What are the other SNAILs using anyways?
im still up jobe, working on the lambo races, but ill do some driving with you if you want.
Still needs some finishing touches like trimming down the wood piece that is holding the wheel as well as raising the pedals a bit and getting a proper seat. But on the plus side its is a permanent setup and right next to my desk for easy access.
Here be my racin' station.
zeromisfit999I'm working on mastering the ring in the rain, can't get gold trophies to save my life haha
:@: OshawaJoe,
Ok got my F10 set up I think. Don't think I ever tuned it for anything specific. I've already got 650+ miles on it and just changed the oil. Sitting at 726HP and 878PP. Only tires I had on it were RHs so went ahead and bought RMs and RS' for it in case I want to use those. Will get some practice in tomorrow early evening just to see how I run with all 3 tire sets. I forget, will we be using one of the SNAIL lounges or open lobby?
I hadn't thought of it that way....
I did wonder a bit about how close jobyone's set up is. He might have some vision issues that require it be that close. I figured it might be impolite to ask.
Went to a lan party years ago and watched a guy that was legally blind playing bf1942, desert combat mod, and his nose was literally 1 inch from his 22 inch monitor. He was pretty good too.
jobyoneIts called being oldActually though its only a 22" and ends up being over 2 feet from me. I plan on getting a bigger monitor so I can move it back some but for now no issues. It might have been a bit closer in that shot than normal. It doubles as a second monitor for my computer so it moves a round a lot
Oshawa-JoeI'm going to try and get a few laps in later today. What time will you be on?
My psnid gives it awayDragonwhiskyJust how old are you? It's a good possibility I have you beat in that department.
Nice book collection there joby. I've read and listened to all of the dark tower series about 5 times. Even have a different psn account, Blaine.the.mono. and RA Salvatore has been a favorite since I first got into fantasy. Drizzt has an awesome story. I can't wait for book 14 of the wheel of time. Once I finish up the songs of ice and fire (aka the game of thrones, about done with the third book) I'm gonna get back into the black company again. Or more Thomas Covenant.
RallywagonNice book collection there joby. I've read and listened to all of the dark tower series about 5 times. Even have a different psn account, Blaine.the.mono. and RA Salvatore has been a favorite since I first got into fantasy. Drizzt has an awesome story. I can't wait for book 14 of the wheel of time. Once I finish up the songs of ice and fire (aka the game of thrones, about done with the third book) I'm gonna get back into the black company again. Or more Thomas Covenant.
racefan78The Dark Tower series was amazing, but I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of then ending. The first four books were absolutely flawless though.
kcheebSo you're young yet![]()
At heart yea. And I still can pass for 30not to mention I still get carded!
jobyoneI have question for all those who use headsets. What headset do to recommend? It can be wired or wireless but needs to have a mic. Thoughts on why you recommend it would be great. Budget is up to 200 but I have no problem spending much less.