Lettuce entertain yooooou.
Tom........ Dark side calling. Spot reserved, just for you. Do it man.....DO IT.
Last nights Pitts race was a blast.... Gianetto on BH Indy. Super intense butt clinching excitement into almost every corner. I never though I would be in a tuning series, 'cause I didn't understand all the tweaks and stuff Needed to compete, but with the help of all the guys, we share tunes and eventually you get the hang of what does what to the car to make it faster. It's not that hard, good for me...
Assetto Corsa, meh, good physics.......period..... Oh yeah, the preset FFB is pretty strong, but intuitive, only one adjustment tho.
C+M, I wish, lots of fun. Make DP the only mouse, better yet, make him the only cat. Learn him how to bash.

I Sure do miss pack racing, most fun ever, especially the ovals, me and DP had some epic battles, opps, wrong guy. Sorry.