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  • Thread starter zer05ive
For the second hour, I'm considering a variation of "Cat & Mouse", but again, only using the cars and tracks from that week's line-up. The cat would be the fastest car in the line-up and the mouse would be the slowest car on the line-up. Maybe we'll call that "Snail & Mouse" lol. Of course it'll probably be an epic fail, but I want to try it at least once..

Did you guys try this setup last night?
I've seen Tom and Jerry; the mouse should be much more nimble! Unless we have a lot more teams, I believe the copen should be the worst mouse used. It might also be fun (high speed crashes are more intense) to use a combination like the GT300/500 cars as cats and the Spoon CRZ as mouse or a car as quick as the Lotus Elise. ( just put the Lotus on sport tires :) )
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Ok, so, after a little looksy at my garage, and a bit of pondering, I think I will try a rules change for the touge part of the monday mayhem. Im gonna post my musing in my garage so I dont keep clogging up this thread. Please feel free to comment away in there. ALso, before the event check out the rules. I'll be updating them today to my new scheme. Which basically a tune prohibited setup now.
I've seen Tom and Jerry; the mouse should be much more nimble! Unless we have a lot more teams, I believe the copen should be the worse mouse we use. It might also be fun (high speed crashes are more intense) to use a combination like the GT300/500 cars as cats and the Spoon CRZ as mouse or a car as quick as the Lotus Elise. ( just put the Lotus on sport tires :) )

I like the idea, my only concern would be how quick is the event going to be over. The nice thing about slow mice is that by themselves, they really cant pull away from each other. So it makes team work more critical. And if someone breaks away, with that CRZ, how far are they going to be able to get before someone can put the kibosh on them.
What time do you all start your Sunday night stuff?

Raced with some of you last night, and had a good time. Usually I'm on 11:00pm-2:00am EST (GMT -5) most nights, but not sure when you all start the weekly race.

Oh I see now in reading more. Seems you all start at 10pm EST.

Do you allow late joiners?
In the case of last night....teamwork was virtually non existent. The second 500 race took over 18 minutes to complete. I'd rather have shorter races and more of them so each night there is a chance for multiple attempts by team members in each car. Put the cap on PP at 350 then and force the use of sport tires. I dont think the excitement would diminish.

And even if we did use the Spoon. I minute gap can be closed to nothing with a JGTC car in very little time. There were many times last night when the mouses were going backwards...no reasonable gap is safe before the final stretch.
Did you guys try this setup last night?

We only did regular Cat & Mouse, not the proposed Snail & Mouse. It was an absolute blast (well, especially for me cuz me in esh won in spectacular fashion at the very last moment). I may post a video of it cuz I thought it was so funny. Let's wait for the new car(s) to be announced on Monday and then try "Snail & Mouse" for the first time on Thursday.

Ok, so, after a little looksy at my garage, and a bit of pondering, I think I will try a rules change for the touge part of the monday mayhem. Im gonna post my musing in my garage so I dont keep clogging up this thread. Please feel free to comment away in there. ALso, before the event check out the rules. I'll be updating them today to my new scheme. Which basically a tune prohibited setup now.

If Monday Mayhem is a S.N.A.I.L. event, then I'd actually prefer you keep "clogging up this thread" with your musings. I want this thread to be a centralized resource for all S.N.A.I.L. events rather than forcing members to keep track of multiple threads. Also, I kinda feel like having an active thread is an important part of recruiting new members. I certainly don't mind you plugging your other thread from time to time, but I'd prefer at least all of the critical info for Monday Mayhem to be posted here as well. 👍
What time do you all start your Sunday night stuff?

Raced with some of you last night, and had a good time. Usually I'm on 11:00pm-2:00am EST (GMT -5) most nights, but not sure when you all start the weekly race.

Oh I see now in reading more. Seems you all start at 10pm EST.

Do you allow late joiners?

Infinital, thanks for racing with us last night. We do allow late joiners, but only in Division2. Depending on how late you join, it would be pretty difficult to score enough points to be promoted to Division1 anyways. However, if you did score enough points to get promoted to Division1, it's more than likely that you'd be "one and done" and back to Division2 the very next week if you didn't start on time. There's simply too much talent and close competition in Division1 to join late and expect to score enough points to remain a D1 driver.
If Monday Mayhem is a S.N.A.I.L. event, then I'd actually prefer you keep "clogging up this thread" with your musings. I want this thread to be a centralized resource for all S.N.A.I.L. events rather than forcing members to keep track of multiple threads. Also, I kinda feel like having an active thread is an important part of recruiting new members. I certainly don't mind you plugging your other thread from time to time, but I'd prefer at least all of the critical info for Monday Mayhem to be posted here as well. 👍

Ok, then in that case... I'm in the process of ironing out the details right now. once I get the formatfinished, I'll post up on here as well. then I will start some of my musings. Just to forewarn you, its a big post.
Ok, then in that case... I'm in the process of ironing out the details right now. once I get the formatfinished, I'll post up on here as well. then I will start some of my musings.

Okay, cool. Once you've done that, I'll link it to an forthcoming official schedule. That way, you can simply keep updating the post as necessary and it'll be easily accessible to all snails when they check the schedule (which will also be linked to the original post) 👍

..its a big post.

that's what she said :sly:
S.N.A.I.L. Color and number chart

This post contains the rules governing color and number choice and instructions on requesting a choice.​

While choosing a color and number combo is not required, we ask that all of our races to do so. This is done for a number of reasons. From easier driver identification to adding uniqueness in a spec race series. Here are a couple of rules, tips and instructions on submitting your choice.

The rules:
  1. The driver with a greater number of races participated in has seniority over a racer with less, giving them rights to a particular color/number.
    Tip: Have another color in mind just in case.​
  2. Any color and any combo is allowed, so long as it does not match or present a hard distinction from another driver in your division.
    Tip: Look at the divisions above and below, if you or another who is looking to be promoted and they hold seniority, be prepared to switch colors.​
  3. Please try not to duplicate numbers with another racer across the series.
  4. Please, enter a paint chip and not a general color. (IE, WC Mica Blue, as opposed to Blue) This will insure that we get the maxiumum amount of use of hues in any given color.

  1. Read the current Color/Number Chart first!
  2. First decide on a body and rim color combo.
  3. Next click HERE and fill out the form
  4. To find when your SNAIL start date, click here. Column T "SNAIL birth date"

And that's it. The most current list can be found HERE.

Updates (19Jul13): New setup and process to number and color selection starts today. Hope to make this as smooth and streamlined as I can. Look here for more updates in the near future. There are cool things in store...:sly:
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Welcome to the SNAIL Rally event.
To pay homage to America's only Special Stage rally in the snow, the Sno*Drift, Monday Mayhem will get nice and cold. Four races spanning 29.716 miles of Chamonix. the mini course comes first, east is next, the the west course followed by the Main course. The field will be set up in two classes. The first class is the WRC class. There is a horse power cap of 305. the second class is the Production class and has a horse power cap of 250. Please bring at least one car for each class.

Note: All laps are currently tentative until I get some test time in tomorrow.

The rundown:


Chamonix Mini/5
Chamonix East/4
Chamonix West/3
Chamonix Main/2


WRC Class: Any rally car available. HP: 305 Engine detuning is allowed to reach the HP cap.

Production class: Any stock, production vehicle of mass production. No race, special edition, prototype, tuned or otherwise not strictly a large volume selling vehicle. (STi and EVO are allowed.) HP: 250 Engine detuning is allowed to reach the HP cap.

The S.N.A.I.L. standard we all know and love, to include tune prohibition!

To participate, simply show up to d3 MOnday, the 21st at 10pm est, with at least 1 car for each class and a willingness to get a white wash.
And Please rememeber, this is snow and ice, while I would like to stress clean racing, it is also very slippery. Be safe, but above all, have FUN!!!
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Like I said, I had a blast last night. I might be getting a wheel soon and will likely completely restart the game if that happens. When I find out what's going to happen I'll join S.N.A.I.L. for real.

I had no problem using the old Fiat 500 for the mouse. I thought it added a real sense of hopelessness, which was a good thing, in my eyes. A reverse start for the cats would make sense, though, giving the mice a chance to jockey for position for a few minutes, first. (Though if the cats start fighting it might take until the Carousel for the twain to meet. ;) )
doing some track inspecting and touge practicing in my lounge if anyone cares to join me. feel free to send me a FR if you havent already.
Sounds like fun I'd like to join.

PSN - Infinital-NG
Time Zone - EST (GMT -5)

Both Divisions race at the same time?

Does Division 1 join one lounge and Division 2 join someone else's lounge?

One question I didn't see while reading and might have overlooked is:

Are we allowing car's to be broken in? and oil change?

Been in a few no-tuning race series and all have had different ideas. I probably did overlook it, but last night we just used the recommended garage, but not all cars will be in the recommended garage.

Looking forward to it.
Yes, division 1 is ran in the division 1 lounge, on its own separate PSN ID. and Division 2 races are ran in Zeros lounge. Cars are to be broke in (most people do the 200 mile bspec endurance race) then have the oil changed. While this isn't an actual requirement, you will want to do this to be competitive. break ins and oil changes amount generally to a 20 pp increase.
Or is it a 20hp, increase? hmh, either way, strongly suggested.
Sounds like fun I'd like to join.

PSN - Infinital-NG
Time Zone - EST (GMT -5)

Both Divisions race at the same time?

Does Division 1 join one lounge and Division 2 join someone else's lounge?

One question I didn't see while reading and might have overlooked is:

Are we allowing car's to be broken in? and oil change?

Been in a few no-tuning race series and all have had different ideas. I probably did overlook it, but last night we just used the recommended garage, but not all cars will be in the recommended garage.

Looking forward to it.

Yeah man, you can break in cars and change the oil. As for the other questions, yes to both of them.
Although I have 280+ miles on the Super Leggera, I hadnt done the engine refresh. :banghead: Its no wonder I couldnt make draft passes stick. Either way, one punch of the 'X' button and I've jumped 19HP.


Also, ran the NSX into the ground this afternoon and stuck a 1'58.264. This car is so sensitive at times that when you touch anything or let the tires slip, you settle for 1'59.5xx. ( ran about 8 of those out of 15 laps + pit stop laps)
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Dont know if anyones around, but Im putting my kiddo to bed, then I'll be doing some racing. If anyones around, I'll open up a shuffle room or something.
Hey, doughboy, Im guessing you got locked and had to drop out? anyway. Rooms closed. going drifting.