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  • Thread starter zer05ive
This spot is for the Monday Mayhem spectacular! Once I get some pics from this Mondays event, I'll make a banner.

Monday Monday Monday!!! Come on down to the GTP Thunder Dome for the Monday Mayhem Spectacular. We've got thrills, we've got chills, we've got bone shattering spills!!!

The Monday mayhem (MM) is a weekly session that is part of the S.N.A.I.L. Racing Series. The goal of MM is to give all the racers a day of fun and relaxation after a week of practice and racing. Its a two hour event starting at 10PM EST. The first hour will be a Initial D style race, ran on free run. The second hour will be Cat and Mouse. See below for more details on each race.

Hour One.
This Weeks Max PP: 430
The concept: This is the Touge Hour. The emphasis here is going to be focused on driver improvement. As such, tuning will be prohibited. Car selection is free, up to the allowed PP for the night. Only street cars can be used. No Race, tuner, or concept cars allowed. Tires will be Sports Hard or lower.
The general rules: Racers will enter the course and if not staying in the pit, move into the staging zone. The staging zone is the section of track, generally the front straight, between the finish and the start line. racers will line up either in the challenger lane or opponent lane. When lining up for your race, stay to the outer most portions of the track, to allow for the center to be a braking zone for people finishing their race. When its your turn to race, follow the staging rules below. Racers will then decide if they will be starting Head to Head (H2H, aka, grip gambler) or if they will do follow the leader style start (FTL, aka cat and mouse sudden death). In a H2H battle, both players start lined up next to each other, and both begin their race at the agreed upon time. the first one across the finish line wins. In a FTL race, the driver who is challanged picks whether they will lead or follow. The leader then will slowly begin, with the trailing car following. once the first corner is cleared (ie. the point you normally clear the apex and begin accelerating) the race is begun. The leader can either creep to this point, or sprint to this point without worry of being passed, once you have passed the apex, the race has begun. If the leader breaks a large lead (over 1.5 seconds) then they win, if the follower passes the leader, and makes it to the finish line in first place, he wins, and no other races are necessary. If both cars are lined up or there is no real gap between the racers (under 1.5 seconds), then the drivers will switch positions, and start agian. A spot after and before the last and first corners will be designated as the finish and starting lines. all the area between will be the slow down area and staging spot.
Call out system and line up system: Is just that, feel free to call someone out, maybe sunday you almost had someone and want a rematch. or you want to smoke the pants off of someone for brushing up on your car. Maybe your looking to follow someone to watch their style, so you can become a better racer. Or enjoy the challenge of good, close, one on one competition. Whatever the case, you can call out anyone in the room for a race. and anyone can call you out. If there is a lull, or people are shy, and not participating, then I hold the right to start assigning battles. Alternatively, simply entering the track and picking a lane is acceptable as well, in the case that the racer you are lined up against is racing another opponent, then hold your position until you are lined up with another racer not utilizing the CoS.
The staging zone and lining up: The staging area is the area between the designated finish line up to the starting zone. These are typically lines in the road or other such markers. This area is typically the first straight on tracks like Nurburgring 24h and custom Toscana tracks, next to the pit lane. Once you leave the pit and enter the track, you will need to either move to the inside or outside edge of the track. these are the line up zones, much like they use in drag racing. edge as possible. The challenger takes the outside lane, the opponent, the inside lane. As races progress, the lane moves towards the finish line. When it is your turn to race, keeping an eye on the map, as not to pull into the braking zone while drivers are finishing their race, execute a safe u turn, and move up to the starting line. Again, I stress, watch the map, and be sure to clear the track if you see someone finishing their race. during this time, if you have not done so already, pick your starting style, as well as your starting time, try for 20 seconds out, so you both have time to line up properly. Once you hit the agreed upon time, your free to start your race.
Finishing and winning: If your doing a H2H start, then first across the line wins. if your doing FLT, then more races are probable. In FTL, if the chasing car passes the leader, and maintains the lead across the finish line, then the follower wins. If the lead car breaks away to a sizable lead by time they finish, then the lead car wins. If both cars finish close to each other (ie. from the front bumper of the leader, to around 1 second behind) then a rematch will be in order. The Leader now becomes the follower, and the follower the leader. The race will continue like this until one of the winning conditions are met. During no time during a FTL race, are the racers allowed to pit or exit the track, rare circumstances aside, until after the race is over. Doing so will disqualify you, and give the win to your opponent. Upon finishing a race, if not in a current FTL match, quickly and safely come to a stop, then exit the track, either into the pits, or out into the lobby. from there you may call someone out, line up back in the staging area or what have you. If your are in a current FTL race, and need another round, then safely slow down to a reasonable speed (think pit lane speeds) and proceed to the start line to prepare for your next race. Racers that are finishing a FTL race, and that need to do another round, will state so as soon as possible. FTL racers moving into the next round will take precedence on the starting line. Once the series has finished, then finish as stated above.
Chase Cars: This is a option, for people to follow racers for reasons of recording races, following to watch the racers, or what have you. A chase car must first have the racers permissions to follow, will at no time attempt to race with, try to pass, or in any way interfere with a race. At all times keep a responsible distance from the racers.
This is a free run event, and people are more then welcome to sit around and watch, as well as chase racers. However, at no point is anyone to interfere with racers. if you are on the track and see a group catching you, please pull off the track to allow them to safely pass. This is a no tolerance policy. It is your responsibility to ensure you are not in the racers way. If they caught you on a two minute gap, then your obviously not going to out race them. Please pull off.
Tracks will be either of the long Nurburgring courses or custom tracks. Anyone is free to make a course so long as they are a member of S.N.A.I.L. and send me a friend request prior to Monday so I can download the course. I will be keeping a loose win loss record, but its up to you to make sure the results are accurate. These results will be posted below, and updated the day after the event. Again this is for fun, and is open to evolve.

At a glance:
No tuning Allowed. all cars are stock, except rims and paint.
Engine rebuilds and oil changes are at your discretion. Be aware you should break in your car after an engine rebuild.
Tires: Sports hard
Only aid allowed is ABS.
Damage: Heavy
Tire wear/ Fuel: On
rain/edge of track: Real
Penalties: Off
Boost: Off
Slip Stream: Weak (Tentative)

Hour Two.
The game of cat and mouse. Ran on the Nurburgring 24h, if possible, long custom tracks. The game and the rules are simple, the room is split into teams of two, with the possible odd man being the wild car. Each team of two will consist of a mouse car (a low pp car) and a cat (a super car). The purpose of the game, is to be the first team to get your mouse across the finish line. To achieve this, the cat car has free reign on the track, and is allowed to push his car, or block others. The Wild car has no team, and is able to help or hinder as they see fit. All cars will be pulled from the recommended list. Dirty, no holds barred, pin'em to the wall racing is strongly encouraged! Winner mouse becomes the wild car. The relinquished wild car driver takes the winners spot on the team, then all the team members switch cars. IE. if your in the slow car (this includes the old wild car driver, now in the slow car) you switch to the super car (this keeps any driver from getting wild car more then once), and vise versa. IE. the cat becomes the mouse, and the mouse becomes the cat!

At a glance:
No tuning allowed, as all cars are off the recommended.
Racing soft tires will be used.
Only aid allowed is ABS, set to 1.
Tire wear/Fuel: Off
Damage: Off
Tires: Race Soft
Rain/Edge of track: Real

Again this is a round of fun for us SNAILS. but as always, please follow The GTP OLR Rules, and practice good racecraft. On Monday night I will be posting the lobby number here, on the S.N.A.I.L. thread. This is a Online Lobby Event, all are welcome, however as this is a S.N.A.I.L. event, once the room has reached capacity (12 racers), non S.N.A.I.L members will be removed, from the bottom up, as necessary, to make room for other SNAILS trying to join. These events are open to evolve, so if you have an idea, shoot it at me, and we will see if we can work it in. Good Luck and good racing.

Rally, nice job on your Monday Mayhem post! I really like what you've done here. One of my favorite parts is that you've change it to a tuning-prohibited format! :D I think that change makes it compliment our other events much better. In fact, I think that your touge sessions will be a great opportunity for league members to experiment with various non-tuned cars and find ones they like and possibly choose in they ever win Prize A or Prize B.

All that combined with Cat & Mouse in the second hour will be a really exciting combo. And with Sunday night's league night cancelled due to PSN maintenance, the focus now shifts to the first ever Monday Mayhem! CAN'T WAIT!!
Like I said, I had a blast last night. I might be getting a wheel soon and will likely completely restart the game if that happens. When I find out what's going to happen I'll join S.N.A.I.L. for real.

Keep in mind that many of our drivers don't use a wheel, so please don't feel like you have to have one to join our league. If you're simply not ready to participate in our Sunday league night, you're still welcome to join us for other events in our racing series. For example, since you enjoyed Cat & Mouse with us, come back for more on Monday nights!

Sounds like fun I'd like to join.

Both Divisions race at the same time?

Does Division 1 join one lounge and Division 2 join someone else's lounge?

Are we allowing car's to be broken in? and oil change?

Thanks for your interest, and welcome to the league! I've just sent you a friend request. Please proceed to Step 2 of the instructions listed at the bottom of the original post. It looks like all of the questions you asked have been answered, but let us know if you think of any more questions or concerns.
Apmaddock, why would you want to restart the game? The cars I have tuned, and jsut straight some of the cars that I have, no way could you get me the restart my game. However. Once you do switch, and you go through the three stages of learning the wheel, (anger, cause you suck at first; curiosity, cause your starting to get it; elation, because racing with a wheel is way rad) you will never be able to race with the DS3 again.
Rally, nice job on your Monday Mayhem post! I really like what you've done here. One of my favorite parts is that you've change it to a tuning-prohibited format! :D I think that change makes it compliment our other events much better. In fact, I think that your touge sessions will be a great opportunity for league members to experiment with various non-tuned cars and find ones they like and possibly choose in they ever win Prize A or Prize B.

All that combined with Cat & Mouse in the second hour will be a really exciting combo. And with Sunday night's league night cancelled due to PSN maintenance, the focus now shifts to the first ever Monday Mayhem! CAN'T WAIT!!

Did it make sense? Looks long winded to me, but I wanted to make sure that I covered everything I could think of. Im worried about how the staging area will work. Maybe a few of us can get on a little early tomorrow and give it a test run.
I don't think I can make the 11th, but I'd like to try and make an evening with you guys.
Did it make sense? Looks long winded to me, but I wanted to make sure that I covered everything I could think of. Im worried about how the staging area will work. Maybe a few of us can get on a little early tomorrow and give it a test run.

It made as much sense to me as I could expect considering I've never done any touge racing before. I'm sure things will start to click once we're actually experiencing it firsthand. Don't worry about it not running perfectly the first time around. It only took the founders of S.N.A.I.L. the better part of a year to nail down our format, and it's still evolving!
I don't think I can make the 11th, but I'd like to try and make an evening with you guys.

Thanks for stopping by! It'd be awesome if you can make an evening during the week, but what you'll experience will vary greatly depending on which night you choose. Each day of the week will have a different host and will feature different styles of racing. I'm working on a schedule now, but I'm still trying to decide on the best way to organize it within the thread. Look out for something with more details later today.
Have you seen the calendar, not sure how much it's accessed. Might be useful as another place to find us and all the good stuff that's being done.


Wow, I never even new that existed.. but if you recall, I don't get out much.. :lol:

That calendar does seems useful though.. But as you said, who knows how much it's accessed. Regardless, it wouldn't hurt to get our events on there. I'll be sure to do that as soon as I can figure out the best way to organize everything within this thread. There are so many events being planned in our league that even I'm starting to get :boggled:.. The last thing I want is for that same feeling to happen to someone who's new to the league or just more of a casual member who doesn't keep up with the thread everyday..
A restart would allow for a smooth maturation process with the wheel. events won't be accessible...he'll have too work through the game versus hopping around.

From previous experience....don't try and have something everyday. for several months the 450 pp club did and it evolved into whomever is online make a room and we'll join. You need an off day or two like kids need recess. to much structure and numbers will drop. is saturday now the only open day?
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Apmaddock, why would you want to restart the game? The cars I have tuned, and jsut straight some of the cars that I have, no way could you get me the restart my game. However. Once you do switch, and you go through the three stages of learning the wheel, (anger, cause you suck at first; curiosity, cause your starting to get it; elation, because racing with a wheel is way rad) you will never be able to race with the DS3 again.

I'll happily respond though I fear I'll clutter this nice, concise thread. ;)

I'm going to restart if I get a wheel because I think I'd be best off relearning how to play from scratch. If I tried to learn on an established game, even with the best intentions I would surely cheat and the frustration would compound.

Also, I'm really looking forward to experiencing the whole game with the wheel, not just picking it in a nearly finished game.

I've already restarted the game a few times just on a whim. The save I have in which I've completed the most of the game (lvl 38 or so A and B spec) I'll not delete, because I've spent a lot of time tuning, racing, and so forth, but I'll save it on another account.

When I joined a S.N.A.I.L. room for a few races the other night it was with my newest game (which already has over 300 ((cheap)) cars) on an alternate account. Anyway, I much prefer using my main account and am having a blast playing purely with untuned cars.

I'll join S.N.A.I.L. whether I get a wheel or not, I just want to wait until I know what account I'm using before I bother signing up officially. ;)

Thanks for the support. See you around.
Oh, and in the meantime, you may see me hopping into a S.N.A.I.L. room just for the kicks when you're doing something unofficial.
The guys at ORCA started a spec racing series today. A bit different format, but reading their op brought out quite the feeling of deja vu. Guess they like the idea!
just read more...they are even staggering their cars lowest pp to highest and get this, at the end they vote on which combination they like. man, what a good idea. :lol:

and they have qualifying then three races the last two have reverse grid. stop me if this sounds familiar.
just read more...they are even staggering their cars lowest pp to highest and get this, at the end they vote on which combination they like. man, what a good idea. :lol:

and they have qualifying then three races the last two have reverse grid. stop me if this sounds familiar.

We should the word Original to the title :-)
the first series i ran on gtp was with several ORCA folks though the brand didn't exist yet. They're quick for sure, so I replied on their thread for giggles..maybe we can pull a few of the slower fast drivers to the ORIGINAL spec, tuning prohibited league. The days don't overlap so we'd merely be sharing. :cheers:
the first series i ran on gtp was with several ORCA folks though the brand didn't exist yet. They're quick for sure, so I replied on their thread for giggles..maybe we can pull a few of the slower fast drivers to the ORIGINAL spec, tuning prohibited league. The days don't overlap so we'd merely be sharing. :cheers:

Apmaddock, you sir, are a ninja!
IDK. I guess I just dont see the a and b spec the same. to me its just a formality. My experience is mostly online, with the occasional seasonal for the credits. I did however switch form my first account to the one I use know, which is used strictly for racing.
The guys at ORCA started a spec racing series today. A bit different format, but reading their op brought out quite the feeling of deja vu. Guess they like the idea!

just read more...they are even staggering their cars lowest pp to highest and get this, at the end they vote on which combination they like. man, what a good idea. :lol:

and they have qualifying then three races the last two have reverse grid. stop me if this sounds familiar.

Thanks for the heads up. I actually know Brandon because the Cappuccino Cup was my very first experience on gtplanet before S.N.A.I.L. got started up. In my brief stint with them, I was actually able to win one of the events, but only because Yuri had already won earlier that week. :P

Anyways, I just posted over there. Let's see what comes of it.
What's going on snails. Bummer about tonight. Oh well, at least my demotion will be put off a bit. Ha ha. I guess I'll work some more on learning to tune.
Last night I got into a room with a small group of guys. They were running imports around 480-500 I think. So I have been working on learning LSD and fwd and my car has been the focus. All mods possible done. So the room host gets the same car out. Just did, no mic action was happening. So twice my vote won and I got tracks I know very well thanks to snail actually. This dude tore me up. Now I'm certainly not discounting his driving skill, and I know I have a long way to go, but I would have to say the majority was his tune. I was always second. Like Fuji f, he was to the finish line about when I was coming out last turn onto the straight to finish. I know that track and drove well, three others well behind me. Same thing with Daytona road coarse.

So anyway, I'm so anxious to get this tunning thing down a little better. I messaged him to let me see his settings. He said he will when he has time to type it up, but he said it was just something quick he threw together. Lol. I can't read about it anymore either because the difference of opinions on here is driving me insane. I swear, it's impossible to get one straight consensus on any tunning topic. So, trying to be patient and do one thing at a time.

Anywho, maybe if there are any good snail tuners, we can have a tuning session one hour of one night. Just a thought. Pick a car and work through settings one at a time to see how things effect the car.

Okay, peace out and have a good sun night.

So anyway, I'm so anxious to get this tunning thing down a little better. I messaged him to let me see his settings. He said he will when he has time to type it up, but he said it was just something quick he threw together. Lol. I can't read about it anymore either because the difference of opinions on here is driving me insane. I swear, it's impossible to get one straight consensus on any tunning topic. So, trying to be patient and do one thing at a time.

Anywho, maybe if there are any good snail tuners, we can have a tuning session one hour of one night. Just a thought. Pick a car and work through settings one at a time to see how things effect the car.
One issue that you will run into is that there are many different styles of driving and tuning, and ways to mesh those styles, and so many opinions, that you really do just have to put in the time. However, some of the ideas are universal. Maybe before tomorrows event we can link up and I can talk you through what works for me. And if any other of our tuner members can come add there thoughts. Like racing, the best way to improve is to compete. There's tuner comps that run often in the tuner section. Most of the guys are regulars, and are quite good at critiquing a car. Very thorough. I've done a few tuning events and its helped me a lot in tuning.