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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Oh my, that Gt arena combo.... I do like it, but I wonder if people are patient enough for it. I feel there are 2 areas to pass, before and after the last set of chicanes. In the first you have to be aggressive and really get your nose in there, the second the start/finish straight being to more cautious and less nerve racking place. But it is harder to pass there with the low HP and wide corner. Hopefully Sunday is clean. BTW. Lap traffic. Don't race the people lapping you. We got a few cars deep into the back pack and I was in 5th. One guy changed lines and allowed easy clean passes, others didn't. Don't be an other on race day.
Oh my, that Gt arena combo.... I do like it, but I wonder if people are patient enough for it. I feel there are 2 areas to pass, before and after the last set of chicanes. In the first you have to be aggressive and really get your nose in there, the second the start/finish straight being to more cautious and less nerve racking place. But it is harder to pass there with the low HP and wide corner. Hopefully Sunday is clean. BTW. Lap traffic. Don't race the people lapping you. We got a few cars deep into the back pack and I was in 5th. One guy changed lines and allowed easy clean passes, others didn't. Don't be an other on race day.
In other words, that combo sucks! And JL put a lot of thought into it... Imagine if he didn't!
Oh my, that Gt arena combo.... I do like it, but I wonder if people are patient enough for it. I feel there are 2 areas to pass, before and after the last set of chicanes. In the first you have to be aggressive and really get your nose in there, the second the start/finish straight being to more cautious and less nerve racking place. But it is harder to pass there with the low HP and wide corner. Hopefully Sunday is clean. BTW. Lap traffic. Don't race the people lapping you. We got a few cars deep into the back pack and I was in 5th. One guy changed lines and allowed easy clean passes, others didn't. Don't be an other on race day.

I found the first corner a good passing place, providing you've set yourself up along the inside. Got a couple of people there. I also made a pass that started from "the 'T' part of the track going into the 'G' part of the track" and ended at turn 1. 6 turns to get past. Was actually really good fun.

You get some start in those cappuccino's eh? Flying! Haha. Still, it is fun.

Oh, and thanks to @nmcp1, stole your line through the first corner and knocked a massive 0.1 second(s?) off my best! Happy days.
I like the track, but it needs a slightly more powerful yet just as agile car to better take advantage or other's mistakes. Like the Elise Race Car around Turn 3/4 at Twin Ring Motegi Road Course.
When i was being lapped during the first race at the GT arena, i went over to the left side of each turn to make the leader and drivers behind the leader that much easier to pass me since i was already a lap down. Patience is key yes at a track like GT Arena.
I find that to be quite an accurate assessment of the racing that I had in my testing. Patience is an absolute requirement. Two places to make a pass might not seem like much but over 20 laps it translates into 40 places to make a pass over the course of the race. The cars being lapped will have to be courteous and respectful as the leaders come around.

If you're a driver and you don't posses the aforementioned skills and attitudes, you're probably not going to like the racing that this combo will produce. I feel the majority of drivers here do have patience, will be courteous, and will show respect for their fellow drivers. The issues will lie with those that don't have any patience, don't know how to be courteous, and don't show a lot of respect for their fellow drivers. I guess the rest of us can hope that they don't show up or just rage quit in the middle of the first race.
So I went into practice tonight knowing my lap times, which are quite good if everyone's been honest with their fastest. In a field of 16 I think I was hit 10 times in the first lap. The first guy pushed me off line and nobody was going to concede. Once that happens, you might get four positions back, if you're lucky. I hope race night is cleaner, when egos are a little less threatened.

Edit: Nobby, I watched the replay and you were squeaky clean around me, thank you!
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In other words, that combo sucks! And JL put a lot of thought into it... Imagine if he didn't!
No, I didn't say that and don't believe it. My experience matches what bowler is hinting at, the people complaining, are the impatient ones that sucked on the course. I find it enjoyable. The racing was pretty much bumper to bumper and you actually have to properly setup a pass to execute it. You can't be lazy, either passing or being the passed. You gotta keep situational awareness at all times. I feel this combo separates the racers from the Sunday drivers.
No, I didn't say that and don't believe it. My experience matches what bowler is hinting at, the people complaining, are the impatient ones that sucked on the course. I find it enjoyable. The racing was pretty much bumper to bumper and you actually have to properly setup a pass to execute it. You can't be lazy, either passing or being the passed. You gotta keep situational awareness at all times. I feel this combo separates the racers from the Sunday drivers.
Sorry rally but I have to disagree, that is the most boring "racing" I have ever taken part in. I think the combo sucks.
No, I didn't say that and don't believe it. My experience matches what bowler is hinting at, the people complaining, are the impatient ones that sucked on the course. I find it enjoyable. The racing was pretty much bumper to bumper and you actually have to properly setup a pass to execute it. You can't be lazy, either passing or being the passed. You gotta keep situational awareness at all times. I feel this combo separates the racers from the Sunday drivers.
Yeah, if I do some laps with lower division guys, I might be lucky enough to pass one or two but Sunday, they will all be D4, all same skill level, follow the leader, leader, leader.
Say what you want rally. This combo was just a sad idea.
Yeah, if I do some laps with lower division guys, I might be lucky enough to pass one or two but Sunday, they will all be D4, all same skill level, follow the leader, leader, leader.
Say what you want rally. This combo was just a sad idea.

I see a passing opportunity right there

Pretty sure I played house of the dead at my cousins house on dreamcast. I also watched some guy put about £10 into it at the arcade. When he had finally died and left I stuck a pound in and continued from where he was. Worst use of a pound ever. Died straight away.


View attachment 272076 View attachment 272075

These were two games I played heavily. Not met anyone else that has even heard of them. Absolute classics. Music is wonderful as well.
On a mission currently to beat all 5. 1 and 2 are top rpgs of all time
A agree, I was just going to liken the combo to chess, you aren't passing in one corner, you will need to plan out the pass several corners ahead of time. People who think they can pass the whole field in one corner are, as we are seeing, not going to enjoy this. And given who the loudest objectors are, I think the point is proven the more impatient you are the more you are going to hate this track.
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well tbh you can't really pass at all without giving up time . I was in the blue room last night with guys who were about a second and a half faster than me running almost 30s and they could barely pass me without losing time on me and having to get back into the line. I really think the winner will be determined by who gets pole the first time, and who gets to the front asap the second time

my .02
well tbh you can't really pass at all without giving up time . I was in the blue room last night with guys who were about a second and a half faster than me running almost 30s and they could barely pass me without losing time on me and having to get back into the line. I really think the winner will be determined by who gets pole the first time, and who gets to the front asap the second time

my .02

I tested this last night.... as long as you are able to hold the inside line through the course... there is NO passing even if the guy behind you plans it 3 laps ahead ... very easy to prevent any passing...

now if someone gets a nose inside and pushes through.. that is another story.
I've never complained on the thread about a combo choice and I'm not going to start now but I do think it is unfair to tar all people complaining about this combo choice as being impatient or lacking courtesy. Some of the negative comments I heard during practice last night came from extremely patient and courteous drivers. In fairness, there were also positive comments about it too. Does that mean that those drivers were automatically patient and courteous? Maybe, maybe not.

Not so long ago I remember some prize winner receiving advice from JLBowler when he told him to pick whatever car he liked and a track on which it is easy to pass. I thought that was very good advice and between that and the fact that he so bitterly complained about a combo where the car was stable and passing was difficult it just seems ironic that this latest combo choice would be so restrictive and with a combined 40 laps it is certainly true that patience will be key.

That's all. Congratulations are due for winning Prize A in a very competitive Div3 and I firmly believe the winner should be able to pick what he likes but when such a controversial choice is made there is bound to be some flak, particularly if the person making the pick is prone to the odd bit of serious combo criticism himself.

Roll on Sunday. It will certainly be an interesting night of contrasting races.
I just ran a few laps with the cappuccino while sipping coffee and I gotta say it was pretty fun. Got a 34.4 after I lowered the ffb :lol: Whole lot of turning involved :lol: Now time to give the other two a go.
All I gotta say is that its a good thing that I am not likely to win a prize a. People will really hate my choice. Lets just say, its all in the name...

Lessen, is it a surprise then that Monaco is one of my favorite tracks?
I think the reason I like it so much is that it reminds me of a rallyx event. Small track In an arena. Some of the rally cars would be a lot of fun to throw around the track.
That is a well though out opinion. I have a differing opinion about passing. When I tested this with 10 cars on track, passing was not all that difficult. It was not immediate in nature but there are places to set up and make a pass if you know what you're doing. I was racing with a group of guys that I have been racing with since the days of GT5p and we swapped positions on a regular basis. We were able to run side by side for entire laps and lose less than a second to someone running by themselves. We had to work our passes and a few guys were able to make up six and seven spots in one race. Our little group is pretty evenly matched, probably the equal to one and a half divisions in the middle of SNAIL for a spread between all of us.

As for my advice about picking a car you like and a track which is easy to pass. Based on my testing, I did that. Maybe I overestimated the ability of this group in comparison to this other group of clean, respectful, patient drivers.

Explain to me how this is not a derogatory remark against "other" SNAIL members? I thought we had rules in this Thread... or don't they apply to everyone?

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