◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive

@msgt-sd @ConnorWolf @ Hugh

ConnorWolf leading Hughs by Wolfsatz

Daytona RC by W0lfsatz

MSGT by Wolfsatz

by Wolfsatz

Anyone practicing with the Go Kart?
I need to save a replay for PIX

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Yep, every week someone picks a combo someone else doesn't like, and every week we have to listen to them cry and moan because the choice they think should have been picked wasn't. Gets pretty old on this side of the fence. Idk, guys, how is it beating dead horses?

Picking a car that was run 6 months ago is one thing, but one that we had for a month, only a month ago, a bit soon, no?

On the other hand, I do enjoy that car, and course, and even if I didn't, I'd still race it. Some more variety would be nice though.
"Anyone practicing with the Go Kart?"

It would be an enjoyable break in the routine - and a challenge as well.
Learned a lot from the Kart Series - wish it had staying ability.

I don't know how to access the PSN account to see the incoming messages. I'm sure dragonwhisky will take a look when he gets home from work. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a PS3 at his desk at work to check it out.[/QUOTE]
At least we get to race the WSR on the track it should have been on in the first place, no offence to whomever picked Silverstone, it was fun there too!
FYI, I just ran about 20 laps in the WSR in a room with three of us and did a 1:26.6xx and consistent 1:27's and I'm D7. The mid-div time of 1:34 might be a bit high. That would change it to 8 laps.
Ya I was being a bit conservative there. I think after practice it will be clear what to expect.
@Schmiggz and @gotdirt410sp and anyone else wondering.

Not one member of TEAM SNAIL , from the highest, to the not so highest, is being paid a red cent to work on anything related to SNAIL. We do the jobs we do in SNAIL, because we can, and want to see those jobs done. Right or wrong, we want to see those jobs are done. SNAIL is not a service. SNAIL is a privilege.

At the moment, I am monitoring the club memberships while at work. It's troublesome, and at some point will be even more so, if NETSEC decides to block the site again. When, or if, they do that, I will be relegated to trying to monitor club traffic from my phone, or wait until I get home, as JLBowler said.

These, some think epic, TLDR posts I make during weekdays can take me hours to get done since work interupts my efforts more than frequently and sometimes those interuptions are long enough in duration that I get logged out of GTPlanet entirely and some, or all, of whatever post I'm working on (like this one, which I'm actually finishing up off the clock) is lost. Thank goodness for the auto-save draft feature @Jordan had built in to this version of :gtplanet::cheers:. It's saved my sanity more times than once. I suppose I could save this as a draft now and finish it at home, but, once I get there, I have other things to do and may not get back to doing SNAIL stuff until late tonight. At any rate, while it may appear to some that I lurk about generating epic posts for the edification of Snails, I am not at your beck and call. I will also not battle with laziness to help. Ignorance is curable.

Now, on to curing some ignorance;

I just went through all the messages, member and invite list and can find no evidence of messages from a Schmiggz or a gotdirt410sp, either lower case or upper. You both, and anyone else (@tezgm99 ) needing to send a message, need to log in here https://www.gran-turismo.com/us/ , click the Community button in the upper right of the window and enter your PSN ID credentials. On the My Page screen click the Public Profile Settings button. Make sure your Messaging with Non-Friends is checked as shown in the picture below.

After you check the box, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Change Settings button.
This setting can also be changed on the PS3 in the GT6 game's Community Profile page.

The reason I'm asking those players (who had invites fail) to send a GT6 Community message is so I can accurately enter their PSN ID in the invite without having to guess if an I is an l or another character is upper or lower case. Once that is correct, the only other reason I know of for an invite failure is that setting pictured above. There may be others I am unaware of however.

I'm not sure how the others who's invites first failed, managed to send a message to the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club under the SNAIL_SpecRacing PSN account but, 6 of them have managed to do so and have joined the Club. @Mike Lobban 's registered SNAIL PSN is completely different than what we were able to get joined up to the club, but, he managed to get a message through and I was able to successfully invite using the PSN ID from that message, and he was able to successfully join.

On the website linked above, here is what it looks like to join a club. I'm using pictures from the RCS club that I just joined using the website interface, since I am 15 miles away from my PS3.


This picture shows the invite from Grim in the Messages area.


This picture shows what I clicked on, once I opened the message, to go to the Club's page.


This picture shows the Join Club button I will click to join the RCS club.


This picture shows the dialogue box after clicking the Join Club button. After clicking OK here you should get a Success or Failure message.

This interface can be reached with almost any browser on any PC, tablet or smartphone. The only device I haven't tried it on yet is my Kindle Fire.

Clicking that Join Club button and OK in the confirmation dialogue boxes that follow, completes your membership entry to any club.

So, now I'm off to go home and set forth on those tasks my wife has set for me to do, in support of the holiday celebrations, try and mix in getting some SNAIL Steward stuff done, and maybe, just maybe, run some of those Club Time Trials before 3 in the morning and getting 3 hours of sleep before I have to get up and get back to whatever else the next day holds.

I honestly don't know how the folks who had invites fail got their messages to SNAIL [Spec] Racing. Since I plan to remain ignorant in that regard, others will have to approach them to find out how they did it. Might take some reading.

Until my next TLDR post, which is likely to be the Steward Summary, later.
If it's O.K., I'd like to put up the Miata book up for a SHELLS auction.
Rules would be if there are no bids for 24hrs. after three days(Thurs.) bids would be closed.
Winner PM"s their address and in the mail its goes.
Good luck

I'd like to thank @sprintr64 for putting these books up for auction. I got them today and they are really great, and like new to boot! :cheers:

Miata books.JPG
I just successfully sent club invites to @Schmiggz and @tezgm99 from the website. They should be able to join now. These two happened to be on my friends list on PSN so I was able to look up the correct spelling of their PSN ID's and send the invite. I tried @gotdirt410sp with all capital letters and it didn't work. If you have not clicked on the community tab in the game or on the website, you're not going to be able to receive an invite. This is not something you did long ago when you made up your name. This is something you have to have done since the community features launched.
I just successfully sent club invites to @Schmiggz and @tezgm99 from the website. They should be able to join now. These two happened to be on my friends list on PSN so I was able to look up the correct spelling of their PSN ID's and send the invite. I tried @gotdirt410sp with all capital letters and it didn't work. If you have not clicked on the community tab in the game or on the website, you're not going to be able to receive an invite. This is not something you did long ago when you made up your name. This is something you have to have done since the community features launched.

I don't know why it didn't work last night then as I have both boxes about non-friends list people checked since it wouldn't let me send anything without checking one so I just ticked both. I am looking at my gt-us page as DW mentions above and both are still ticked :confused:
At least we get to race the WSR on the track it should have been on in the first place, no offence to whomever picked Silverstone, it was fun there too!

I froze Silverstone when the Chevy Corvette Race Car was raced there. WSR was picked to replace the car.
We just practiced for some pics. But I have a proposition for SNAIL since this new amazing feature was discovered.

We can use this for banners and/or @Rednose58 for your line-up posts that have the cars at the bottom. Here's how they look in my colors. They'd have to be made a lot smaller though but that's no issue, just a shrink in Paint.
As nice as those are, it's cool to see the cars in motion and at the track they'll be raced at. Also, @GamingPete likes to have the car cover the right part of the image. Shrinking those down leaves no part of the image on the left side for the bg. It would look kind of boring to fade to black behind the track map and text.
We just practiced for some pics. But I have a proposition for SNAIL since this new amazing feature was discovered.


We can use this for banners and/or @Rednose58 for your line-up posts that have the cars at the bottom. Here's how they look in my colors. They'd have to be made a lot smaller though but that's no issue, just a shrink in Paint. Examples:




Good suggestion, but me and my PS3 don't get to hug before Thursday evenings usually, which would be too late.
We just practiced for some pics. But I have a proposition for SNAIL since this new amazing feature was discovered.


We can use this for banners and/or @Rednose58 for your line-up posts that have the cars at the bottom. Here's how they look in my colors. They'd have to be made a lot smaller though but that's no issue, just a shrink in Paint. Examples:




B o r i n g ! ! !
What fun is in that?

Don't you prefer this?

By the way.. thank you for the replay and being my model!

@DesertPenguin09 and my lapping with a DS3 ( it was HORRIBLE and not fun )

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s_1 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s_2 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s_3 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s_5 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s_6 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Brands Hatch Grand Prix Circuit '80s_7 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

City of Arts and Sciences - Night by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

City of Arts and Sciences - Night_1 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr
We just practiced for some pics. But I have a proposition for SNAIL since this new amazing feature was discovered.


We can use this for banners and/or @Rednose58 for your line-up posts that have the cars at the bottom. Here's how they look in my colors. They'd have to be made a lot smaller though but that's no issue, just a shrink in Paint. Examples:



FYI That looks just like my car. But I don't care.
View attachment 262041

SNAIL will be moving to Club Lobby rooms for racing conducted on 30 November 2014 and beyond.

Friend requests are unnecessary and will not be accepted by the SNAIL_SpecRacing account.

Current member count is at 94, with 175 invites attempted, 152 invite messages successfully sent, 23 invites failed to send, making an 87% invite success rate, putting Phase II at 54% complete.

View attachment 262708
all divisions are as of November 2014
The following drivers need to send the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club (PSN ID SNAIL_SpecRacing) a message through GT6 Community messaging to receive their invites and be able to race;

A_K_AJay7 / @A_K_AJay7
dangerzone641 / @dangerzone641
Hydromatos22 / @Matt Sierras
Juicybeans916 / @juicybeans916
Klutch-D / @K1utch
Schmedracer / @Vegasracer
Ace_a_Spadez / @xACE58x
racefan78 / @racefan78
Schmiggz / @Schmiggz
turbo91stdcivic / @Turbo91stdcivic
Zspark / @Zspark23
Drrgreenthumb67 / @Drgreenthumb977
gotdirt410sp / @gotdirt410sp still unable to send invite.
zii1993 / @Zii1993
MCR-Toretto / @KalvinWilliam
Vinnybear-O1 / @mopar440
Draxom84 / @ESettlemyer
FBR_Steve / @FBR_Steve
Glowplug007 / @Glowplug007
Mr_Smile / @FSportIS
Rangerlife / @Rangerlife
Ronwill73 / @Ron Williams
tezgm99 / @tezgm99

Ch11chcftzp / @Mike Lobban got GT6 msg from PSN lobbanmike and invited.

The following drivers have invites pending and must accept those invites by finding and clicking the Join Club button before they will be able to race;

GumballCGT / @GumballCGT
juice1484 / @lomuchacho
martin20az / @martin20az
Nic-KL / @Nicktune
redsoxboy80 / @redsoxboy80
WestRoadZ / @WestRoadZ
GTXf_Flat6fun / @GTXf_Flat6fun
Kgffy28 / @Kgffy invite sent to kgffty
kotobin / @bucci
kross_24 / @Kross24
TheNoseKnows__ / @noseknows36
xXl_R-rated_lXx / @R rated
DrKronin / @DrKronin
faciar / @faciar
GTP_Patrick1 / @GTP_Patrick1
GTP_Vertigo / @GTP_Vertigo
OGR_ROCKSTAR86 / @rockstar95
oharagbr19 / @oharagbr19
Roman_SPQR / @Roman_SPQR
serge_1919 / @serge19
Unleashed159 / @GTP_unleashed
Volcoman3 / @kadrek
alienunleashed25 / @alienracing
bezerker34 / @bezerker34
djhedges / @djhedges
EvoSpec10 / @EvoSpecX
JJLopez_427 / @JJLopez427
lfarris3 / @ATLskydiver
whatbadgerseat / @whatbadgerseat
DeathToll_619 / @Master Uafoo
gofaster2013 / @RedLine73
MaDDstAR116 / @Madstar116
MareckX / @MareckX
reigninblood1975 / @reigninblood
SALTIRE_RCN_03 / @GTD_druid
ShrumpRacer86 / @Rockhound18
ThE_MaX_GaMeR_89 / @ThE_MaX_GaMeR
akira8654 / @akira86
dexxy / @dexatron
H220965 / @HugoNout
jay-c2000 / @Jayc2k
TomMang_68 / @TomMang_68
awsisme / @awsisme
brendan7_ / @brendan7_
C3boo / @Craig B
D1_driver_83 / @D1_Driver_83
Oog_42 / @jamilla
PlatinumRolex / @PlatinumRolex
RustyGunzz / @RustyGunzz
chickensmasher15 / @chickensmashr
flesxruoyxllik / @flesxruoyxllik
thatguyyouknoe / @Shoop01
Yaaay D 6....great lead....