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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I hope they see the criticism and work on it all. Can you turn off that blind spot indicator though?

You can save four characters by taking off the "www." part. Snailracing.org still works and leaves room if you want to put something else in like "Spec" or "Fun".

Your blind spot indicator is required to be on during the race....

We don't accept "but Mom! I didn't see him!"
I'll try to record some races tonight.

And for my DS4 bretheren:

Known Issues (10/17/2017)
Issues planned to be fixed in the next update

- An issue wherein the steering speed sensitivity when using a standard DUALSHOCK®4 is not high enough, making it hard to handle cars while oversteering and drifting (this will be addressed at a later date)

I’m unfortunately at a convention this week so no streams from me until next Wednesday. Then I need to grind a bit to get enough credits for the cars we’ll be racing.
I read on here that the single player challenges should take a total of two hours to complete. I'd be generous and say three. All that should get you some cars and I think people might select those cars as a courtesy for the starting weeks.

Is everything still priced relatively the same as in GT6?
@SAMHAIN85 Do you mind making a quick video to show how dark it makes the screen?
It only shadows a small corner of the bottom left or right of your screen, just enough to let you know someone is there. It's by default and no way to turn it off, not that i would anyway. I think it's genius :) No more hoping someone chose to turn on their side indicators,, ***cough , cough, penguin, cough***
I never turned off the side indicators in GT6, kinda liked them even. The game would benefit nicely from allowing apps like CrewChief to work as spotters but if this is what we get then so be it.
It would be cool if we could get an app so we could do a button box as well. or run telemetry stuff, digital dash, etc.
It will never happen though. GT is heavily on the game side and not the simulator side. I'm curious to see the sales numbers after a month compared to PC2 and FM7 to see where GT stands now. Personally I think it's getting outdated but only time and numbers will tell.
It will never happen though. GT is heavily on the game side and not the simulator side. I'm curious to see the sales numbers after a month compared to PC2 and FM7 to see where GT stands now. Personally I think it's getting outdated but only time and numbers will tell.
Yes, I think it was too. And maybe so did Kaz. I am thinking that is why its had such a drastic change in game direction. Either way, as you said, time and numbers will tell. I have a feeling though, this might not be the most popular GT. Mostly because it is so focused and not having deep single player mode.
Worst part about GTS? Having to turn the traction control off every time you switch cars or do a new challenge. Gawd, cant I get a universal setting?!?!

Dont forget you can also do it on the fly at the starting grid. Just cycle through the tabs when you're waiting for the green. Not sure what button you would use on wheel for it, for me its just the dpad left/right. Also helps with launches especially in some of the missions. Switch to tcs 1 on green, and once you get going flip it back to 0.
It's by default and no way to turn it off, not that i would anyway.

I think this is just a snippet of the general direction that the Gran Turismo series is taking and will continue to follow going forward. I know it's kinda like beating a dead horse, but I don't think the brand truly has any intentions on being the "most realistic" sim out there. Leading up to the release of GTS, I only guessed at what they may be trying to achieve, but now that it's out and some details are known it is certainly a much more clear picture... and NOT that any of it is a bad thing at all, just not quite what some of us who've been following the brand for nearly 20 years probably ever imagined from a series that coined itself as being "the real driving simulator". Still a good game & and good sim, just slightly off the expected path.

Personally, I would want to turn it off, but that's mostly from a simulation standpoint. But outside of that, and this is only my 2 cents, I think those kind of aids tend to be a sort of crutch. If you REALLY want to improve your racecraft and situational awareness, I say turn that stuff off and learn to race without it.
Overall, it's better. There are some steps in the right direction(from my perspective) and some in the wrong direction. The comment that I could use to best summarise the apparent overall approach is that PD is becoming more acutely aware of their greatest target market and tuning into the needs and desires of that group. Think about that for a moment; where 'we' collectively fall in a perspective of market-share, and you'll understand what I'm driving at.
So because my game was late arriving Amazon threw me a bone. They gave me a redeemable code for 10 free cars and 500,000. Plus $10 off anything from amazon and a 3month Prime membership extension at no charge. Plus the girl from Amazon (who was very nice btw ) who took my complaint said I could take her out for dinner! :dopey:
Not sure if the wife will ok that and I got to figure out a way to get to the Philippine's. LOL
Played for a few hours last night with some SNAILs. Had a lot of fun and the graphics are amazing. Theres also a really cool feature Tom had pointed out. When a car is in your blind spot, your TV screen on the side they're on will begin to darken to let you know. Nice touch! I thought my TV was on the fritz when it first happened.

One thing I'm bummed about is there is no lobby voice chat. The only way you can communicate is by lobby texts or party chat. Why they would make it harder to communicate is beyond me, hopefully it gets changed. Also the pre race timer is only like 5 seconds. I think it was 60 seconds in GT6.

Overall I can see this being a good game, but theres a few things that can be changed to make it great.

And "www.snailracing.org" fits perfectly as a lobby name. Its 19 characters out of the 20 character limit.

There’s a solution to the voice chat.

So when beta testing some games they put us in groups and we use discord.

With discord you create a server (Snail) very easy to do, then you can split smaller groups into divisions.

Once created people can download an app either on their phone, pc, you name it and put in the code to join the snail league discord chat.

In this you have the option to create admins and post important updates.

Please note that the audio quality is also very good and that this app is heavily used for gaming so it’s really nice to use for our league.

Hope the admins in this group can see this message

Not that discord isn't a solution. The main issue is having a computer next to you, with easy access to the mute feature. Further complications when you add in many of us use headsets as well.
Considering 5 and 6 had lobby voice chat, I can't imagine this game won't. I do wish they would stop selling partial games though. It's one thing when your an indie company selling a game on steam. Completely different when you are a proper studio.
Not that discord isn't a solution. The main issue is having a computer next to you, with easy access to the mute feature. Further complications when you add in many of us use headsets as well.
Considering 5 and 6 had lobby voice chat, I can't imagine this game won't. I do wish they would stop selling partial games though. It's one thing when your an indie company selling a game on steam. Completely different when you are a proper studio.

I can understand but the app is available for iOS or Android, smaller device and you can see the important updates appear right away.

The other alternative is the Playstation community app on PS4, that also has an app as well.

Discord has more administrative and flexible options making it easier for admins.

Honestly the decision is up to the admins but playing with the features and letting them know what works and what doesn’t work saves them time.

Could you not make a voice chat party for each division's room through the PS4?

With PS community app yes (another good option for our league)

After creating a PS community (Snail League)

There’s a tab for Now Playing/Community Wall/Events/Members

Up top you can invite players to join, next to it you can create a party for community members

Creating a party will work for us within PS4

But I would prefer the admins to play with these options then deciding what is the best move for the group
Isnt party chat 8 people max though? I mean its not the end of the world since we cant use mics while racing. But it would make things go a lot smoother if we could actually talk to eachother before/after races. What happens if someone gets locked up at a black screen at the start? And they cant access chat or PS menu to send a message? Really hope they fix this. First they do us dirty removing shuffle racing, now this. C'mon man
I honestly can't understand why there is no in-game chat feature. That just seems silly for a console. Maybe they were having trouble with quality (project cars 1 issue) and just decided to dump it altogether?
Isnt party chat 8 people max though? I mean its not the end of the world since we cant use mics while racing. But it would make things go a lot smoother if we could actually talk to eachother before/after races. What happens if someone gets locked up at a black screen at the start? And they cant access chat or PS menu to send a message? Really hope they fix this. First they do us dirty removing shuffle racing, now this. C'mon man

Actually yeah your right for psn it’s 8 ppl max and the psn community app isn’t all that great, within the menus and stuff I can see us using some of it but still needs work.

Best bet like I said before just using discord wish they would make a built in psn app
Played for a few hours last night with some SNAILs. Had a lot of fun and the graphics are amazing. Theres also a really cool feature Tom had pointed out. When a car is in your blind spot, your TV screen on the side they're on will begin to darken to let you know. Nice touch! I thought my TV was on the fritz when it first happened.

One thing I'm bummed about is there is no lobby voice chat. The only way you can communicate is by lobby texts or party chat. Why they would make it harder to communicate is beyond me, hopefully it gets changed. Also the pre race timer is only like 5 seconds. I think it was 60 seconds in GT6.

Overall I can see this being a good game, but theres a few things that can be changed to make it great.

And "www.snailracing.org" fits perfectly as a lobby name. Its 19 characters out of the 20 character limit.
Good call out on the lobby names! It'd be great is everyone was using the lobby names as a way to spread the word about SNAIL. snailracing.org is great, but gtplanet.net/snail works too 👍

As for screens darkening on the side when there's a car in your blind spot, it's awesome how they've found a new way to increase the immersion of the game. Speaking of that..