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  • Thread starter zer05ive
@brntguy I'm watching your video of C3 R1 and the conversation your having with your friend. You should come out for friday nights tire ware is on fast! We race again in 2 weeks. I'm sure the guys would love the publicity.
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D6 data complete, below is the data summary. This is my first attempt, that's why it looks lopsided. :odd: Give it time and I'll get it sorted out. It may look familiar as I borrowed the general layout from @msgt-sd

Cleanliness in your verbal and textual behavior, especially in a Sunday Race lobby, matters just as much. If you're unwilling to file IRs then you're as big a part of the problem as those that don't race clean, or at least without sportsmanship. If you're moaning and groaning here, in your division convo or in the race room, and not filing IR's, you're wasting your time and everyone else's. If you truly are one of the cleanest drivers in SNAIL and can stand your sportsmanship and driving up against the absolute best, then you shouldn't have a problem holding others up to that standard and helping SNAIL maintain those standards across the league.

You're right with a lot of what you said and I agree to a point. The problem is when people don't follow the track rules and I keep being cost position in one race after position in a different race it tends to get extremely frustrating, thus I start caring less about the mic rules. It might not be the right thing to do, but that is how I start to feel about it.
You're right with a lot of what you said and I agree to a point. The problem is when people don't follow the track rules and I keep being cost position in one race after position in a different race it tends to get extremely frustrating, thus I start caring less about the mic rules. It might not be the right thing to do, but that is how I start to feel about it.
Bong your bad night started when you got moved down 2 divisions. You came in with a bad attitude and carried on threw the night until you finally had enough!
Probably the most challenging part about racing cleanly, you tend to lift off the throttle to avoid contact but in doing so open yourself up to getting pressured from the opponents behind you. Best solution there is to hold your line in hopes that the drivers behind you will lift to avoid you, or get around you. some do, some don't. You'll learn who you can trust.if there is contact from behind that's on them...that's the golden rule.

Sometimes you may have to submit an IR from time to time. If guys are taking this racing league seriously, they will probably avoid contact with you in the future. However, alternatively, refusing to submit an IR has it's consequences too. Its like condoning that behavior to continue.

That's just how i see it. I don't think you should quit @TBongX .For what it's worth, I consider you to be clean driver and do enjoy racing with you. Hang in there dude.
Please pardon my ignorance of tech operations. But, having tried to view the above link numerous times and in different ways, I have come up with nothing.
Just clicking on the link is not working, for me anyway.
I'm not sure why Tex I'm having no issue loading it. The original post is on thread number 3115 look for burntguys post
Things have evolved quite a bit around here.
Just wanted to let you guys know I'm still kicking and good luck to those who are flying out tomorrow. Whatever happens across the pond, do your best and make the best out of it.

Here's what I was doing last weekend in a Ferrari F430 GT3 in preparation for something big later this year. Enjoy the screaming V8~

Things have evolved quite a bit around here.
Just wanted to let you guys know I'm still kicking and good luck to those who are flying out tomorrow. Whatever happens across the pond, do your best and make the best out of it.

Here's what I was doing last weekend in a Ferrari F430 GT3 in preparation for something big later this year. Enjoy the screaming V8~

Go Neo go......hmmm what race is coming up in China.....let me see.
Intentional Double Post

Mondays...let me see. what will we be doing later tonight...Oh I remember....

PACK RACING.....Miata and Toyarus tonight. Rome and London both ways.

Someone said that the Miata was an understeering oinker....not so...it flies.

Circuito de la Sierra nail 27.jpg

wonder who's car that is......

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