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  • Thread starter zer05ive
If you're referring to the "American" portion of our league name, please note that it only refers to where you live and not your ethnicity or nationality. It's simply to indicate that we race on Sunday nights in the American time zones and that we only want drivers from those same time zones in order to minimize lag. 👍

Nah, inside joke from last night. ;)

Pipe down pierre. Choosa une auto

I no speak english...

But I type it...

Sneaky right?

👍 excellent references Zer0. Well worth the listen, especially:

'It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.'

Front and center in my brain now, seems to have taken a back seat for me in the last couple of races.

Sounds like you guys are having some good practices. Those iRacingVideos are just perfect. You might want to put them on the home page to educate drivers. Nothing bad can come from everyone learning good racecraft. Heck I think I knew almost everything he said, but hearing it and seeing it in an instructional way really hits home. Looking forward to Sunday!

Thanks for the feedback. I've gone ahead and implemented the first video in the original post as Aaron suggested, and I'll try to figure out a way to add the other two videos eventually as well. Thanks kcheeb for typing the 'Golden Rule' verbatim. I was able to to just copy and paste it lol. Let me know what you guys think.
I wonder how being soar is going to effect my racing tonight. Man, how did I ever manage winters without a snowmobile? Oh, yeah, my old escort pony! Hope you guys had, and are still enjoying your weekends.
I wonder how being soar is going to effect my racing tonight. Man, how did I ever manage winters without a snowmobile? Oh, yeah, my old escort pony! Hope you guys had, and are still enjoying your weekends.

Speaking of racing tonight, if anyone wants access to the Googledocs we use to keep score, just post your request here. I'll send you the link to either Division1 or Division2 spreadsheet so that you can follow along as the night progresses. 👍
hey silver, I backed out and am chilling in the d1 room.

Rally, silver won't be able to join you since he doesn't have access to the D1 lounge. But since you're there already, would you mind setting up the room per based on the settings listed in the original post?

To everyone else, please be sure to clear your system cache and reboot your PS3 before entering either the Division1 lounge or my lounge for Division2. Also, if you're joining my lounge for Division2, be sure to click on the coffee cup icon. Don't click on the 'orange man' icon next to the coffee cup or you'll end up following me to the Division1 lounge.
Tried to get into the div 1 lobby around 10 cst and the game said it was full. sorry guys, didn't mean to miss the whole race... :/
I can't get back onto the PSN for some reason. Diabolic, please take over scoring for Division1

Anyone know what error 80710092 is?
D1 was great too, had some heat!
After watching the replay, I stake no claim to your issue bowler, cheeb and you had contact, that put you out of the line, I came in but had to get over a bit to keep off cheebs line, and touched you, we came off, I slowed and let you take the corner, and you got into cheebs right rear, bringing him around. I didn't touch you until after you both had stopped up in the middle of the track.
Oh man, d1 was intense up in the front, some really good racing. Just that last race. Nothing really major, a little tangle described above. It happens ya know. People just need to chill and not get so mad. Stuff happens in good, close racing.
I'm going to agree with Rally as well, although it might have looked different on bowler's screen. His car seemed to be jumping around a bit through those turns on my replay (lag). Also, I was mad at CK for what I thought was blocking from the bus stop exit to the finish line, but after watching the replay, I think he was just trying to stay in AG's draft. It just happened to coincide with my pass attempts.

I agree with Diabolic that a couple of CK's trips through the bus stop were "aggressive". The ugliest being lap 2 of the final race where he dove left dropping all 4 tires into the grass to make a pass there. In some leagues, that would be a DQ. Basically, if you haven't made the pass by the braking zone, you should suck it up and tuck in. Often, the trailing driver will arrive at the bus stop with a good bit more speed than the car in front via the draft, but even though you're faster, it's still your responsibility to pass cleanly.

Excellent racing over all, though! :)

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