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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I still feel this is a case where the "realities" experienced by Rally and Bowler's PS3's are different. I'm sure that in the replay Bowler has, Rally hit him hard. But in the replay I have, Bowler and Cheeb get together a bit and slow... Rally moves over to avoid Cheeb and barely touches Bowler.
I'll make my replacement pick shortly. I have a meeting with a real estate guy and then I can look at options.
Hells ya a Merkur, the American Ford Sierra! RWD, turbo fun! Thats the car Im actually shooting for, gonna put the Cosworth bits on it. Maybe because I was born in the 80's, I have a love for 80's cars. I currently own an 85 rx7, in my opinion, then best generation. Of the 20+ cars I've owned, 6 have been 90s or newer. This only goes for cars however. Bike, snowmobiles, quads, trucks ect all have better styling now. But Man, 80's was the decade for imports. 30's and 40's was my favorite time for American cars, 90's wasnt bad on imports, but horrid for american cars. Especially when everything got hips and bubbles.
There's nothing wrong with stating a case and even backing up an argument with a perceived viewpoint. Just make sure you guys listen to each other with an open mind so you all can have a level headed debate. We're all here to have a good time and fair clean racing. Things like this will come up and should be addressed.

I think the best way to present a case is to save the video, and then post the clip on YouTube so we will have a visual of one's argument and allows others to chime in also.
Id love to find a Laforza GT with optional supercharger but how many could possibly still be around? I'm sure no more than a few hundred were purchased as such. Id make due with a newer Prima..but the 4wd is full time in those. :(
My selection for replacement will be the track. We will keep the RX-7 and we will be running at High Speed Ring. I do have a request to go with the change. Since the lap times will be under one minute twelve seconds, is it possible to run four or even five laps at this track. Five laps would put each race right at six minutes where a three lap race would only last a little over three and a half minutes. It's just a though.
I'm with Bowler, Another lap at least with this combo. This track is going to make for some tight racing too.
I was thinking it's nice and wide, no bottleneck turns, and multiple lines through most corners. Some of the best racing I've experienced online has been at this track.
The number of laps are adjusted to keep each race under 7 minutes
:boggled: I think I read that in the rules too, sheesh.
I think most vehicles are only as reliable as their owner. Dont blame a car for an uninformed operator. There are of course exceptions to this rule, like anything with locus electronics, or rover anywhere in their name. Or anything 80's that's aluminum!
Those blocks are quite stout, and stock run 15lbs, using just a few parts off the turbo coupe tbird, and a manual boost controller, 21lbs of boost can be handled reliably. After that, then things need to be swapped and upgraded. But, hey, lets not get into the glass pack 5 spd trans that Subaru used for their wrx.
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I needed to pick up car from shop during lunch hour. Normally I go home monday to test. I'm off work just now so within a couple hours I'll have it.
I was thinking it's nice and wide, no bottleneck turns, and multiple lines through most corners. Some of the best racing I've experienced online has been at this track.

So Cote d'Azur was out then :sly:

Looking forward to it, I love dropping speed (late) at the long left before the bridge!
Bah... I wasn't trying to get anyone docked points. Just pointing out things so that we all can improve.

I'd like to pass Prize C to CK if that's alright. (I really don't need any more cars)

I know you weren't trying to get anyone docked points, but I'm a firm believer that there's no point having rules if you're not willing to enforce them. I for one am satisfied with how this was resolved. We're a very new league and were probably in need of a "teachable moment" like this. CK's mistake wasn't making that pass. He's already explained that he wasn't trying to cheat and why he did it. His mistake was not giving the positions back. Lesson learned.

lol spooble it's no big deal. next week i will just be sure to watch my entrances to the bus stop more carefully. :lol: if we can't count on our fellow racers here to point out mistakes, then who can we count on?

Well said, CK! If there's one word that describes the difference between racing in an open lobby and racing in a league, it's accountability. In an open lobby, drivers don't have to answer to anyone for their actions and they tend to not worry about their reputation since they're racing with strangers never to be seen again. In a league, having a clean driving reputation is important. I don't think anyone wants to known as a dirty driver. Also, there's a reason that the word "Intermediate" is in our league name. We'll not pro-level drivers and could all use some coaching from time to time. We'll never improve our racecraft if our mistakes aren't pointed out. Therefore, I encourage all league members to help keep each other accountable by pointing our mistakes (in a constructive and non-inflammatory way of course). Again, I think all parties involved handled the situation well. 👍

Almost forgot! CK, spooble passed Prize C to you so let me know what car you want! I can add any upgrades and paint you want as well. Just let me know exactly what you want.
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This track (we used the 86) promoted a lot of bumper to bumper racing. With a quicker car...we should be able to spread out slightly more. Aside from the first corner, whose brake point if you're drafting can be a doozy, this track should be wide enough for solid side by side fun!

PS: I do love this track! :D
Yep. This might be the fastest (not quickest, but fastest) car we'll be able to use sports soft on I reckon. Get to practicing folks! With pack racing and sports tires we're sure to have a couple "oh my &%(#&(%& farfignugen &^%%& 🤬 :banghead: ...beep.........moments out there.

I watched the replay, so here's my take on the 'situation', it's just a statement of fact nothing, more nothing less.

I was having issues with my accelerator, but my ego wouldn't let me back off, even when I should have. Bowler had position into the gentle left hander and I should have let him past but I didn't, see previous sentence. Had I, the whole thing would likely have not transpired. I didn't have a hope to keep up with him, given the accelerator issue, even without, my hands would have been full.

Sorry Bowler, lesson learned.
Yep. This might be the fastest (not quickest, but fastest) car we'll be able to use sports soft on I reckon. Get to practicing folks! With pack racing and sports tires we're sure to have a couple "oh my &%(#&(%& farfignugen &^%%& 🤬 :banghead: ...beep.........moments out there.


I just came off the track with the NSX, and umm, yep, hand full.
What are the lap times looking like with the nsx? Did a few laps with a buddy online. So far I got a 2:05:xx I know there's going to be some a lot faster than that.
I want to throw out a shameless plug for a Tuesday night series that I'm racing in. It hasn't quite taken flight, but I think it'll be fun. Basically you build and tune a car to a certain pp (tonight's is 450pp with Sports Medium tires). After each race, the fastest drivers drop down 4pp. The middle drivers stay the same. And the slower drivers gain 4pp. Everyone tweaks their parts to meet their new pp level and then the next race happens. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

The goal is tight racing regardless of how much of a robot you are. :)

Take a look:

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