedback to let me know where the weight of the car wants to go I call it hover craft drift. Also The wheel needs to go light if I keep turning the wheel and understeer that's spot on. But if I fly into a corner 4 wheel drifting its the same effect. I would think the tires would slip and catch over bumps and changing grip causing the wheel to buck like a bronco.
It feels so unresponsive and light. I can't be as precise as I want to be.

I turned both up too 10, and it still feels like I'm turning air. It just doesn't feel as solid, stiff and precise that I liked before.

I feel the exact same way. I did the same, turned both up to 10 (we need to be able to go to 11, the old settings), and it just feels way too light. I'm sure the motors in the wheel like these new settings, but I need more feedback.
Surgical pass on the 12th lap of a very grueling Monday night race. Great racing. All around. This is probably the last time I'll be able to do that now that my wheel has melted butter in it.
Hello everyone,,

I would love to race online in sone official league or even better to team up with someone. I really don't know where I belong with my skills. I usually played shuffle races in GT5 so clean racing is my thing.

Cheerz to ya all
I tried to drive a btr In the snail dtc today and had a hell of a time. My counter steer is late because can't feel the front gain grip or steering center when the rear loses it in a controlled drift. I feel like the cars are on ice especially when I'm exiting with a slight oversteer, there is no feedback to let me know where the weight of the car wants to go I call it hover craft drift. Also The wheel needs to go light if I keep turning the wheel and understeer that's spot on. But if I fly into a corner 4 wheel drifting its the same effect. I would think the tires would slip and catch over bumps and changing grip causing the wheel to buck like a bronco.

If the RUF cars are supposed to be tuned UP cars, then not only are there no Porsches in GT6, but anything resembling a Porsche has been made worse than reality. I haven't driven a RUF, but I doubt they would stay in business if their cars handled like GT6 suggests.

I have a hard time keeping the BTR on the road on Sports Medium. I am going to turn the ABS off and work back up to speed later on.
If the RUF cars are supposed to be tuned UP cars, then not only are there no Porsches in GT6, but anything resembling a Porsche has been made worse than reality. I haven't driven a RUF, but I doubt they would stay in business if their cars handled like GT6 suggests.

I have a hard time keeping the BTR on the road on Sports Medium. I am going to turn the ABS off and work back up to speed later on.

A little insight into the Ruf company.

Hello everyone,,

I would love to race online in sone official league or even better to team up with someone. I really don't know where I belong with my skills. I usually played shuffle races in GT5 so clean racing is my thing.

Cheerz to ya all


Here's your official S.N.A.I.L. Welcome Post!

Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by 23:59 EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. Send a PSN friend request to the Race Director or Primary Host from your assigned SNAIL Division. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below. Now if you've actually read this, post a :dunce: in this thread.

6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.
If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
@skalin , it would appear by your GTP avatar, you're 6 hours ahead of the nearest of us here on the north american continent. Our Sunday races start at 9:30PM eastern, which is around 3:30AM in Serbia. Most of the other weekly events under the SNAIL banner start around 10PM eastern. The Wednesday series tonight is probably the earliest starting event at 9:00PM for the race with a qualifying session that starts at 8PM.
Well, first of all, thanks for the briefing.
I read it all, it's all clear.

I am not able to race on mondays at 3:30AM cuz I have to be in office by 07:00AM :D

I'll try to stick with these races on wendsdays but not sure if i am going to make it today.

Thx once more


@skalin , it would appear by your GTP avatar, you're 6 hours ahead of the nearest of us here on the north american continent. Our Sunday races start at 9:30PM eastern, which is around 3:30AM in Serbia. Most of the other weekly events under the SNAIL banner start around 10PM eastern. The Wednesday series tonight is probably the earliest starting event at 9:00PM for the race with a qualifying session that starts at 8PM.

@skalin , it would appear by your GTP avatar, you're 6 hours ahead of the nearest of us here on the north american continent. Our Sunday races start at 9:30PM eastern, which is around 3:30AM in Serbia. Most of the other weekly events under the SNAIL banner start around 10PM eastern. The Wednesday series tonight is probably the earliest starting event at 9:00PM for the race with a qualifying session that starts at 8PM.
Well, first of all, thanks for the briefing.
I read it all, it's all clear.

I am not able to race on mondays at 3:30AM cuz I have to be in office by 07:00AM :D

I'll try to stick with these races on wendsdays but not sure if i am going to make it today.

Thx once more



The Wednesday Race Car Series is a pre-registered, pre-qualified event and at this time is full. You'll need to wait for the October sign ups to open up before joining that series.
View attachment 225769 Surgical pass on the 12th lap of a very grueling Monday night race. Great racing. All around. This is probably the last time I'll be able to do that now that my wheel has melted butter in it.

Awesome picture. That all happened on the last lap of the race, but the distance between the leader and those behind remained super close the entire race. I believe that's @RobbiefromBC in 2nd, myself in 3rd, and @kadrek close behind in 4th.