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  • Thread starter zer05ive
All Kickenit said was that TBongX is a good clean racer (which in my experience, he is), and expressed his hopes/opinion that TBong shouldn't quit. Why should he have to keep that opinion to himself?

Yes, he was upset and went over the line in chat (so file some IRs if you like), but I hope he doesn't quit...to lose good clean racers (regardless of what I/we think of them personally) degrades the whole league.
TBongX should not quit either, but I think that we need to learn from this mess up and correct it in the future. Also, did TBongX say anything mean to me?
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TBongX should not quit either, but I think that we need to learn from this mess up and correct it in the future. Also, did TBongX say anything mean to me?
You can always watch the race that @brntguy made to find out I generally don't register the banter unless something funny is said. Also overtly harsh or depending on tone of voice to see where it's going to go to tell the children to knock it off lol
You can always watch the race that @brntguy made to find out I generally don't register the banter unless something funny is said. Also overtly harsh or depending on tone of voice to see where it's going to go to tell the children to knock it off lol
I saw the replay for combo 3 race 2, chatva lost control of his car and hit the wall and TBong should have just hit the brakes; like what I would do if someone lost control of their car in a race in GT6.
It was just talked about not long ago in a very long post. All conversation and opinions about what may pertain to an IR can not be brought into the SNAIL thread or in game chats, even after the races. There's a system in place to talk about IRs.
I'm not the the that brought it up!
Sorry i didn't make it tonight guys ill on next week i made it into division 6 though hopefully ill have a great first ever race in snail come the 16th since i can't make the next one either ill be on vacation don't put me in inactive roster ill make the race on the 16th. To all you gentlemen have good clean races and have fun.
Wow, an Ariel dune buggy, get some paddles on the back and take that bad lad to Silver Lake. I wonder why Ariel is getting into that market though?
@Dragonwhisky can I have access to the Div 7 replay folder to upload the replays tried in the D7 public folder and wont work there either ? Can you help , thank you and sorry to bother you thought I would be on there already as back-up .:cheers::confused::lol:
Since you both feel the need to discuss on track or in lobby incidents in the public thread, I expect to see IR's filed by both of you. Failure to do so could result in thread penalties being given for the discussion of incidents.

O NO, IRs. The Horror! Now, I'll finally have more than one since joining S.N.A.I.L. That's funny, because I'm one of the cleanest drivers in S.N.A.I.L., but hey, that doesn't matter in S.N.A.I.L. I will not mention names,but what seems to matters most is the stupid mic rules. It's quicker to speak, than to type out of statement. It doesn't matter what division I'm wind up in, because I don't push people out of my way to get to first place, I don't make contact, then pass the person I made contact with. I don't go pushing others off the track. You really think I want to sit here and file IR after IR. I shouldn't have to do that. In the last five months or longer, I push one person off of the track TCrash a couple weeks ago, I stopped, waited and apologized after the race. I'm expected to follow the rules when it comes to the mic, I expect people to follow the track rules and be cleaner drivers! Speed isn't everything if you are ruining other people's races! It works both ways. I'm tired of the hypocriticalness when it comes to this issue. Division are made up by points and speed, but good clean driving never seems to come into play when placing for divisions, as if that doesn't matter. Cleanliness in one's race craft matters just as much. As for who blocks me I don't care, I'm not sweating it.

I'm sure that bonging out during the races isn't helping you either:dopey:

Last night was probably only the second time I have bailed during a Sunday Night Race. It's was the last race of the night. I was extremely aggravated, I had enough of the night, so I said Thanks Chat, then left, instead of talking after the race. Before leaving, someone decided to turn on his mic during the race and chime in, so I told him what he could do with that.
I don't think that I can possibly win the prize to choose the next selection on combos but if I do give it to the next racer down as of I am going to be gone on vacation Monday through Friday, adios amigos!
O NO, IRs. The Horror! Now, I'll finally have more than one since joining S.N.A.I.L. That's funny, because I'm one of the cleanest drivers in S.N.A.I.L., but hey, that doesn't matter in S.N.A.I.L. I will not mention names,but what seems to matters most is the stupid mic rules. It's quicker to speak, than to type out of statement. It doesn't matter what division I'm wind up in, because I don't push people out of my way to get to first place, I don't make contact, then pass the person I made contact with. I don't go pushing others off the track. You really think I want to sit here and file IR after IR. I shouldn't have to do that. In the last five months or longer, I push one person off of the track TCrash a couple weeks ago, I stopped, waited and apologized after the race. I'm expected to follow the rules when it comes to the mic, I expect people to follow the track rules and be cleaner drivers! Speed isn't everything if you are ruining other people's races! It works both ways. I'm tired of the hypocriticalness when it comes to this issue. Division are made up by points and speed, but good clean driving never seems to come into play when placing for divisions, as if that doesn't matter. Cleanliness in one's race craft matters just as much. As for who blocks me I don't care, I'm not sweating it.

Last night was probably only the second time I have bailed during a Sunday Night Race. It's was the last race of the night. I was extremely aggravated, I had enough of the night, so I said Thanks Chat, then left, instead of talking after the race. Before leaving, someone decided to turn on his mic during the race and chime in, so I told him what he could do with that.
O NO, IRs. The Horror! Now, I'll finally have more than one since joining S.N.A.I.L. That's funny, because I'm one of the cleanest drivers in S.N.A.I.L., but hey, that doesn't matter in S.N.A.I.L. I will not mention names,but what seems to matters most is the stupid mic rules. It's quicker to speak, than to type out of statement. It doesn't matter what division I'm wind up in, because I don't push people out of my way to get to first place, I don't make contact, then pass the person I made contact with. I don't go pushing others off the track. You really think I want to sit here and file IR after IR. I shouldn't have to do that. In the last five months or longer, I push one person off of the track TCrash a couple weeks ago, I stopped, waited and apologized after the race. I'm expected to follow the rules when it comes to the mic, I expect people to follow the track rules and be cleaner drivers! Speed isn't everything if you are ruining other people's races! It works both ways. I'm tired of the hypocriticalness when it comes to this issue. Division are made up by points and speed, but good clean driving never seems to come into play when placing for divisions, as if that doesn't matter. Cleanliness in one's race craft matters just as much. As for who blocks me I don't care, I'm not sweating it.

Last night was probably only the second time I have bailed during a Sunday Night Race. It's was the last race of the night. I was extremely aggravated, I had enough of the night, so I said Thanks Chat, then left, instead of talking after the race. Before leaving, someone decided to turn on his mic during the race and chime in, so I told him what he could do with that.
Take it from somebody who's done their fair share of b****ng over the mic in the past, for those that are also in room and not personally involved in the matter (which would easily be 8-12 other people) 8/10 times hearing the whining over the mic is just a nuisance for them that they'd rather avoid, which does nothing but take away from the overall flow of the night. IR's are there to logically assess whatever BS comes about without the involvement of others.
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O NO, IRs. The Horror! Now, I'll finally have more than one since joining S.N.A.I.L. That's funny, because I'm one of the cleanest drivers in S.N.A.I.L., but hey, that doesn't matter in S.N.A.I.L. I will not mention names,but what seems to matters most is the stupid mic rules. It's quicker to speak, than to type out of statement. It doesn't matter what division I'm wind up in, because I don't push people out of my way to get to first place, I don't make contact, then pass the person I made contact with. I don't go pushing others off the track. You really think I want to sit here and file IR after IR. I shouldn't have to do that. In the last five months or longer, I push one person off of the track TCrash a couple weeks ago, I stopped, waited and apologized after the race. I'm expected to follow the rules when it comes to the mic, I expect people to follow the track rules and be cleaner drivers! Speed isn't everything if you are ruining other people's races! It works both ways. I'm tired of the hypocriticalness when it comes to this issue. Division are made up by points and speed, but good clean driving never seems to come into play when placing for divisions, as if that doesn't matter. Cleanliness in one's race craft matters just as much. As for who blocks me I don't care, I'm not sweating it.

Last night was probably only the second time I have bailed during a Sunday Night Race. It's was the last race of the night. I was extremely aggravated, I had enough of the night, so I said Thanks Chat, then left, instead of talking after the race. Before leaving, someone decided to turn on his mic during the race and chime in, so I told him what he could do with that.

Cleanliness in your verbal and textual behavior, especially in a Sunday Race lobby, matters just as much. If you're unwilling to file IRs then you're as big a part of the problem as those that don't race clean, or at least without sportsmanship. If you're moaning and groaning here, in your division convo or in the race room, and not filing IR's, you're wasting your time and everyone else's. If you truly are one of the cleanest drivers in SNAIL and can stand your sportsmanship and driving up against the absolute best, then you shouldn't have a problem holding others up to that standard and helping SNAIL maintain those standards across the league.
I think it is best if all drivers simply mute their mics and turn off the volume on listening (aka chat). That way you are not heard to have said anything, and you cannot hear anything but your car and those cars around you.

I think NASCAR tried allowing the drivers to talk to other drivers, during a race. While it might make sense for strategy, it was soon discarded. (though I didn't hear the final explanation)

Focus on your driving, your car - what the engine/tires are telling you - and mute everything else. Yield position, even if you think you might have caused an incident - makes for better long-term racing, and removes a lot of emotions from the night. Apologize for known infractions - and own up to mistakes that are shown to you when revealed in the IR process.

No need to try and have "virtual fist fights" in the "virtual pits" - or throw helmets at the offending driver ..........etc.
Still was not able to load in the D7 folder here . but it did go in the public wc folder .It could be me doing something wrong again ,hope not sorry for the trouble .Have the files at work will try again if you need me to .THANK YOU for your help.:cheers::):):):)
Still was not able to load in the D7 folder here . but it did go in the public wc folder .It could be me doing something wrong again ,hope not sorry for the trouble .Have the files at work will try again if you need me to .THANK YOU for your help.:cheers::):):):)

Thanks. The file has been moved. In a PM, send me the email address you use to log in to google with and I'll make sure it jives with the one we have on file.
So, I just gotta ask for curiosity sake, what does the time you work too have to do with poking fun at you?